Light Spirit Epic Chapter 682: Death to the Demon God (3)


Chapter 682: Fight to the Death (3)

Watch the oncoming ball of darkness. 『Word**first*..[*^~Learn ww.du.m] The King of Knights is already ready.

He deploys the griffon shield. A counter-block: “Give it back to you.”

Touch. . The dark ball slammed into the giant Spirit Griffin shield. The attack is deflected by the shield. Just the right time to succeed. Arthur just flicked. The dark ball flew out from the side. Gone from the side of the dark god.

The returned attack missed. But it made the Dark God even more angry. He concentrated and gathered a larger dark ball. At the same time, a dark storm is raised around the body: “You will regret it.”

“You’ll regret it.” Arthur took the opportunity to storm up. He galloped on a warg golem. The holy sword has been pierced.

“Huh.” Albert, who had been accumulating energy for a long time, aimed at the huge dark ball that was almost a thousand feet in diameter. This terrifying giant ball is as big as a Dreadnought-class warship. Its size alone can easily crush an entire city.

The dark storm that is set off revolves around the dark ball at a high speed. It is filled with countless small dark orbs. It’s all a magic ball of instant death.

This is the [Dark Giant]—falling like a giant star. A devastating attack that devours the world. The dark storm swirled around the huge dark ball. Boom. as the prominence of the sun. A storm of fire–but the storm is wicked pure black.

Facing this covered sky. A powerful attack that crushes the ground. Even the Holy Griffin Shield can’t stop it. .

Even if Arthur ran with all his strength. It was inevitable that he would be crushed by this enormous attack. Not to mention the terrifying effect that it will be petrified if it touches a little bit.

Arthur didn’t run away. Instead, he went up to it. The Warg Golem concentrates all its energy on propulsion. The powerful thrusters behind it shoot out dazzling flames. Turned into a dazzling meteor. Slam into the dark giant.

But. Just when the dark superstar hit Arthur. Arthur’s image penetrated the entire dark giant.

That is not the entity of the King of Knights at all. Rather, it was an illusion he made with Mirage Phantom.

Albert even had the power of God. The black sun he casts can even crush the earth. But what he was aiming for was a phantom in the first place. Aiming is wrong. How could it be hit.

—The real King of Knights has already flown hundreds of yards. Went around behind Albert. Golden light shines. The sword of the holy king pierced.

“It’s not over yet…” The Dark God responded quickly. Immediately after hitting Sora, he made the next move. More faster chapters to come. His magic sword has been slashed backhand. Slash at Arthur’s neck.

Arthur met him at super speed. It was too late to dodge. Can cut through time. [Absolutely irresistible] magic sword. It was about to touch the neck artery of the King of Knights.

Boom. . The black giant exploded to the ground. form a terrifying crater. Thousands of feet deep. The spreading darkness even corrodes the soil. It instantly turned the red soil of the Eastern European plains into a pitch-black dead place.

Brush. The magic sword also penetrated the knight king’s **. A sword slashed.

This is still Arthur’s vision. Arthur’s mirage phantom. From the very beginning, it’s been two.

Double Phantom. Double trick. Subtly deceived the dark god.

The Phantom Destroys. The real Arthur is back in shape. More faster chapters to come. It has long been around to the front of Albert. The sword of the holy king in his hand pierced the chest of the dark god.

“Wow.” The Dark God grunted. But the darkness in his body was strong enough to resist the purifying power of the holy sword. Constantly spewing black viscous liquid. He even put the holy sword back.

Arthur is one step away from Albert. Even with the golem’s shield shield. A high concentration of dark sons that spread from the dark god. Still penetrate the golem. Quickly petrify Arthur’s body.

“It’s not over yet..” The knight raised the scabbard of the king in his left hand desperately. Aiming at the wound on the dark god’s chest. Stab in.

The scabbard that was supposed to be a blunt weapon. But under the king’s brute force forcibly inserted. Through the chest of the dark god.

The two holy swords overlapped within Albert. Interconnection of power. Arthur’s hands began to petrify. It was too late to hesitate. [Lawbreaker] Move. .

lbs. —The golden light exploded. Repel the darkness.

Darkness still rages. Evil as hell. Ferocious as a beast.

pound pounds. —The lawbreaker moves again. . Black blood gushed out from the dark god’s chest. But they are immediately purified. Purify. Repurify.

The darkness is still thick. Thick as tar. Black as ink.

pound pound pound. —The lawbreaker moves again. . Albert growled. Struggling with all your might. But he couldn’t pull the pair of holy swords out of his body. Arthur’s arms were completely petrified. They are stuck in this space and time. Even with all the strength, it can’t be moved. The Dark Gods changed tactics instead. Corrode Arthur’s life with a high concentration of darkness. Let the king of knights die quickly.

Darkness is rampant. Biting like teeth. Grab like claws. They use their maximum strength. The most vicious malice. Suck every drop of Arthur’s life energy.

pound pound pound pound pound. . Lawbreakers move. verb: move. Move again. . Golden explosions started one after another. Incessantly. The power of the two holy swords was fully awakened at the most critical moment. The golden light exploded frantically.

Light and dark are incompatible. Kill each other. not you die. I am dead.

“Uh. Uh.” Albert vomited blood. It just feels hard to breathe. The whole body was tortured extremely uncomfortable by the continuous explosion of this golden light.

However. The Dark God is still God. The power of the two holy swords continued to move. Still can’t kill this “god”.

The dark **** spreads endless darkness all over his body. Surround Arthur. Even if the golden light is constantly repelling the darkness. The darkness is still endless. can never be stopped.

Arthur’s power is mostly gone. The final battle of darkness and light. Darkness prevailed.

“Ugh…” Even the Warg Golem is petrifying rapidly. Merlin groaned in despair: “I didn’t expect… to die here.”

The opponent is a god. And Arthur is just one person. No matter how strong the King of Knights is. Strong willpower. Also doomed to fail.

Arthur has run out of options. His consciousness gradually blurred. The whole body began to be swallowed by petrification.

Unless a miracle happens.

“Arthur…” A voice echoed in the King’s mind: “Don’t give up hope.”

The image of the white wolf appears in King Arthur’s consciousness. It’s that striking white shadow. Maintain the will of the king.

The King of Knights opened his eyes. His eyes were completely petrified. In fact, he was already blind.

But that didn’t stop him from seeing the ray of hope in the dark.

Because hope is our only wealth. The dark is deeper. Hope shines brighter.

“May the light of Pantoracken always shine in the sky.” He in the dark storm. The petrified left hand suddenly moved.

Should be a stone. Impossible hands. Continue its miracle. The stone hand was unexpectedly powerful. It grabbed the past fiercely: “Even **** storms can’t cover up its light.”

The hand of the King of Knights runs through the heart of the Dark God. The first update is fierce. Crushed it. What did he catch. The moment he touched that thing. A huge amount of golden light poured out like a tide. .

“What…” Merlin’s voice sounded in the mind of the Knight King. “That’s—Stonehenge.”

Piercing the heart of [Original Sin] with the Silver Shadow. Stonehenge would have been completely destroyed.

It is with [Original Sin]. Completely absorbed by Albert.

Stonehenge shrunk to the size of a toothpick. until now. Still stuck in the heart of the dark god. Become a thorn in the dark heart. It has also become a wedge of hope.

Under Arthur’s sacrifice. Crushed Stonehenge. Seduced a miracle.

That’s a rift in time and space. A rift in parallel worlds.

[Stonehenge] is able to draw photons from infinite parallel worlds. A part of it was originally connected to the cracks in time and space.

It was in the moment of destruction. burst the crack.

From infinite parallel time and space. infinite photons. Wreak havoc in this shattered space-time rift. into the real world.

A storm of golden photons ran through the Dark God’s body. Wander around the world. Destroys every cell of the Dark God.

——The world is fair.

He possesses infinite darkness. The world is filled with infinite light.

He has endless despair. There is boundless hope left in this world.

The moment when the darkness reaches its extreme. The light has also reached its limit at the same time.

Surge. Swarm. Even the light gushing out madly. Ripped apart the thick dark storm beside Arthur.

Light dissolves darkness. drive away coldness and death. Bring the petrified King Arthur back to life.

“No…” screamed the Dark God Albert. He was powerless.

Even God. There is also a moment of annihilation.

When the darkness completely subsides. The world will enter a glorious new era.

Hopefully overflowing. The world will be a better place.

—–as it should be.

A white light appeared between the two. Bedivere appears as a spirit body. The body is like smoke.

“Arthur…” The werewolf boy put his hand on the arm of the King of Knights. His hand was a mass of white light. Formless.

“Sorry. He came out of it himself.” The Holy Spirit Crown murmured.

Arthur understood all of a sudden.

is the Holy Spirit Crown. At the moment of Bedivere’s death, the spirit of the werewolf boy was drawn out. Create the Holy Spirit.

Bediver, who is already a spirit body. But he still wants to redeem his friend Albert.

The King of Knights steps back. Looking at the tiger man boy who was nailed to the air by two holy swords.

The darkness on El’s body quickly receded under the purification of golden light. lost power. Albert isn’t a **** anymore — but Arthur doesn’t think there’s any salvation for Al.

“Arthur. Thank you.” The spirit body of the werewolf boy pulled out a white stone from his arms. It was the [Hope Stone] that Merlin had given to Bedivere—although it was just a Bedivere, who was like a light smoke, smiled lightly: “Leave it to me next.”

Completed. The spirit body of the werewolf boy embraced the dying Albert. White light poured violently from the Stone of Hope. A subtle change begins to take place.

[The Fourth Miracle—Kama (Fate) Created]. verb: move. .

Gamble everything. Even his last breath was taken. Bedivere also wants to save his friend.

“You’re an idiot. Brady.” Arthur stepped up. He has made up his mind: “This kind of interesting thing. How can it not be my share.”

(Let’s change our destiny together.)

The werewolf boy glanced at the King of Knights. Smile gratefully.

The white light expands instantly. Obliterate the world. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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