Light Spirit Epic Chapter 697: Death Fight for White


Chapter 697 Death Fight for Baiyin (4)

“Bedie!!” Albert yelled hurriedly. “You can **said **first*(..)”www.DU00.COm

“Wait a minute!!” Bedivere continued to draw the bow.

The monster’s mouth of blood was only two yards from Albert. The stench it spewed almost smoked the tiger to death, and the acid dripping from its teeth splashed on the tiger’s body, making a rotting sound of corrosion!

“…Can’t wait! Jump off my back! It’s better for one person to die than two!”

“No! Now!” Bedivere let go of the bowstring.

The mighty photon bowstring crackles with a dull thud, as it fires an arrow of light.

The light arrow flew less than half a yard away, and instantly transformed into a strong shock wave!

Touch! ! The shock wave was like a fist, hitting the monster’s belly… or in the throat! The huge momentum smashed the whole monster out! !

Albert, who was out of trouble, also fell to the ground.

“Don’t stop! Catch up!” Bedivere yelled.

“But!” Albert’s wings have been shattered by the monster’s needle attack!

“Trust me! Al, it’s not about the potion, you can fly! You can fly!”

Albert didn’t understand, let alone the logic in Bedivere’s words. But now, he can only believe it.

A pair of whitened wings stretched out from the tiger’s back, replacing the original pair of broken wings. Albert spread his wings and flew, chasing after the monster at a high speed!

Meanwhile, Bedivere has drawn the magic bow for a second shot! !

The monster was badly wounded and was about to fire. Seeing the white tiger chasing up, it became even more furious and frantic. It was struggling, hundreds of tentacles stabbed Albert, and at the same time, it opened its crack-like mouth and shot out all the black needles in its body!

Thousands of needles shot at the wolf and tiger, trying to turn them into a hornet’s nest; hundreds of tentacles attacked Al from all angles, trying to tear the tiger to shreds!

However, Bedivere also has a full bow. He leaned slightly to avoid an oncoming dark needle, which only left a bloodstain on the werewolf’s face. He sneered and let go.

Magic Bow – Fire of Nare, shoot!

Whoosh! ! The huge shock wave blasted towards the dark ball head-on, and swept all the needles, tentacles, and carrion in it with the momentum of devouring the world! A destructive storm like a low pressure crushed the monster into a ball!

“Do something! The power of the blow just now is not enough!” The werewolf put away the magic bow, and at the same time, his claws kept slashing, shooting out thousands of moonlight waves!

Albert was at a loss, but he could only act on his own instinct, opening his mouth.

Roar! ! With a tiger roar, a beam of light shot out from Albert’s mouth. It was pure photon, the power awakened in Albert’s body after the mad beast transformation!

Moonlight waves are like a tornado, with a whirl to approach the center of the destructive storm. The beam cannon also shot straight at that point.

The energy of all attacks is released in one spot, causing a powerful explosion! !

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! !

The astonishing explosion blew the wind and snow away. It used to be dark and dark, but now the sky is clear and the sun shines!

Albert was thrown hundreds of yards by the impact of the explosion, and he kept flapping his wings and climbing up desperately – in order to avoid the fate of hitting the ground and becoming a puddle of meat.

After impacting the past, the ball of darkness disappeared. It was burned to ashes by the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, and was dissipated into individual molecules by the huge kinetic energy!

“Successful, successful!?” Albert asked, panting.

“Success.” Bedivere put away his weapon and wiped his blood-stained cheek.

Albert felt a burst of prostration while defeating the enemy. His body began to shrink involuntarily, and he could no longer maintain his beastly form.

Touch! ! The two fell awkwardly.

“It hurts, hurts, hurts…” The tiger man got up and watched the strength on his body fading. The originally strong muscles began to contract, returning to their original appearance.

“The effect of the medicine has finally passed.” The werewolf Bedivere got up and saw that Al’s body was strong, but still lacked exercise, far from being a muscular body.

“Don’t look! You pervert!” Albert hurriedly covered his lower body. As soon as he drank the potion, he transformed from the bath and rushed out, apparently wearing only a pair of shorts. Very embarrassing.

“Look, I’m not mistaken? Only by running naked can you push your potential to the limit and unleash unprecedented power.”

“You are absolutely wrong.” Albert looked at the werewolf coldly.

“Stop talking, let’s go back and find Luffy.” Albert cast his eyes to the south of the snowfield, “I hope the child is safe.”

Bediver remained silent, a vague gloom on his face.

Ten minutes later.

“Ruff? Ruff?!” Albert shouted the name of his catman’s little servant, looking around: “It’s strange, he should be around here—”

“There it is!” The werewolf fell on his face and sniffed the traces of the residual smell on the ground with his sensitive wolf nose: “This way! Keep up!”

Albert followed suspiciously, galloping along with Bedivere as they got closer and closer to the shoreline.

“Ruff isn’t waiting for us, so what are you doing in a place like this?!”

“God knows.” Bedivere replied, but he probably had a clue in his heart. Werewolves who are familiar with this snowy field know everything here. He knew that this coastline was a death trap, and that countless people had died here.

Sure enough, the scent trail of the cat boy disappeared on the cliff edge of the coast.

“Oh, no… Ruff…!” Albert also vaguely sensed something was wrong.

“…Snow cliff grass.” Bedivere cautiously peered out from the edge of the cliff, pointing to a green grass growing on the edge of the cliff: “One of the main materials for making thermal medicine. That stupid The cat probably came to such a cliff because it wanted to collect medicine?”

“This is too dangerous! Who made him do this!” Albert was worried.

“Who told you to say something stupid about him not having enough medicine.”

“Wow!” The tiger man grunted, speechless.

The werewolf youth sighed: “I know a safe way to go down the cliff, so I’ll go down and have a look.”

He walked towards a chasm on the edge of the cliff. “Hope the cat is all right.”

Although full of unease, Albert followed the werewolf youth down the mountain road and down the cliff. They continued their search on the beach at the bottom of the cliff and soon found Luffy…

But it was already a cat-man boy who fell off the cliff of a thousand feet, and his whole body was bloody.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god!” Albert couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Ruff’s **** body. He resisted the urge to vomit and leaned forward timidly: “Lu, Luf? Are you okay? Hold on, I’ll give you the medicine right away—“

“Um…” The cat boy spit out a mouthful of blood—or maybe the blood wasn’t spitting out at all, it was oozing weakly from Luf’s mouth: “It’s so dark…I Where?”

“You’ll be fine, Luf.” Albert hurriedly took out the hemostatic and stuck the gelatinous ointment on the cat man.

Medications can stop bleeding, stop pain, and prevent infection, but that’s for small wounds. The cat man fell apart and was seriously injured, and a little hemostatic medicine did not help at all.

Besides, El had too little medicine with him, and it was impossible for the cat boy who had his whole body to fall apart and his internal organs scattered all over the place to put it together again.

Even the blind can see that Luffy is helpless.

“It’s so cold, it hurts!…Mom…Where is Mom—” the cat man cried, trying to seek comfort from relatives and friends before he died.

“Ruff, your parents aren’t here now. But I’m here. It’s me, Albert, your master!” The young hunter leaned over and gently picked up the dying cat man: “There is me Now, don’t be afraid!”

“Albert?” Catman’s already blood-dazed eyes showed a greater daze: “Who is Albert?…Who are you? I don’t know you—”

The tiger man was stunned.

“Mom! Come and save me!” The cat boy struggled desperately, that was his last struggle before he died: “It’s so dark! It’s so cold! I don’t want to be alone! I—“

He died.

“Ruff!! Ruff!!!!!” Albert shouted excitedly, but to no avail. Some kind of light in the eyes of the cat boy completely faded, his body died, and his soul was no longer there.

“No! Rufu——“

“…My condolences.” Bedivere sat next to Albert and whispered.

“He can’t remember me!” Albert exclaimed hysterically, “Why would he forget me?! He died alone without any relatives or friends by his side before he died! Why is this meow?!”

The werewolf youth looked at the young hunter coldly and said quietly: “This is the price.”

That’s the price of using that red potion.

Burn Karma (Fate) to gain power.

“I thought I just forgot something! Why does this have to do with Luffy?!”

“It’s all the same,” Bedivere whispered.

When a part of a person’s fate is completely wiped from the world, that person becomes “never existed”.

For the cat-man boy Luf, perhaps, Albert has never been his master.

Ruff and Albert never met, how could they possibly remember Al?

“Damn!!” The tiger man slammed with both fists while venting his anger and crying.

In order not to disappoint his little servant, he drank the potion and deliberately tried to be brave, but in the end, Luffy died alone.

Once the cycle of Karma (Fate) gets out of control, the consequences will be tragic and devastating.

Those who wantonly play with fate and change fate will pay the price sooner or later.

This world, which should have been destroyed, has gone off the rails and headed in an unpredictable direction.

Whether it is a disaster or a blessing, who can predict?

After the werewolf Bedivere and the tiger-man Albert wiped out the [White Snow Armor], the most dangerous dark child creatures in the Dawning Region were eliminated.

Dawn is one less threat, albeit only temporarily. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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