Light Spirit Epic Chapter 776: Explore in the Temple (14)


Chapter 776 Exploring the Temple

Albert couldn’t have fainted from vomiting blood for no reason. “But **yan**first*(..)” He must have hit some kind of trick.

Is it magic. Do not. Magic has a trajectory to speak of. From caster to recipient. The subject will only take damage if they are hit. There is no reason to suddenly vomit blood and die without hitting anything.

Is this a curse? Is it the Holy Spirits…or the evil spirits of some sort.

“Tsk. There’s no other way. I have to run away first.” Shadowwalker carried Elaine. Grabbing Bedivere with one hand: “Go.”

A black membrane enveloped the crowd. When the werewolf came back to his senses. They were already in the original apple grove.

“Cough. Cough.” Albert’s physical condition was not impressive. He vomited some more blood. Life is like a candle in the wind.

“What. What should I do…” The werewolf was really panicked: “You have to. You have to think of a way. Rescue Ai….The Tiger of Soying.”

“No way. This curse is too strong. The erosion of the body is about to become like this. The first update may not be able to save it.” ——“

He points **** on Albert’s temple.

Al’s pale face eased temporarily. It doesn’t seem so uncomfortable.

“I blocked his pain. It’s the same effect as general anesthesia. He won’t feel bad for ten hours…but that’s about it. Look at him. I’m afraid he won’t survive tonight. I I’m sorry.”

“Don’t tell me I’m sorry.” The werewolf was really angry: “You actually took us to such a dangerous place to die. Do you have such a trick to hurt your friends?”

Shadowwalker froze for a moment. Then he shrugged disapprovingly: “I can’t cheat you. I’ve already said it. The task is to avoid causing a commotion as much as possible. You can’t call your companions by their names. What I’ve told you before. Have you abide by it?”

Bedivere was completely stabbed by the remark. Couldn’t answer for a while.

It’s him. Forced Tiger to answer his question. That’s what caused this quarrel. It’s him. Accidentally called out Albert’s full name. That caused the tiger to be cursed.

It’s all Bedivere’s fault.

The werewolf only felt dizzy. He sat down on the ground. Let the fallen leaves on the ground hurt his ass. At the same time, there were words that no one could understand.

“Um…it hurts…” Elaine also woke up. Covering his head and getting up: “What. What’s going on.”

He looks at the unconscious tiger. Look at the dazed werewolf. Even the stupid white bear can see that something is wrong.

“Greatsword Panda… Your friend is under a curse. I’m afraid he can’t be saved,” whispered the Shadow Walker.

“What. What…” The white bear looked at the dying Albert. Panicked: “What. How can this be like this. Please help. Help him.”

Shadowwalker does not speak. If it can be saved. He had already started to rescue.

But actually. Even he didn’t know the nature of the [curse]. Things you don’t know about yourself. What about rescue.

“Please,” Elaine continued to plead. “You are so smart. Smart. You will definitely think of a way. Again. Think harder.”

(Just because I can’t think of it. People are confused.)

Shadowwalker is even more helpless.

“Shadowwalker.” The white bear was anxious. “Do. Do something. Better than nothing. Do nothing. He really is my friend. Friend. You don’t save. Save him. I’ll break with you. Break with.”

The always gentle polar bear. He even used the word [break-up]. He was serious this time.

I’m sorry—“

“Really break up.. Break up..” Elaine was still there, yelling.

In desperation. Shadowwalker sighed, “Follow me. I can’t promise to cure him. But I’ll try to cut open his body first. See what’s going on inside him.

About this curse. I already have several hypotheses. Maybe this curse is really what I imagined it to be. There was some kind of influence in his body. If this effect can be eliminated. Then he should be saved. “

Bediver, who was in depression, raised his head and looked at the other party: “You can really save him. Please. Please save him.”

“Let’s get out of here first. All right.” The Shadow Walker opens a portal made up of tree branches. Jump into it.

Same time. Vivian’s Institute.

Three kittens hug their dad after crying for a while. It was Vivienne’s turn to cry while holding her husband.

Arthur sat beside him. Watching the couple cuddle with each other. Couldn’t help but feel funny.

“I’ve never seen my mother cry, meow.” Little Howl whispered.

“Now you see it.” The King of Knights took a sip from the teacup: “Yeah. This black tea is brewed well.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment, Meow.” Seglyde’s tear-filled face was filled with indescribable happiness.

“That’s great. You can be together as a family from now on.” King Arthur said nothing. He asked tentatively, “Just don’t take part in the trials of the Knights of the Round Table. How about spending some time with your parents.”

“This…forgive my fate, meow.” Saifer said firmly: “I must pass this year. Become a knight of the round table meow. Now that my father wakes up, we should work harder. Shame on me.”

(It always feels like this is putting the cart before the horse.)

The King of Knights wondered for a moment. But he thought to himself. This is the matter of the two blue leopards themselves. Others should not be too concerned. I’m ashamed to say anything more.

“Your Majesty.” Palamidis seemed to have hugged Vivien well enough. Only then did he come over and salute the King of Knights: “My subordinate is back. I’m sorry. I asked you to wait for so many years.”

“You stopped Morgan and her Order. You did a noble thing.” King Arthur looked at Palamides, who was still covered in blood. Calmly said: “It’s too late for me to appreciate you. How can I blame you. — Palamides. From today. I officially make you a Knight of the Round Table. Please serve Great Britain.”

“Wh. More sooner chapters to come. What—“The big cat seemed to be stabbed: “Knights of the Round Table…?”

“Yes. Knights of the Round Table.” King Arthur looked at Palamidis’s hilariously serious cat face. Almost wanted to laugh. But he still managed to hold back a laugh. He pretended to be serious and said, “Generally speaking, the Knights of the Round Table need to pass a rigorous test to be banned. But well. You are different. The test for you. It was completed seven years ago. You are like this. Excellent fighter. Definitely qualified for the job of the Knights of the Round Table.”

It is said so. The leopard warrior was even more puzzled.

“Are you still dissatisfied?” King Arthur saw Palamidis’ doubts. ask out loud.

“…The subordinate said this. Your Majesty is not angry.”

“Don’t be angry. Speak.”

“Then…” The big cat still looked very uneasy: “I’ve been petrified for so many years. My skills have become a lot slower. Like this…”

He tries to reach out and hold the cup in front of him. But he slipped. The cup slipped an inch off the table. Instead, it was getting farther and farther away from him.

“I think I need more exercise.” Palamidis said: “And. Most importantly—“

He looked at his sons: “Look. The kids are so grown up. I’ve been sleeping in a rock all these years. Too many opportunities to be with the kids. More. I have to make up for it all. Get along with Safer. Seglade. And little Howl. Be a good father.”

That’s what Arthur just wanted to say. But the direction is completely reversed.

King Arthur squeezes out a sneer. Said indifferently: “As far as the results are concerned. Palamides. You will not get what you want. Because your two eldest sons are going out tomorrow to participate in the trial of the Knights of the Round Table. They will not be at home at all.”

“What…” The leopard warrior turned to look at the two blue leopards in surprise: “Safir. Seglade—…”

“Dad. Don’t persuade us meow. We’ll be out tomorrow morning. More chapters coming sooner.” Zephyr grinned.

“But you’re just kids—“

“We’re not kids anymore. We’re both eighteen,” Seglade snapped.

“Hoohoo.” Arthur took another sip of tea. Sneer: “Palamidis. See it. The child will fly away when he grows up.”

The seven years that Palamidis slept. There is so much to miss. Even the two kittens at the time. They were obviously two little furry boys who were only as tall as the waist of a Leopard warrior. It’s been seven years. They have grown into two tall, strong young men.

Time flies. Time flies; things are impermanent. Time changes. Palamidis kept his eyes on seven years ago. Apparently it’s out of step with the times.

Watching the kids suddenly grow so big. The leopard warrior only felt a sigh of relief.

“We can take care of ourselves. We’re not what we used to be meow.” Saifel added.

“…You always have to worry about Dad. Don’t you.” Palamidis covered his head in annoyance. More faster chapters to come.

King Arthur said nothing. Just look at the **** body of the big cat. Who is most worrying now?

“Okay. That’s it.” Palamides said angrily, “I also want to participate in the trial of the Knights of the Round Table.”

“What else are you participating in. I said that I will directly seal you as a round table—“

“No. Your Majesty. Please don’t.” The Leopard Man hurriedly interrupted the King of Knights: “There are no shortcuts in this world. Just let me take the exam with my strength. Take the honor you deserve. You can also take This is part of my rehabilitation program. If these two kittens pass the exam, too. I’ll be fine.”

Vivian finally couldn’t bear it anymore: “They took the same exam three times. They were all eliminated in the first round. What do you say.”

Ramidis looked coldly at his sons: “Nothing. At least through the second round.”

“Dad, you don’t understand meow.” Safer blushed. Aggrievedly said: “That exam was a tough one. No one has passed it for so many years.”

“Just three years. Three years since you took the exam.” King Arthur laughed mischievously.

“Fantastic. It turns out you were just unlucky.” Palamidis sneered.


“Okay. That’s it.” Palamides turned his attention to the King of Knights again: “There should be no problem with this arrangement. Your Majesty.”

“Yes. I will make an exception for you to take the test. But what will happen after that. I will not care.”

This is the case. Palamidis had a chance to spend time with his sons. Although it is in the test. Accompany you as a competitor.

King Arthur is even more looking forward to this year’s Round Table Trials. Or rather. “There is a good show to watch”.

Safir and Seglade were helpless for a while. They obviously didn’t want to see their father come to take the exam. This simply adds a strong competitor out of thin air. And also their father. I don’t know if I should help him. It’s better to drag him down. If there is a confrontation. Had to fight with my father. It will only get more embarrassing.

“Then.” Palamides went over and hugged Little Howl. He smiled and said, “Before the exam tomorrow. I’m going to have a good night with my little son. Hey. Let’s go to dinner first. Little Hal. What do you want to eat.”

“Yeah. You can eat your dark food, Daddy.” The little black panther seemed to be in high spirits.

“Oh god—Oh my god. The unknown blue leopard youth showed a strong expression of fear and disgust: “Don’t eat meow. You will vomit blood meow. “

“Really. It’s really so scary, meow.” Little Hal’s face was ignorant: “But. I want to try my father’s cooking meow.”

“Even if it’s poisonous.” Vivian also showed a sad expression.

“Help you guys here.” Palamidis was so angry that his veins stood out: “Although the food I cook is terrible. But how can it be so exaggerated.”

“No. Really exaggerated meow—“

“Noisy.” Palamidis growled. The voices of the protesting group were silenced. Then he turned to the little black panther in his arms and said, “I only make a little bit. Only let my little Hal eat it. Let you taste the burritos that my grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather handed down. That is the generation of the Serrazon people. It’s a taste that has been passed down.”

“Grandpa’s grandfather’s grandfather is great-great-great-grandfather. Palamides.” Arthur continued.

“It’s noisy. I want you to take care of it.” Palamidis replied mindlessly. But he soon realized that it was King Arthur who said that. Hastily changed his words: “Oh no no no no no. Your Majesty is right. Your Majesty is wise. It is too right.”

The King of Knights held back a laugh. shook his head.

“Me. I want to eat too…” Sitting next to Arthur. Little Husky, who had been quiet all along, finally couldn’t hold back his words.

“You want to eat too.” Only then did Palamidis notice the canine boy: “Well. Such a cute child. Whose child is this. Could it be… Your Majesty’s.”

“Ahahahahaha.” The King of Knights responded with a burst of laughter: “Don’t talk This is the son of Lian Yin. You still remember Lian Yin. Right.”

Palamedes scratches his head. Try to remember. But he petrified for too long. Can’t remember many things.

“It’s not so much [remembering] Lian Yin…” He surveyed Husky carefully. Outline of the puppy. and a faint scent. Palamidis seemed to remember.

“Can’t remember. Sorry.” Palamidis scratched his head again: “Come on. Let’s go to the kitchen and cook. We’ll talk about other things later.”

“Hey hey. Tortilla Meow.” Little Howl exclaimed excitedly, wagging his tail.

“Tortilla bark.” Husky followed innocently.

“There’s really no problem, meow.” Zephyr asked worriedly.

“I have prepared all kinds of antidote for food poisoning. No matter how terrible the food Paramy cooks, at least it won’t kill people.” Vivian sneered and echoed. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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