Light Spirit Epic Chapter 821: The stormy waves in the dark night (7)


Chapter 821 Shocking waves in the dark night

“The small room just now is indeed some kind of special sub-space. “But **yan**first*(..)”” Shaxing looked at all this. He muttered to himself.

“What.” Arthur took a step back. After standing up, he said, “Then I just fought in a ghost castle that never existed. You must be joking with me.”

But. Everyone there knew it. What happened just now was no joke. That phantom-like door was definitely some kind of magic portal. It only appears when touched by certain conditions. It disappears when the conditions are not met.

This door has been here for decades. There are still some people with ulterior motives who deliberately arranged it in King Arthur’s bedroom. It may be difficult to verify.

“Arthur—” Greenville has arrived in a hurry with a large group of followers. She saw the burn wounds on her husband’s legs and neck. Heartache: “You need to treat those wounds now. Prevent infection.—Uh. Husky.”

“…No more barking.” From the big wolf dog back to the form of a teenager. Husky touched his chest in a panic: “The amulet that Dad gave me is gone. No.—“

He was so excited that he wanted to dash through the broken wall. I thought that I would be able to enter that strange little room again. King Arthur pulled the dog boy with one hand: “Stop. Do you want to fall to your death?”

“But. But. That’s a talisman from Pabby—” Husky spewed out tears and snot. Crying a mess.

“I will help you find it back. I and the thousand-year-old monster still have unfinished business to deal with.” Arthur said coldly. Since it can be connected through a portal. That wonderful castle must be somewhere in the world. The King of Knights vowed to find the old castle. Study the mystery hidden in it thoroughly.

“…really,” Husky whispered.

“Really.” Arthur sat cross-legged on the ground and received Greenville’s treatment: “I promise you. I will definitely get your amulet back.”

Wow. “As soon as Husky’s tense nerves relaxed. He passed out.

“It’s okay. It’s just too tired.” Greenville checked the canine boy. Let the other servants carry Husky away on a stretcher.

She turned around and continued to bandage Arthur’s right leg: “Okay — although it’s only a temporary infection prevention treatment. More chapters sooner. How about Hal.”

A servant checks the leopard boy’s breath. Shaking his head towards Greenville. Little Howl is the worst.

“It’s just that the energy (photons) has been absorbed. It doesn’t matter.” The evil star who turned into a golden armored boy grinned. Cut his own finger with a knife: “A drop of dragon blood can remedy—“

“Hey. Don’t feed him dragon’s blood.” Arthur yelled hurriedly. The power of dragon blood is not something that ordinary people can bear. Even if it was an orc.

“It’s okay. It’s just a drop of words.” Shaxing pointed his finger at the mouth of the unconscious Leopard boy. A small drop of bright red blood oozes from the wound on his finger. It becomes a perfect sphere in mid-air. More faster chapters to come. It fell straight into the slightly opened mouth of the leopard boy.

Dragon blood seeped in. Howl’s subtle breath quickly returned to stability. There seems to be no problem.

“Now—” The Fiend stood up. Facing Arthur. A sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Let’s take a step to talk. King Arthur.”

A huge drop of cold sweat dripped from Arthur’s forehead. It’s still coming.

Walk to the castle terrace. Sha Xing saw that no one else was eavesdropping. Only then did he show anger: “You are so brave. How dare you lie to me.”

“Uh. I lied to you. I don’t know anything.” Arthur pretended to be stupid.

“You’re still pretending. You said that there are big people who need to be searched urgently. It turned out that I wanted to help you find two lost little ghosts in a **** old castle. Do you know how precious my time is?”

“And yet you’re still wasting time here.” Arthur muttered.

“Shut up…” Shaxing said angrily. Then he realized that his voice was too loud. Fear of attracting strange eyes. He coughed to contain his anger: “cough. Anyway. You owe me. I will let you repay this person well.”

“Why?” The King of Knights had a bad feeling. That’s why he didn’t want to owe the Shaxingren. His tuatara friends generally don’t ask Arthur for anything. But as long as you want. It must be an intractable trouble.

The last time I helped the evil star. Introduced the battle of Elaison’s Pure Land seven years ago. In order to destroy the darkness of the dragon queen Ayaris. Arthur and they destroyed the entire planet.

What will it be this time. Just listening to the stern tone of Shaxing’s voice knew that it wasn’t a good thing. Then look at Sha Xing’s wound that never healed from beginning to end. Arthur knew that this time was more difficult than the darkness of Elyson’s Pure Land.

“I can’t say too much now. When the time is right, I will contact you again.” Sha Xing sneered: “But let me ask you a question first: do you know about [Dragon Land].”

“Dragon Continent.” King Arthur was stunned for a moment. Then he exhaled: “Oh. America?”

“That’s what you call it. Anyway—” Shaxing snorted: “I heard that your knights have explored there. Did you gain anything?”

Arthur paused again.

On the other side of this globe. The first update is also on the side of the Dark Wall. There is a new continent called the Americas.

Why is it called America. Who was named America. Its historical reasons are no longer testable.

King Arthur and his knights learned of the existence of a continent several times larger than Europe only in the libraries of Great Britain.

However, everything about this continent remains an unfathomable mystery. Its detailed information is not even recorded in the Black History Library.

Because. It was a piece of land that humans had never set foot on. A terrifying continent full of savagery. It is rampant with monsters. Various viper and scorpion venomous insects are found throughout the wilderness. Even plants are full of malice. Either with venom or full of fangs and claws. Always ready to shred their prey.

Once you set foot here. More faster chapters to come. Humans have no reason to survive. So. No one ever came back alive. to tell the truth about this terrifying wilderness.

This mysterious continent is more mysterious than the Dark Continent. Even if it’s within reach. But it’s daunting: fly any anti-gravity ship. In just over a day’s itinerary you can reach the eastern coast of the American continent. But people never want to set foot in that ghost place.

King Arthur also heard from some gossip. That continent is full of dragons.

The war between humans and dragons ended more than 5,000 years ago. The dragons are headless due to the mysterious disappearance of the Dragon Emperor Titans. The dragons, reduced to a mass of sand, have suffered a severe defeat in the battle for turf against the humans.

Most dragons have entered a period of recluse. Or find a cave by yourself to hide in. The first update or disappear forever.

And according to the grapevine. Those dragons that have disappeared are going out to find new worlds. They finally found the American continent, a magical land that human beings have never set foot on.

So. The American continent is also known as the “Dragon Continent”. In addition to a large number of terrifying monsters running rampant on the ground. A large number of more terrifying dragons danced in the air.

From the male star’s watch. This gossip in King Arthur’s hands seems to be true.

“You’re in trouble in the Land of Dragons. Right.” King Arthur asked, “Our proud little prince, Lord Shaxing, has also encountered tough opponents. Anyway. With your lizard friends. Difficulty in dealing with.”

“You don’t need to worry about my affairs. More chapters will come sooner.” Shaxing said angrily: “You haven’t answered my question yet. I ask you. How are you and your Knights of the Round Table? Have you ever explored the Dragon Land. Did you find anything?”

Arthur grunted. The answer is of course yes. Three years ago, King Arthur personally led the Knights to explore this continent. There is only one purpose. is to find the Holy Grail.

In retrospect now. That’s still a grim journey. Harshly embarrassing. Not only did they find the Holy Grail. Hundreds of lower knights were also lost. The knights below the silver knight were almost completely destroyed. And dozens of silver knights were also seriously injured. There are still people lying in the hospital. Live on life support devices.

“What can I find.—There’s nothing at all in that damned continent. It’s just more savage than wild.” King Arthur said dismissively: “And the creatures there are simply insanely huge. Even a small ant on the ground is big enough to bite off a person’s head.”

King Arthur finally came to the conclusion. in that horrible place. It is very difficult for people who do not have the strength of a golden knight or above to survive. And it also requires huge teams to set foot in this wilderness. Advance and retreat together. To ensure the survival of the knights.

The ancient Keltons never hid the Holy Grail in the Americas. because. with the strength of the ancients. It’s impossible to survive in that hellish place.

The evil star listens to Arthur’s explanation. Nodding slightly: “You have explored. That is to say. There is a general map of that continent. I have also been deeply impressed by that continent… ahem… right.”

“Yes. You can say that.” King Arthur shrugged. He almost wanted to say: I don’t want to go to that **** place a second time.

“That’s good. That’s good.” Shixing seemed satisfied. “That’s it. When the time comes. I’ll come back to you for help.”

“It’s settled. I didn’t promise anything at all.”

“Arthur. Don’t come and play with me.” The evil star gave King Arthur a white look: “I didn’t help you just now. You were lost in that old castle and waited to die. You and those two The little devil can get out of his body. It’s all thanks to Uncle Tuoben. This is such a great favor. As the king of knights, can you not repay it with your body?”

Not good. “Arthur rolled his eyes at the evil and I already have Greenville.”

“Humph. Jing will play stupid.” The evil star conjured a portal: “We will have a future.”

We’d better never see each other again. Arthur cursed inwardly. It’s not a good thing when the evil star appears. This is also one of the reasons why King Arthur has not summoned the evil star much over the years. It’s fine now. The King of Knights was forced to get into this big trouble.

As the King of Knights wonders. Xinghuilong has already rushed into the portal to leave. Just got in not long ago. He stuck his head out again. “That’s right. Say hello to Charlotte for me.”

“You still miss her.” Arthur gave Xinghuilong another look.

To hate the old for the new. For bad-tempered dragons. Shaxing this guy is really long. Lancelot’s younger sister is naturally beautiful. But it’s not enough to make the great Xinghuilong obsessed with it.

A subtle look appeared on Shining Gold’s face. He didn’t say anything. One head retracted into the portal. Just left. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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