Light Spirit Epic Chapter 750: Spying on the Evil Domain (6)

Chapter 750 Spying on the Evil Domain

Three orcs quietly and silently infiltrated the secret meeting place of the Twilight Cultists, an ancient tower.

This tower is very similar to Morgoth’s research institute, and a werewolf can walk through it with his eyes closed. He is very familiar with the terrain here, and he wandered freely in the tower, so that when he led Albert and Elaine away, the cultists present did not show any doubts.

What’s more, the cultists thought that this werewolf must be a person in an important position here, and he had been in and out of this tower countless times before he could easily travel in this complex terrain. Thinking of this, the cults showed their respect to the werewolf and his party, nodding lightly and salute.

“He, they are worshiping us.” Elaine lowered her voice and asked Bedivere nervously: “Are we really not showing anything?”

The werewolf ignored the tiger. It’s not a big deal even if it’s revealed, at most it’s just killing this bunch of **** cultists.

Although the Moonlight Wave is sealed, Bedivere still has a lot of weapons at his disposal, so he is not afraid of being besieged by this group of cultists. Moreover, he had already seen from the gait and demeanor of this group of Twilight Cultists that these were ordinary people with only five scumbags in combat power.

He has circled the tower, and now there are no less than ten people who can be called masters hidden in the crowd. The old man Senezel was right, the task this time was very easy, and it was definitely a good job.

The werewolf is still very upset despite being involved in this religious conflict.

“Bedie, their meeting is about to start, what the **** are you still circling around? It’s really suspicious.” Albert began to get anxious.

“Don’t be afraid, there is still time.” The werewolf continued to wander around the third floor of the tower: “I haven’t found what I’m looking for, how can I end the mission so quickly?”

He wants to find the treasure room. In order to seize the treasure hoarded by the Twilight Cult. This old building is in dire straits, and if there is a war, the whole tower will collapse again (Arthur knocked down the entire London dungeon last time). How easy is it to find treasures in the ruins? So it’s better to sell goods first, then kill people.

“I didn’t expect you to be this greedy guy, I misread you.” Albert understood the werewolf’s intention, and immediately showed a look of contempt.

(Not yet to help you bastard.)

Bediveville ignored Albert and continued walking, turning a corner.

To his left is an ordinary room. However, the closed door smelled of gold and silver jewelry. Bedivere’s puppy Nose told him that this was the treasure room.

Does gold and silver jewelry smell, one might ask?

The answer is yes. Both gold and silver have their own unique metallic smell. And most of the jewelry, such as lapis lazuli, jade, and even pearls and corals, because they are minerals or secretions of some kind of sea creature, the taste is absolutely unique, and the nose of cats and dogs can easily distinguish them.

Once an old couple raised a golden retriever and found a treasure jar full of gold coins under a big tree. This is exactly the principle. This is the same principle that customs smuggling dogs can distinguish illegally smuggled gold and silver.

Speaking of which, the werewolf looked around immediately after finding the treasure room. After confirming that there was no one else, he whispered to Elaine and Albert: “I’m going in now to steal the treasure. You are responsible for watching the wind on both sides of the corridor, understand?”

“Oh, you’re the only one who touches the treasure?” Albert obviously didn’t want to, for fear of losing money to the werewolf.

“Come on, Al,” the werewolf shrugged: “I won’t take the treasure alone. I’ll hide it in the treasure ring, and we’ll divide it evenly when we go back, okay? If there’s something good, I’ll definitely take it. I’ll give it to you. Trust me.”

The tiger looked at Bedivere suspiciously. Indeed, werewolves have never been greedy. He’s honest and upright, a man to be trusted — at least when it comes to money.

Bediveville has a wonderful magic weapon like [The Cabin in the Woods], and has long lived without worry. It is a strange thing that such a person would covet wealth.

“Okay,” Albert compromised. “Elaine, I’m on the left, you’re on the right. Bedi, hurry up.”

“Of course.—Elaine, lend me your treasure ring too.”

“Yes, but—“

“Take out the weapon in the ring and carry it behind your back. It doesn’t matter, those Twilight cultists also carry weapons with them. We are not much different from them, so we won’t be suspicious.”

“Okay, okay.” Ice Bear dubiously took out his greatsword from his possession ring and put it on his back. The giant sword has no scabbard, so it can only be wrapped with special bandages to avoid accidentally injuring passers-by. But once this damned white bear had a giant sword on its back, it immediately became very mighty. If it were the bodyguard of some kind of high priest or elder in the church, it would be awe-inspiring.

Is there really no problem with him being so conspicuous? Tiger was puzzled. In order to balance this wonderful difference in appearance, Albert also took out his Snow Ape Bone Blade (this sword can usually be folded and stored) and put it on his back as the bodyguard of the Great Elder.

Awesome. There are two “bodyguards” guarding the corridor, and most people would think that the elder elder was taking some important magic weapon in the treasure room. They would never have thought that it was actually a little wolf thief stealing treasure!

The werewolf sighed secretly for his wit, took the storage ring from the bear man, and quietly pried open the door of the treasure room. If there is a concept of level, his “thief skills” will definitely be upgraded by another level.

A pair of eyes secretly watched the suspicious behavior of the werewolf group. The owner of these eyes, a black figure, quietly sneaked into the ceiling of the ancient pagoda and walked quietly through the exhaust pipe.

Still, Bedivere isn’t easy to mess with. Although there is no special ability to detect the enemy, the powerful intuition still allows the werewolf to vaguely perceive the approaching danger.

While pushing open the door of the treasure room and entering the treasure room alone, he also took out his full armor from his treasure ring.

He hid a Hydra dagger between the bandages on his arm and calf, wrapped the photon whip around his waist, stowed his lightsaber at his waist, and carried the magic bow behind him.

After being fully armed, the werewolf felt that there were no more enemies to be afraid of, so he walked leisurely through the treasure room, looking for the most valuable things among the mountains of gold and silver jewelry.

At the same time, the High Priest of Twilight Sect, who was preparing for the “ceremony” at the top of the tower, saw that the time was coming, and turned to the high priest beside him and ordered: “The sacrifice is about to start. Go, get the gem dagger for the ceremony. .”

The high priest nodded and walked to the treasure room on the third floor with two bodyguards, one tall and the other short.

Of course, their destination is the treasure room where the werewolf Bedivere is located.

Bedivere scoured the treasure room’s mountain of treasures and managed to find a few good weapons with good enchantments. However, these things are not rare. Although it is expensive to build, and you can make a considerable income by changing hands, this kind of thing does nothing to improve Albert’s combat effectiveness.

The principle is similar to the Werewolf’s storage ring, both of which are bound to the Warp’s storage backpack, but Bedivere is willing to take it away.

In order to vent his disappointment, Bedivere cursed, frantically packing all kinds of gold and silver jewelry into his backpack.

The backpack can hold a lot of things, even half of the treasure pile in it, and it doesn’t add any weight – the backpack is a subspace, and the subspace has nothing to do with the real world, of course not Increase the weight of the pack.

That’s basically what’s valuable. It’s time to retreat. Of course, the trip did not come empty-handed. The werewolf also hid the [Sacred Tree Seed] in the Treasure Ring. When he went back to share the treasure with Albert and the others, Bedivere could say that this tree seed was found in the treasure pile, and insisted that it was Albert’s legal income, he insisted that Tiger accept this generous gift.

Of course, the tree species is completely irrelevant to the treasure here. If you say that it is part of the treasure, the tiger may doubt it.

By that time, the werewolf would have pushed the tree seeds to Albert. In order to help this useless big cat, the wolf sacrificed himself.

Thinking about it beautifully, while putting the last treasure in the ring, the werewolf finds himself with a lightsaber against his vest.

“Oh, I thought you were a cultist. I didn’t expect you to be worse, even a cultist. You’ve become a thief.” Evan’s voice sounded from behind the werewolf.

(This guy knows what’s wrong with me.)

“Humph, I’m planning to destroy this cult den.” Facing the questioning of the other party, the werewolf simply said straightly: “But, if you don’t take it for nothing, the treasures here are all mine, can’t you? ?”

“I don’t care about the Twilight Cult,” the half-long youth said in a cold tone: “But you are a thief, I’ve already made sure of that. And I hate little thieves the most.—What should I do? What? To punish a thief like you, should I cut off your hands or your feet?”

“There is something to say, Evan Ewens.” The werewolf tried to stabilize the other party: “Aren’t we cooperating?”

“Who is willing to cooperate with you, little thief!” Evan’s character is very awkward: “I will destroy this cult’s den, and the treasure here is mine, don’t even touch it!”

Bediver smiled: “Hehe, you alone want to destroy this cult?”

“You know what I can do.” Evan said without emotion: “It’s like I know you can do it. The two guys who help you watch the wind outside the door are absolutely not good, but you are different. You Much stronger than them.”

Strong people know how strong the other is just by intuition. It’s an indescribable feeling. And the werewolf also knew that Ivan and Tristan should be of the same level as Bedivere.

“Is Tristan here too?” Bedivere asked tentatively. If Ivan comes alone, the werewolf can still tie him. But if Evan and Tristan attack Bedivere together, the werewolf will have to admit defeat—Albert and Elaine are unreliable.

“Oh no, he didn’t come. He’s enjoying his sunbathing at the Imperial Hotel.” Evan sneered, “And don’t worry, we won’t do such a despicable thing as two people attack one.”

“Oh, that’s great.” The werewolf quietly took out his lightsaber: “Are we really going to fight? I’m afraid that fighting here will only hurt both sides, and even bring down the tower.”

“I don’t care.” Evan didn’t accept Bedivere’s signal at all, he really wanted to fight.

(This is mind-blowing.)

People had to sigh: “Then…. die!”

He bent down to avoid Evan’s stab from behind, and at the same time slashed a sword with his backhand!

Smack zi zi zi! ! ! ! The two lightsabers collided, making a low, muffled sound. The two energy fields collided with each other, bursting out countless light particles!

Just two lightsabers colliding with each other would be a tie, not too bad.


Clap la la la la! The sound of electric shocks resounded in the werewolf’s ears, and Bedivere was shocked to realize that the lightsaber in Evan’s hand was shining with golden light, and there were countless lightning flashes on the edge of the lightsaber’s sword light! This is Evan’s proud skill [Lightning Enchantment]!

The lightsaber with high-voltage electricity collided with the werewolf’s sword and fired dozens of arcs! These arcs automatically hit their targets, and one by one, they landed on Bedivere, instantly numbing and aching the wolf’s arm!

“Damn!” Bedivere felt bad, and turned back quickly, pulling away from him before talking about it!

“Huhuhuhuhu,” the half-long youth sneered sinisterly, and the golden light on his lightsaber illuminated his face even more sinisterly: “I know, your power is far more than that. How? You can’t beat me. If you don’t want to be electrocuted by [Lightning Sword], use your real skills. That trick… seems to be called [Moonlight Wave]? Quickly use it!”

Bediver groaned inwardly. It’s not that he doesn’t want to use moonlight waves.

Firstly, it was because he had an agreement with Prophet Multani that he would not use supersonic punches and moonlight waves for the past two days.

Secondly…it’s all because Bedivere showed off this stunt in front of Tristan before. Evan took it all seriously and was on guard.

This guy, Ivan, can use his mind and eye technique, and can sense hostility before the opponent makes a captures the ripples of the attack in the photon world…. In short, all the trajectory of the attack will be affected by him Know in advance.

If the distance is far, the predicted attack can be easily avoided by Evan. No matter how fast Bedivere’s supersonic punch is, if the attack trajectory is predicted before the punch, and the opponent hides far before he punches, the supersonic punch will be useless.

Unless it’s a close-range attack. Unless Evan was caught off guard with a high-speed chain of punches that could not be predicted, it would be difficult for him to win.

The problem is that when attacking at close range, you must face the lightning sword in the hands of the half-dragon youth. The lightsaber had tens of thousands of volts of electric current attached to it, and if it was stabbed, it was a cardiac paralysis, and it died. Even if it is lightly brushed by the blade, the arc it shoots can paralyze Bedivere for a long time, making it impossible to use a series of punches at all.

The risk of melee combat with Evan is greater than that of long-range attacks.

It can’t be hit at long range, but it will kill you at close range. Isn’t this battle inevitable? ! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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