Light Spirit Epic Chapter 849: Traveling in Tianyuan (2)


Chapter 849 Traveling to Tianyuan

Albert became more confused: “I don’t understand… so what?”

The werewolf tried to explain: “So, since I haven’t relied on photons to strengthen my ** from beginning to end, of course the [Bracelet of Sealing Demons] can’t seal my [Beastization].” Yan** First*..I think, probably Elaine, and the transformation of the big bad wolf, also follow the same principle.”

“So…I can also become a cheetah meow?” Seglade asked quickly.

“It’s theoretically possible. You don’t think you can change, it’s just a mental effect.” The wolf went around another boulder: “Try to concentrate, imagine how you felt when you used the lycanthropy before, you should It can break the barrier of the magic bracelet and successfully transform into a beast form.”

“That’s great, I’ll have to practice meow tonight,” said Seglade, wagging his tail.

Albert glanced at the leopard youth. In front of a tiger who couldn’t use the bestialization technique, Seglade’s words were obviously conspicuous—it deeply stabbed Albert’s heart.

“I still don’t understand…” Palamidis listened to everything quietly, and then began to ask: “What happened to the big bad wolf we saw today?

First of all, it is impossible for humans to use [Beastization], and among the more than 200 candidates who were originally selected, only we were orcs;

Secondly, he was obviously seriously injured and lost consciousness. Why hasn’t the lycanthropy been lifted? “

Silver Wolf sighed.

“Your two questions are actually the same question.”


“Although it’s just my guess…” Bedivere stretched out his front paws and grabbed the crack in front of the stone, and continued to move up: “But that guy was not human from the beginning. That big bad wolf, That’s his true form!”

“What?!” Palamedis nearly unscrewed the photon mirror from the wooden stand in his hand: “This—is it possible?!”

“At least this is a more reasonable explanation.” The wolf stretched out another paw, inserted deeply into another stone crack, and climbed up with the help of his body: “I am afraid that among the candidates we saw at first, There are a lot of strange things mixed in, right? Even the elves are here.”

“Cough cough!” The elf girl Chanel coughed dryly, as if to vent her dissatisfaction.

“The big bad wolf probably used another spell to disguise himself as a human. Um, [humanization]? I don’t know.” Bedivere guessed casually: “Or it was very powerful. Hypnosis tricked everyone around. God knows.”

It’s possible meow? “Albert was puzzled for a while. There was a big wild wolf in the group of candidates who went out with them, and the tiger people didn’t even know it.

How ironic it would be if this big bad wolf ended up being a Knight of the Round Table.

“Anyway, he finally managed to deceive everyone.” Silver Wolf continued to move up, his legs rubbed against the slippery rocks for a while, and then stopped in a very funny way Coming down——In order to stabilize his body, he made a big split, and the two wolf legs were completely separated in a straight line.

“Anyway, next time you see that wolf, you have to be careful.” Silver Wolf reminded: “Our orcs are beasts in appearance, but human in nature. But that guy is the complete opposite. No matter how the appearance changes. As a human being, his essence is a beast, a real beast.—You never know when he will pounce on you and bite your throat!”

When the silver wolf said this, everyone on the raft couldn’t help but sink.

“But looking at his injury this morning, it shouldn’t be possible to continue the exam, right?” Silver Wolf added: “The rescuers should have rescued him long ago. Anyway, in the next exam, we will not I’ll see him again.”

“Hopefully.” Palamidis muttered in his heart. He had a hunch that the big bad wolf would catch up.

Having hated the same kind. Palamidis could see that there was some kind of temperament between Bedivere and the big bad wolf. Therefore, the werewolf would hate the big bad wolf from the bottom of his heart. perhaps.

And the grudge between the two wolves will continue, in this round table trial!

Ten minutes later, the raft finally crossed the top of the cliff.

“Wow!” Bedivere finally climbed up the cliff, spread out his limbs, and gasped on the ground.

The true face of the East African Plateau is revealed to everyone.

Countless mountains and forests cover this mysterious land. The sky is often covered with dark clouds, producing countless lightning and thunder.

And among all these bizarre landscapes, the most surprising is the countless floating islands in the Great Rift Valley.

These floating islands are nothing short of a miracle of nature – they can float in mid-air without the interference of outside forces!

Meow with confidence! ‘ exclaimed Seglade.

An anti-gravity spacecraft that can fly in the sky should be familiar to people in this era.

But it is very strange that a naturally existing island can float in the air without any external force. Are these floating islands really not man-made?

“Is that a floating island?” Although Palamidis, who has a rich life experience, has long heard of these floating islands, he is still shocked by this natural scene when he sees it with his own eyes.

“Then, what’s that, the principle?” Bedivere was still panting as he climbed aboard.

“It is said to be due to the mixing of the [semperite mine] and the [light stone mine] in this area.” Palamides explained in a low voice:

“[Semperite] is a crystal ore that can store a large amount of electrical energy. If it coexists with sapphire and there is an opportunity to generate electricity in the environment] will Provide continuous power for [Guangshi].”

“And the electricity will make the light stone produce anti-gravity, hmm…” Albert looked at the photon reflector at the stern of the boat: “If we can go to those floating islands and collect Light stone and pyroxene, you don’t have to worry about the propulsion of the ship anymore, right?”

“You’d better get rid of this thought.” Bedivere took a few breaths and was able to breathe normally: “Didn’t you see those giant lightnings in the sky? Bringing the boat close to the floating island is like courting death.”

I replied gloomily. At least, he figured out the principles of those floating islands.

“Let’s not go any further.” Palamedis said, pointing to an open space that was not too lush in the distance, “Just camp there and rest, preferably away from the trees. Here’s the The weather is disturbing!”

Due to the special geographical conditions, the East African Plateau is covered with clouds for three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and there is always lightning and thunder. In a place like this, travelers have to risk their campsite being struck by lightning! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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