Light Spirit Epic Chapter 780: The Curse of Twilight (3)


Chapter 780 The Curse Of The Twilight

At the same time, Vivian’s research institute, dining room. “You can say **the first*(..)”

Dinner was served, and it was a hearty meal, full of fish and meat.

There is something very discordant mixed into this big meal.

A scones that look charred black with unevenly charred corn kernels. Because the appearance of that thing was so horrible to watch, everyone couldn’t help but put a mosaic on it in their minds, and at the same time turned away and focused on the salad next to it.

“Gum.” Little Hal swallowed. These tortillas his father Palamidis made did look horrible, so horrible, Little Black Panther regretted eating them.

“Don’t eat it, you will really vomit blood, meow.” His older brother, Saifer, said worriedly: “After a strong stomach cramp, it will cause severe internal bleeding, and maybe die, meow.”

Boom! —Palamidis picked up the spoon and knocked on his son’s forehead angrily: “Damn! Don’t eat it, don’t spread rumors!”

“What my brother said is true meow. (Boom!) Ouch!” Seglade also added, of course, he was also knocked.

Seeing this, Hal hesitated as he looked at the biscuits in front of him. He didn’t want to be the first person here to die for trying dark dishes.

Just when everyone was worried about whether to eat sesame cakes, a puppy grabbed a piece of sesame cakes with its paws and said, “I’m starting the bark!”

Husky even took the lead in picking up the biscuits and biting them down!

“No!” It was too late for Arthur to stop him. The canine boy bit off a piece of the scones and swallowed it with a grunt.

“Oh god—prepare the antidote—!” Arthur picked up the little Husky and ordered: “Button his throat to induce vomiting! Where is the toilet?”

While everyone was in a mess, the canine boy licked his mouth nonchalantly: “Uh, it’s delicious? It’s so delicious, how can it be unpalatable?”

No way! ? Everyone turned their attention to the plate of freshly baked scones. This dark dish with a terrifying smell, which was baked on the outside and scorched on the inside, was actually “delicious”?

“Husky, it’s not good to lie. Remember the story Uncle told you about [the wolf is coming]?” the King of Knights wondered.

This kid Husky is probably trying to trick everyone into “taking poison” together. This prank goes a little too far.

“No, it’s really delicious.” Regardless of Arthur’s obstruction, Xiao Ha grabbed the biscuits in his hand and took a bite: “If you don’t eat this delicious food, let me eat it all. Hey.”

The kid had a greedy look on his face. It’s pure greed, not mischief. The child is very honest with his stomach. If the biscuits are not delicious, he will never eat one bite after another like this, scrambling for more.

But, really? That terrifying food like coke can be eaten, but it can’t kill people, and it’s delicious?

The crowd became even more puzzled.

Just take a bite. “Little Howl slowly stretched out his little hand and grabbed a scones.

Crack. He bit down. The scones made a crunchy sound.

Caramel flavor, sweet but not greasy, crunchy and fragrant, melts in the mouth. Although the black shape of the corn is terrible, in fact, they taste like popcorn covered with a layer of honey, combining crunchy and chewy.

“Okay—” The leopard boy hurriedly took another bite, showing the same greedy expression as Husky: “It’s delicious! It’s really delicious!”

“How could it be possible—!” Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but reach out and grab a piece of scones to try.

Incredibly delicious, spreading in the throats of everyone.

“Oh my God! I mistook sugar for salt!” exclaimed Palamidis.

This wasn’t originally what Palamides wanted, his tacos were savory.

So, this is negative to positive? He made another mistake on the basis of the unpalatable dark food, and actually came up with this kind of food. Although it doesn’t look good, it’s a real gourmet–whether or not it’ll give you a bad stomach is another matter.

“Well, it’s horrible.” Palamidis chewed the scones with a dumbfounded expression, “Our family’s ancestral corn scones were made like this! My cooking skills are beyond recognition!”

Hearing the complaints of the Leopard warriors, everyone was deeply puzzled while enjoying the dark and delicious food.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The little black panther ate quietly. Those who use that red potion seem to have something to lose.

Palamidis lost the ability to “make unpalatable dark dishes”, and in its place was this — he made something that wasn’t unpalatable.

The leopard boy’s heart sank. The power of the red potion is stronger than expected.

His father has permanently lost a “talent”. And what about him? What did Hal lose to save his father?

“Cough!” A sullen breath surged up, and the leopard boy spit out a mouthful of blood for no reason, and fell to the ground with a plop!

“Oops, it’s really poisonous!!” The crowd exclaimed and hurriedly dropped the scones in their hands, only Little Husky was still chewing.

“Hal?!” Palamides dashed over to see his son: “Are you all right? How are you feeling!?”

A deep red spread in the trousers of the leopard boy, and the blood he spat out reached an astonishing amount, and instantly a large patch of bright red appeared on the ground.

This turn of events terrified the adults and made the canine boy Husky cry.

Vivian exclaimed: “Don’t touch him! Put him on a stretcher and take him to the infirmary!!”

“Oh no, oh no!” Palamidis grabbed his son’s little hand, looked at the little Howl who kept vomiting blood, and lost his soul: “I’m sorry! Dad didn’t know it would turn out like this. —“

Arthur looked at the chaotic crowd, hugged the little Husky tightly, and whispered to the canine boy: “It’s okay, it’s okay, he’ll be fine—“

That’s not food poisoning. Arthur thought to himself. If it’s food poisoning, it’s okay, just wash your stomach and you’re done.

But that’s probably worse. Only when a person’s internal organs become messy, is it possible to spit out such a large amount of blood.

What has Little Howl been through in the past few hours?

At the same time, the Goth’s cafe, the underground operating room.

Click. Shadowwalker cut the final stitches with scissors, tied a knot, and stitched up the werewolf’s wound.

He sprayed again with a thick layer of antiseptic spray and then applied an organic gel to prevent infection and tearing of the wound.

The whole process took only half a minute. The speed at which this genius doctor sewed up the wound was so fast that it could not be seen by the naked eye. This is simply divine craftsmanship.

“That should be fine.” He stretched out his palm, approaching the werewolf’s wound. A wave of warmth came from Shadowwalker’s palm—a healing magic that helped the werewolf’s wounds heal.

“Go back and have a good rest. With the orc’s self-healing ability, you should be able to recover when you wake up tomorrow, and it will not affect your movement.” Shadowwalker said without feeling, it was a doctor who was instructing the patient. tone.

“Thanks.” Bedivere put on his shirt. He had a lot of things he wanted to ask the mysterious man in black, but now he was so tired that he didn’t have time to ask.

Furthermore, if you ask, there may not be an answer. This **** is bound to make a big circle and divert the Bedivere question.

What the werewolf cared about most was the corpse that Albert dug up from the tomb of the Holy Spirit.

It should be the corpse of a young man. Judging from the degree of decay, it should have died three or four years ago. If such a person died in the computer room of the round table system, would no one notice?

Shadowwalker claims to be looking for “the server in question” in the system, but how does it actually work? Maybe it’s the corpse you’re looking for?

Is this guy a true evil, an enemy or a friend? Albert dug up the body casually and pierced the person’s secret. Shadowwalker looked back and found that after the body was dug up, would he tear his face and kill Albert and Bedivere?

Everything is an unknown. The werewolf can only pray like this, hoping that the mysterious man in black in front of him is not an enemy. The guy’s abilities are still a mystery, and he’s been hiding his identity in the dark. If he was the enemy, Bedivere and the others would probably suffer a lot.

After wrapping the bandages, the werewolf walked out of the operating room and saw the tiger with a bandage wrapped around his waist and sat swaggeringly in the shop. A group of unfamiliar staff members have already come to recover the sleeping evil spirits outside the store, and it is estimated that the battlefield will be cleaned up soon.

“I think you owe me a lot.” Albert unceremoniously stretched out his cat’s paw when he saw Shadowwalker.

“Of course.” Shadow Walker took out a heavy purse: “This is an agreed thousand gold coins, please check.”

“Very good.” The big cat picked up the purse and counted the money, the cat’s tail was wagging wildly, and it looked like it was open to the money.

“Then, we should go too.” The werewolf always felt that this Shadow Walker was not a good thing, and it was best to avoid dealing with this guy. Once you’ve done what you need to do, run away.

“Then, that, can you return the clothes to me first?” asked the white bear man embarrassedly. He was also wearing the “transformation” he used when he was out today, that is, a loincloth that almost ran naked, and the “panda” paint all over his body. If you go back to the hotel dressed like this, you will definitely be teased by old Senezer for a long time.

“Hey, isn’t it good for you to wear this? It suits you.” The black cat was still coaxing Elaine into a prank.

“One, it’s not good at all! Give me back my clothes and clothes!” The white bear man couldn’t help laughing and laughing. !”

“You can dress like this to take the exam, I’ll give you this [barbarian suit].”

“No! Don’t!!” The white bear was even more embarrassed, jumping up and down in a hurry: “I’m not changing, I’m changing!”

Shadowwalker couldn’t help laughing: “Stop playing, Black Cat. Give him back his clothes. Give him the paint lotion by the way, and let him wash off the paint. White bear should be It looks like a white bear.”

“Hmph, it’s so boring.” The cat-eared girl went to get the clothes of the white bear and others.

Shadowwalker turned to Olin again and said, “This is your reward, I hope it’s enough.”

Compared to the heavy bag of money he gave Albert, what he stuffed Olin with was much lighter. It was a check for three thousand gold coins, from the Royal Bank of Great Britain.

Olin, who took this small piece of paper, was dumbfounded.

She was even more dumbfounded when she saw the payer on the check. Just as he was about to say something, Shadow Walker shook his head at the woman, motioning her not to say it.

Actually, the werewolf already knew that, so of course he had to continue to play stupid to avoid further trouble.

The black cat reluctantly took back everyone’s clothes, and the corners of his mouth twitched in dissatisfaction: “It’s more interesting for you to dress like this.”

“Not at all, not interesting!” Elaine snatched back his bag of clothes in distress. Today is probably the most perverted day in his life.

“Hey, those suits are also given to you. If you are interested, you can [transform] at any time! Come on, [Giant Sword Panda], this bottle of transformation paint is also given to you, keep it. “

What is the transforming paint, it’s actually a bottle of black spray paint.

“I, I’ll never use it in my life, and I won’t use it again!” the white bear man said angrily, but he couldn’t help the temptation and reached out and took the bottle of spray paint. Someone gave you something, why not? Want and have no loss. Even the idiot Elaine knows this.

“Okay, it’s time for us to go back.” Olin collected the check and walked out with a fresh look on her face. Just before she left the store, she used a tree seed to open a portal.

The werewolf followed everyone calmly back through the portal, so as not to cause any trouble.

But when he walked past Shadowwalker, the man suddenly answered: “That’s weird. Have I performed surgery on you before?”


“You have dozens of surgically sutured scars on your body, which seem to have been left from seven years ago. And that suture technique is my technique.”

Bediver was silent for a while.

“That’s weird. I’ve done such a large-scale operation for someone else, I should remember it. Why don’t I remember it at all?”

By this time, the werewolf had completely identified the mysterious black man in front of him.

Although Bedivere doesn’t know this person very well, the werewolf still knows this person’s character.

This person is still worth There were only two kinds of people who had dealt with King Arthur back then: one was good, they almost all became the subordinates of the king of knights; the other was bad, they almost All were killed.

“You don’t need to look into it.” So the werewolf said with disapproval: “Just as you have a lot of things to hide from us, I also have things to hide from you. We are finished, keep a distance from each other.

Also, stop cheating on Elaine. That child is too simple, and it’s pathetic to be used as a tool by you all the time. —Don’t overdo it, Constantine. “

As soon as these words came out, Shadow Walker was stunned as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer on the forehead. He didn’t even understand how the other party could see through his identity. He never took off his mask the whole time!

Unless, the other party has known him from a long time ago and is very familiar with his business. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Bedivere to see through the identity of Constantine, the Knight of the Round Table!

The werewolf smiled contemptuously, leaving the stunned Constantine and jumping into the portal. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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