Light Spirit Epic Chapter 751: Spying on the Evil Domain (7)


Chapter 751 Spying on the Evil Domain

Just when the werewolf was extremely depressed. He subconsciously pulled out his photon whip. Unfolded the photon blade on the steel whip.

Genius. Often it’s all about coming up with a solution to a problem just by intuition.

So does the genius of fighting.

Keep the attack at a moderate distance. Neither far nor near. Using the whip’s ultra-high-speed attack, Ivan was caught off guard. This was Bedivere’s original idea.

Draw. When he swung his whip towards Evan. The half-long youth was shocked. It was as if his mind-eye had not detected the whip’s trajectory. He ducked in panic. The whip brushed over his head. Crossed off a few of Ivan’s heads.

“You.—” Evan crouching on the ground showed a look of fear: “How did you hide the attack trajectory.”

Evan’s mind-eye technique can’t predict the trajectory of the whip.

The werewolf looks at the photon whip in his hand. The whip shoots a wonderful purple light. Although the whip has always been like this. But the werewolf was startled. This photon whip does have its own special ability.

This whip was from the Twilight Cultists seven years ago. It was also a trophy from Sir [Infiltrator] Berridge, one of the former Rangers of the Knights of the North.

Ser Borridge at the time relied on the [Stealth Enchantment] on his whip. Put Bedivere in a tough fight.

It appears now. This [Stealth Enchantment] not only reduces the friction between the whip and the air. Let the whip swing quietly and quickly. To achieve almost invisible effect;

It may also prevent the opponent from reading the attack trajectory of the whip with the Eye of Mind. Make this completely invisible attack impossible to guard against.

Borridge is proficient in stealth assassination. I am afraid that this stealth whip has already used this stealth whip to assassinate many masters who are proficient in the art of mind and eye. Judging from Ivan’s surprised and inexplicable face. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

This whip is more precious than I imagined.

Evan still has this treasure hidden in Bedivere. Can not help but increase the vigilance.

He takes off his glasses. Let those eagle eyes operate at full power.

“You’ll regret it. Werewolf Bedivere.” The half-dragon youth’s eyes shone with a faint golden gleam.

After using the Eagle Eye. His eyes could see the movement of every muscle and bone in Bedivere. Even the conduction of the nervous system can be seen clearly. If the mind-eye technique is not enough to predict the opponent’s actions. Let the eagle eye to remedy it.

“You’ll regret it. Werewolf Bedivere.” The half-dragon youth’s eyes shone with a faint golden gleam.

After using the Eagle Eye. His eyes could see the movement of every muscle and bone in Bedivere. Even the conduction of the nervous system can be seen clearly. If the mind-eye technique is not enough to predict the opponent’s actions. Let the eagle eye to remedy it.

“Useless. First update” Bedivere sneered.

He holds the whip in his left arm.

His left arm is a metal prosthesis. It is driven by a memory metal of the Great Mage Merlinming. It is a super-civilization product that surpasses the technology of this era.

And this arm. Even Evan couldn’t see through. It is fully connected to the nerves of the werewolf. It can even be controlled directly with brain waves when necessary.

This metal arm. There are no muscles and no bones in it. Completely a piece of mithril memory alloy.

The half-dragon youth’s eyesight is stronger. It is also impossible to see through the autonomous movement of a pure metal block.

Bediver wields the Photon Whip recklessly. A dark purple arc after another was drawn in the air. More faster chapters to come. The half-long youth was forced into a very embarrassed state.

Evan thinks he is invincible if he has Eagle Eye. I never thought that there are such strange people (wonderful flowers) in the world. With a seemingly shoddy metal prosthesis. And a seemingly unremarkable whip. Completely cracked his eagle eye.

Pop. The photon whip drew a bloodstain on Ivan’s left shoulder. The wound was about half an inch deep. The half-dragon was also knocked out several yards by the impact. It landed heavily on the gold coin pile in the treasure room.

Bedevier has actually been left behind. If he swings that whip hard. The blow just now could definitely cut off Evan’s entire left arm.

Because of knowing that Bedivere made the move, he kept his strength. This annoyed the half-dragon youth. Dragons are born with cattle temper. It is fully revealed in this young man with half dragon blood. This guy is simply a contradictory community that combines calm and irritability.

“Bastard.” The half-dragon youth with blue veins on his forehead showed a dragon-like savage: “I didn’t want to use this trick on you. Because I can’t control it properly. If you’re not careful, it will kill you. But. Since you want to die so badly. I will fulfill you.”

The werewolf silently and silently monitors the opponent in front of him. He hasn’t seen all of Evan’s moves. I don’t know what other tricks this half-dragon can play. The only thing Bedivere could do was deal with it carefully. Change with the same.

Clap la la la la la la la. The mountain of gold coins behind the Banlong Youth began to slide frantically. A crisp sound. There seems to be something. The first update appeared behind Ivan out of thin air.

Estimate the range from those sliding coins. That thing is huge. like a giant.

However. Bedivere could see nothing in front of him.

Dark treasure room. Under that dim light. It doesn’t reflect the shape of that thing.

That thing barely has any presence. No color nor smell. Not a single sound. There is no air flow at all.

Bedyville was the only one who felt the change in the scene. It’s just floating in the air. Negative ion smell.

The negative ions ionized by high-voltage ionization. In the end, it came from the invisible giant behind Ivan. It still came from the lightning sword in Ivan’s hand. More faster chapters to come. There is absolutely no way to test.

The completely invisible and transparent giant. It’s a great threat to a werewolf – if you can’t see what that thing looks like. There is no way to avoid attacks from it.

Touch. Bedivere was still stunned. He had been punched hard in the stomach. Even where did that fist come from. When did it come out. Werewolves know nothing. He could only watch helplessly as his stomach sank. The whole thing flew backwards because of this huge momentum.

Clap. . Countless gold coins scattered behind the werewolf. He landed in another pile of gold coins in the treasure room. After sliding for a long distance, it stopped. The gold coins play a buffering role while deforming. Bedivere, who should have been seriously injured, reduced a lot of damage.

Nevertheless. First update The werewolf stood up with a dull pain in his right chest: he had at least one broken rib.

The thing behind Evan does exist. Not a hallucination. Although formless. But it can actually cause damage to Bedivere. And its attack power is also very powerful. It hurts to get punched by it.

“Oh. It’s not dead yet. The strength of the orc’s body is amazing.” Evan held the frame of his glasses. The lenses reflect light from the environment. Flicked Bedivere’s dog-eye.

“Bastard…” The werewolf spat out a mouthful of blood. clutching his wounded chest: magic incarnate. “

“Oh. Really smart.” The half-dragon youth crossed his arms in a high-profile manner. He said in a arrogant tone: “It’s different from Tristan’s [Frost Avatar], which is only used to show off. The first update of my [Storm Avatar] is only about usability. It has neither appearance nor color. Killing people It is invisible and invisible.”

Bedevier understood it all at this point. That is the elemental giant of atmospheric composition. That is one of the highest summoning spells. Same level as Tristan’s Frost Avatar. Only slightly lower than the Holy Spirit Summoning.

Forget Tristan. After all, the murloc prince is a magician. This guy Evan is not a magician. But he was able to use such a high level of magic. So unscientific.

“Is it the dragon’s blood?” Bedivere wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Whispered: “Who lent you so much power. Spark or Javier.”

“Neither. This is the power awakened from my own body.” Evan sneered: “You really know everything about us. Werewolf Bedivere. Where did you get our report. Advise you Say it now. Otherwise. The next blow. You may never be able to speak again.”

“Huhuhu…If you can kill me—“The werewolf took out two hydra daggers:”—Come on.”

Faced with this stupid werewolf who will not admit defeat. Evan showed a crueler smile. As if he had expected this answer from the beginning.

“I originally wanted to settle this matter peacefully. But. It’s great—.” The half-dragon youth raised his left arm. It seems to be ordering the invisible giant behind him to attack: “Then follow the original plan. Unscrew your hands and feet. Make you a human stick. Take it back and interrogate it well. I look forward to you crying and begging for mercy. But you can’t beg for death. What?”

(This one. God knows.)

The corners of the werewolf’s mouth are upturned. Showing a mocker smile. And he closed his eyes. Stand still.

“Oh. Close your eyes and wait to die.” Evan looked at the werewolf’s wonderful reaction. Feeling something strange: “Still. You are about to surrender.”

(Not at all.)

Bediver raised his fingers with his eyes closed. Make a provocative gesture: “I remember when I first saw you—“

He paused. “You’re nothing more than a little boy working in the lighthouse of the Knights of the Since when. You’re a dragonborn again. A prince again. A great magician again.”

Evan frowned.

“Without Arthur’s support. You are nothing. You don’t even know your own background.” The werewolf continued to swear viciously: “So what is arrogant. You dead lizard.”

The provocation seems to be working. The number of blue veins on Evan’s forehead was definitely more than ever.

“You asked for it yourself.” Evan couldn’t care less when he was angry. He will definitely attack this time. Beat Bedivere to smithereens with the heavy punch of the incarnation of the storm.

“I don’t need to inquire about your report. Anyway, it’s useless to ask for the report of the dead.——Die.”

lbs. . A loud noise like a storm blasted towards Bedivere. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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