Light Spirit Epic Chapter 729: Wandering for the first time

Chapter 729 Wandering in the Trial

At the same time as Arthur and Li Daoyuan were talking, Merlin’s assistant, Lian Yin, also walked in, holding a large stack of documents.

The documents were stacked up like a mountain, and I felt tired just looking at them.

“Mo, Lord Merlin, the review is all done. I’ll give you the final seal of these documents.” Lian Yin placed the pile of documents beside the prime minister’s table, and there were already several mountains of documents piled up beside the table. .

“Oh my god.” Merlin also seemed to be under a lot of pressure: “Okay, Lian Yin, you can go back. I’ll take care of this.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Lian Yin was already exhausted. But as soon as she saw King Arthur, she immediately thought of something and jumped up: “Oh, Your Majesty! I’m so sorry! Is little Husky still with you? I’ll pick him up right away.”

“No, Lian Yin.” King Arthur persuaded in a low voice, “Have you looked in the mirror as you are now? You look terrible.”

“I… Really?!” Lian Yin touched her face in disbelief.

Yes. She looked like she was going to die at any moment. Dark circles, drooping eye bags, and sunken eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

“You will definitely scare Xiao Ha now. If you can’t even take care of yourself, how can you take care of that child?—— Xiao Ha has a servant in my bedroom to take care of him. There will be no problem for the time being. You go home first and get a good night’s sleep. It’s been hard work for you these days.”

“But, that kid—“

“He’s very good, and Greenville and I can handle it.” Arthur added, “Tomorrow morning, I’ll deliver Xiaoha to your door. That’s it.”

The King of Knights said so, but he actually had selfish intentions. Little Husky is really lovable. During the few days that the child stayed in King Arthur’s palace, he brought a lot of joy to the king and his wife. If possible, Wang really wanted to keep the child for one more night.

Well, thank you, Your Majesty! See you tomorrow. “Lian Yin couldn’t wait to leave the office without too much doubt. She actually wanted to escape from her son’s **** for one more night – taking care of a child alone is very tiring and hard work.” /

“She seems to be under a lot of pressure.” Li Daoyuan said curiously.

“As a single mother, she was really stressed,” Arthur replied casually, thinking about something else. Maybe it’s time to find a partner for Lian Yin to share the burden of this single mother.

“Come on, Mr. Li Daoyuan. I have a mountain of questions to ask you. Let’s talk as we walk.”

He can’t wait to squeeze all the newspapers from the Dark Continent from the opponent right away.

In particular, the movements of his older sister, the [Dark Queen], Morgan Le Fay Convair.

At the same time, Bedivere, who was looking for the hotel with Albert behind his back, was finally tired after the 30th closed door.

He sat down in a dark alley in Edinburgh, leaving the sleeping tiger aside to catch his breath.

Humans don’t need a reason to refuse orcs’ lodging. Perhaps it was just because he was unhappy looking at Bedivere, or perhaps it was because of the fact that his fur was now full of pits and Albert, who seemed to have a serious skin disease.

There’s really no way to go on like this. Can I only go to the captain’s friend?

Bedivere is strong and accustomed to strong winds and snow, so even a few nights camping out on this cool spring night is not a big problem.

The problem is Albert. Tiger’s injuries and poisoning over the past few days have made him extremely weak. He needs to find a clean bed to rest and take medicine.

Bediver, who was worried about this matter, was at a loss for a while, unable to think of a more effective method.

The lights are dim outside the alley, but it is cold inside the alley. Bedivere recalled what had happened in the past few days, and then thought of Tristan and Evan, and couldn’t help but feel depressed.

Even though he has experienced so much, even though he has tempered his will in the cold wind of the northern country for many years, the werewolf is still human after all, and he is only a young man who has just turned twenty.

And people are always vulnerable. Why not?

He sits on his lap, eyes closed, hoping to rest his mind. When you open your eyes again, you must put aside those negative thoughts and continue to work hard.

When he did this, there was no one in the alley. He shouldn’t have been shy and could have cried a few times.

However, a small but crisp sound landed on the ground.

The sound of coins falling.

The werewolf looked up and saw a Britannia gold coin lying quietly on the ground less than a yard in front of him.

And the man who put down the gold coin was already at the corner of the alley and was about to disappear.

The werewolf, who is still in a semi-dazed state, has not yet realized the meaning of this gold coin. He hurriedly picked up the gold coins and chased after the figure, shouting, “Sir! Your money is gone!”

He turned the corner and caught up with the man before another, deeper alleyway.

“Huh?” The tall and mighty young man turned around and looked at the werewolf in doubt: “No, it’s not lost. That’s for you.”

Bedivere heard the other party’s words and immediately realized the meaning of the gold coin. He was angry: “Sir, I am not a beggar and I don’t need your alms! Please take your money back!”

Yes? “The handsome giant looked at the werewolf.

While the other party looked at him, the werewolf also looked at the other party.

The man was dressed in luxurious black armor inlaid with gold. His face was looming under the helmet. Although he could only see half of it, he was very handsome.

His emerald green pupils shone in the night, as if he was telling people the spring breeze of his master.

By contrast, the werewolf Bedivere was in tattered civilian clothes at the moment. His shirt and shorts had been scratched countless times during the three days of fighting. It is not an exaggeration to say that the clothes are ragged.

And Bedivere’s big blue eyes, which should have been beautiful and moving, were covered with wind and frost in the tempering of the years, and even more haggard in the depression just now, and there were still some tears in the corners of his eyes.

The muscles on the man’s body are even stronger and thicker, and you can feel the power in it just by looking at it.

In contrast, Bedivere is lean and strong, but it is a lean and lean-because there is no extra muscle on the werewolf, and every muscle is adjusted just right so as not to hinder the movement- But this kind of “just right”, most people in the world will not understand. People only unilaterally think that the more muscles, the stronger the person.

In this comparison, the knight couldn’t help but chuckle proudly.

“I’m sorry. Perhaps I did misjudge your identity.” The Knight in Black Armor replied, “I sincerely apologize for that.”

Although the words were full of honorifics, the other party couldn’t hide the contempt in his tone. Of course, although Bedivere was in denial at the moment, the werewolf did look like a real beggar.

And the knight seems to be a decent big man, how can he be more polite to a guy who looks like a beggar in ragged clothes?

“You don’t need to apologize to me.” The werewolf suppressed the anger in his heart and threw the gold coins in his hand towards the knight: “Just take the money you left.”

Unexpectedly, the knight quickly dodged, and the gold coin brushed past him, first jumping halfway on the wall, and then falling weakly.

“No, it’s dirty.” The knight shrugged. “The gold coins are dirty when they fall on the ground. I don’t want the money. You can do whatever you like with it, sir, I’m sorry.”

The knight turned and walked away without answering Bedivere.

But how could the werewolf stop feeling humiliated? He rushed forward with a single stride and stepped on the side of the gold coin. The impact he applied to the ground was just right, causing the gold coins on the ground to bounce and bounce. The werewolf swept out a kick, and the gold coin was shot like a bullet to the back of the knight’s head!

Of course, the opponent is wearing a helmet, and gold coins can’t kill that knight. The effect that Bedivere wanted was to give the knight a “slap” on the back of the head and teach the proud fellow a lesson.

But the knight is really not a mediocre person. As if he has long eyes, he draws his sword and pulls his sword out of the scabbard at the moment when the gold coin is flying fast, and turns around and slashes!

The knight’s lightsaber precisely slashed the gold coin. The powerful lightsaber radiated high heat, instantly turning the gold coin into metal vapor and flying away!

“Well, good skill,” the werewolf whispered.

“You’re not bad, sir.” The knight seemed to know how Bedivere kicked the gold coin, and admired the werewolf’s smooth and refined movements: “Looks like I’m really misreading you. You are indeed not a beggar. Judging from your skills, you should be a candidate for the Knights of the Round Table Trial this year?—What is your name?”

“…Bedivere.” The werewolf kept vigilant and replied in a low voice, “Bedivere of the Eskimo.”

“Very well, Mr. Bedivere.” The young knight put away his weapon: “Next is Vestad. Knight of the Round Table Vestad. Nice to meet you.”

He threw a card to the werewolf: “You are still wandering around the city at this time, are you worried about finding a hotel? Take this card and go to the hotel. See the name below, the hotel staff. I won’t make it difficult for you again.”

It feels so domineering. But the words made Bedivere extremely unhappy.

Out of courtesy, the werewolf still took the card and said perfunctorily: “Thank you.”

“Then, I still have something to do next, so I’m leaving.” The Knight of the Round Table, Vestad, turned and left, quickly disappearing into the depths of the alley What an arrogant guy. Who asked you to help? )

Although he knew that everything the other party did was in accordance with the etiquette of a knight, the werewolf still felt deeply unpleasant. Maybe it was because, as a man, he was compared in all aspects by the other party, and he felt inferior.

The werewolf shakes his head, trying to let go of these negative thoughts.

He looked at the beautifully printed, luxurious business card.

Perhaps it would be wise to accept Vestad’s kindness for Albert’s sake?

No. Don’t even kill.

For the sake of his boring dignity, the werewolf grabbed the business card in one hand, crumpled the card, and threw it in a dark corner of the alley.

Then he finally made up his mind and went to join Captain Senezel’s friend. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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