Light Spirit Epic Chapter 837: Escape to the Demon Marsh (13)


Chapter 837 Escape to the Magic Marsh

At the same time, in the woods of a virtual world. “You can say **the first*(..)”

The two teenagers followed Arthur, sneaking through the forest in the shadow of the trees.

“Look, that’s a little wild boar left alone. Let’s go around behind it and grab it,” Arthur said in a low voice, crouching half-squatting and tiptoeing out of the woods.

“Haha!” As he lunged, his lightsaber had already been eaten. The lightsaber pierced the boar’s **** with precision, piercing it.

Whoosh. The wild boar died like this, and several props fell on the ground.

“This is… wild boar?” Husky leaned over and looked at the props on the ground: “Could it be… edible?”

“You can eat it when you bake it.” Arthur went to retrieve the props on the ground, touched his hand, and immediately put the pork, pork skin and pork bones on the ground into the inventory: “This game The flow of time is four times that of the real world, which means that you have to eat a meal about every two hours. If you don’t eat, you will be hungry, your stamina will bottom, you will not be able to run, and your attack power will drop. “

“Oh—” Husky listened attentively. He didn’t expect that a game that was still in closed beta would even include the digestive system:”I wanted to ask Wang for a long time…why didn’t I See the blood bar? How to check the stamina and hunger?”

“I can’t check it, because that kind of thing doesn’t exist in the first place.” King Arthur’s answer greatly exceeded the expectations of the dog boy.

“What the hell?”

“Think about it, in reality, is there something that monitors your physical stamina at any time and projects it in your eyes? Obviously not.”


” Having said that, it’s worth it] This kind of thing is a ridiculous setting. If you are cut in half, you are obviously not far from death, but if your hp is not zero, you can’t die? ” /

You can continue to fight, but you lose an arm, your hp drops to zero, and the game ends abruptly?

You know how ridiculous these things are? “

“But it’s a game…”

“Because it’s a game, I can’t just let it go, just set a value and mess around.” Arthur sneered: “The goal of this [game] is to [restore reality to the greatest extent possible]. Therefore, it does not require blood The player does not need any value, and the player’s physical state is determined by the player himself.

If you’re dizzy with hunger—it’s time to find a place to sit and eat;

If you run out of breath and run out of energy, it’s time to stop and catch your breath;

If you’ve been beaten so bad, your hands and feet are broken, and you can’t hold on anymore—it’s time to run away;

—You take control of your own character’s life, not a bunch of numbers, that’s all. “

The canine boy and the leopard boy looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

This kind of ambiguous game, “relying solely on the player to judge their physical condition”, is too difficult to play, and there are too many uncertainties.

Will this kind of thing also be popular with players?

No. Perhaps, King Arthur did not intend to make the game “popular” at all.

This is not a system for play at all, this is obviously a simulation system for training soldiers.

“I have a question, Uncle Arthur—” Howl whispered, “If we die in this game… if we die, what will we be like in real life?”

“Oh, if you are stimulated by severe pain, the nerves in the body will be damaged a little – but that can be recovered, the big deal is lying in bed for a week.

And we didn’t turn on the pain sensors today, which means that injuries don’t feel pain. “

He picked up his lightsaber and cut it on his arm: “Look, it doesn’t hurt at all.”

Husky also learned to cut a shallow scar on his arm. That kind of feeling is wonderful, as if there is a flame burning, but you can’t feel the pain of the flame burn.

Did Arthur just treat Huskies and the others as children, shielding the pain from the game?

“Okay, I won’t explain too much. It’s up to you to find out the details in the battle. — Needless to say, this game is difficult, the monsters are very strong, and players can easily will die.

Carefully avoid the attack of the monsters, see clearly and then counterattack, is the iron rule of surviving in this game. “

At this moment, Hal noticed something: Uncle, who’s that meow behind you? “

“Oh, that one?” Arthur turned his head in disapproval, looking at the huge monster behind him.

“As you can see, it’s a wild boar. It tastes like pork. It’s crunchy when it’s cooked.” Arthur sneered.

The ten-foot-long giant wild boar glared at the king of knights, with angry red light in his eyes, as if he was taking out his anger at the dead knight in front of him for the killing of his child.

“At this level, is it the boss of the level?” Husky’s first reaction was this, he drew his lightsaber.

“No, how is that possible!” King Arthur laughed, “This is just the lowest level of miscellaneous soldiers.”

A giant wild boar slams into the trio. They tumbled apart, and Husky and Hal rolled to the boar’s left flank.

“Howl!” The big boar turned to stare at Arthur. King Arthur, who is well-equipped, naturally attracts more hatred than the two teenagers who are almost naked.

“Hehehehe,” Arthur raised his sword and made a provocative gesture: “Come on, let me show you what it means to defeat the strong by the weak.”

A level 1 Arthur has almost no skills available, and his stamina and vitality are the same as in reality.

In other words, he was just relying on the ** of his mere human man to fight against the giant monsters that were a few circles bigger than him. The equipment on the body can make up the gap between the two, but a discerning person can see at a glance that the gap made up by equipment is almost infinitely small, so small that it can be ignored!

“Roar!” The wild boar roared and slammed over, piercing the head of King Arthur with its extremely sharp teeth.

Arthur rolled back to the left to dodge, avoiding the fangs of the wild boar and slipping away from the monster’s charge.

The boar bumped into a smaller tree, just smash the tree in half! Its huge momentum, the screams from the broken trees, and the sawdust scattered everywhere, hitting Husky and others, were all simulated to be exactly the same as reality!

The shock of that moment made the dog boy realize that this is a good game. No matter how anti-human the game is set, if it can make the fighting force so powerful, and if it can make the sense of strike so realistic, then this game will definitely be popular among [core players].

Arthur wielded his lightsaber, giving the boar a blow just as it slammed into the tree and opened up. The lightsaber slashed a chunk out of the monster’s butt, attached to the flesh of the tail, but it wasn’t fatal.

And this game has no health settings. That is to say, if you don’t attack the key point of the wild boar to achieve a one-shot kill, no matter how much meat the player shaves from the monster, it will not die!

Arthur’s sole purpose for doing this is to anger the monster.

The angry wild boar kicked Arthur with its hind hooves, but the king of knights was not greedy for a knife. He slashed the monster with a sword and avoided him. The boar’s hind hooves couldn’t have kicked him at all!

“Ahahaha!” King Arthur laughed wildly: “Look, it’s crazy! Do you think it’s funny to watch it all the time? Why don’t you come and deal with this wild boar together?”

“Coax!” The big wild boar with red eyes twitched its head, threw away the tree that it had smashed into two pieces, and turned to look at Hal and Husky.

The leopard boy is not brave. If he saw this kind of monster in reality, he would be scared and run away. But he knew that this was just a “game”, and he became more courageous.

He drew his sword on guard, imitating King Arthur’s demonstration of seeing the monster’s movements before proceeding to the next step.

I didn’t expect Husky to do it the right way. The reckless canine boy charged up with his sword and stabbed the giant wild boar in the left eye!

“Roar!” Unexpectedly, the monster jumped back and swiftly avoided Husky’s stab!

“Oh my God, this guy can hide from the sword! He’s so tall!”

“Of course it hides, does it stand still for you to cut?” Arthur sneered and rushed up: “The real attack is used like this!”

The lightsaber in his hand swayed several times, and he stabbed out five swords with great speed!

Buzz buzz buzz! The five strikes of the lightsaber were aimed at the wild boar’s forehead, eyes, nose, and throat at the same time, and the attacks spread out in a cone shape, blocking the possibility of the wild boar dodging left and right.

In order not to be stabbed, the wild boar could only continue to jump back, but did not expect that behind him was the stump of the tree that it had knocked off in two!

The broken tree torn from the middle hit with sharp and irregular cracks. When the wild boar jumped backwards, its belly also slammed into the sharp stump!

Pop! Blood splattered everywhere, and it hurts just listening to the sound!

Wait, no blood. The **** manifestation of the game is blocked, and the “liquid” sprayed from the wild boar is transparent like clear water.

It looks so fake. ‘ Husky said immediately.

“Because you are children, you can’t see anything **** and violent, hehe.” Arthur sneered.

The belly of the wild boar in front of them was penetrated, and the whole body was “nailed” to the stake and floated in the air, which can be described as a state of being a mermaid.

But that doesn’t mean wild boars can be easily killed. It swayed its head frantically, its two pig teeth scratched around, and the pig’s hooves were constantly kicking wildly, not letting anyone approach it at all.

“What should I do?” Arthur deliberately asked the two teenagers: “There can only be two situations in this way: First, let it break free from the stump, and we will continue to fight with it;

Or, it just bleeds to death. —If the monster itself dies, players who have never attacked it will not be able to gain experience points, right?

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