Light Spirit Epic Chapter 680: Death to the Demon God (1)


Chapter 680: The Demon God (1)

The body is enveloped in a thick layer of darkness. “Speaking **first*..Albert looks filthy. But it has an unprecedented divinity.

Of course. It is also a kind of magic.

Albert is not what he used to be. He was heartbroken. The soul is like a pool of stagnant water. Shows endless indifference to the whole world.

(Such a world. Destroy it.)

The moment he had this thought in his mind. Darkness turned into a storm. Blows across the world with incredible speed.

Arthur, who had already sensed something was wrong. Quickly picked up Bedivere’s body. Spread the Wings of the Holy King. Escape at supersonic speed. Fortunately, the original sin was completely absorbed by Albert. The complex inside of that monster is already hard shell. Disappeared without a trace.

Same time. The people fighting outside just killed a large number of black dragons. The evil star is battling the dark planet in an inseparable battle. Suddenly, when I thought that if I persisted, the situation would improve. The darkness dissipated at an unimaginable speed.

Should say. The cocoon of darkness behind them completely disappeared. .

“Your Majesty. Has Your Majesty succeeded?” Palinlor, who saw this scene, chopped off the black dragon’s head with a sword. There was joy on his face: “That’s great. Long live His Majesty King Arthur. Long live Pantoracken.”

But his joy was short-lived. A golden light came flying. Passed by Palinlore.

That’s Arthur. Arthur on the run.

“Flee.” Arthur’s voice arrived dozens of yards after he was flying at supersonic speed. Leave the voice far behind.

“Your Majesty…” Palinlor and the others didn’t understand what was going on at all. even tell them. Everything is too late.

The King of Knights scrutinizes the crowd in high-speed flight. And he had no choice. He can’t save everyone. You can only fly to one of them at high speed.

Arthur stands in front of Greenville. At the same time, the Holy Griffin Shield was deployed. The pure white wings wrapped the king of knights and the girl.

Call. Like a ghostly curse. Like the whispers of ghosts. The dark storm whistled in a low voice. Blown in instantly. Covers the world outside the shield.

Then. The whole world was silent.

Greenville hasn’t figured out what’s going on. Arthur has placed Bedivere’s body on the back seat of the cavalry: “Sorry. More chapters coming sooner. Greenville. I…I failed.”

“You…what.” The girl looked away from the King of Knights in surprise.

The dark storm has passed. There was indeed silence all around.

The reason for this silence is simple.

Except Arthur and Greenville. All turned to stone.

Whether it’s the knights of Pantoracken. Or dragons; or dark creatures. Or the fleets of the human allies.

Even the dragon fireballs of the malevolent star, the blue star. also turned into stone. fluffy. foggy. But a rock without a doubt.

Everyone. all objects. Even a whole piece of sea. All became hard rocks. .

These stone statues are incredibly eerie. They are not affected by gravity. No worries of falling to the ground;

They stop directly in mid-air. It was as if even the time they had was frozen.

Things struck by the storm of darkness. All fell into eternal silence.

When the dark particle concentration is low. They can infect organisms;

When the dark particle concentration is unimaginably high. They can petrify the entire world and freeze entropy energy. Annihilation time. Cancels all quantum jumps. Brings true [silence].

“This…is a special phenomenon that has never been seen before.” Merlin in the sheath of the king couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Arthur looks at Greenville. Can not help but dejected.

The world is over.

Darkness will spread across the planet within hours. And Arthur they. There is no longer any way to save the world.

The King of Knights has achieved unprecedented success. There is no fighting force capable of fighting against all armies. But even close to Albert can’t do it.

Darkness spreading from [Dark God]. It is already a stranger.

Humans…no. The whole world. There was no way to stop Albert.

“Arthur…” Greenville watching all this. But it was surprisingly calm. Or pretend to be calm: “First…don’t panic. We can still…still…”

The girl sees the statue of the Grand Duke of Lyon Dickens. Watching her father’s astonished look at the moment he was petrified. She collapsed instantly.

“Wow ah ah ah ah. Update as soon as possible” The girl threw herself into the arms of the king of knights and cried.

“Sorry. Greenville.” Arthur whimpered in a low voice: “In the end, I still… can’t save anyone.”

Even Arthur was about to collapse. Endless despair surrounded the two.

At this time. A mysterious voice sounded in Arthur’s mind: “This is not necessarily.”


“There is hope. It’s not too late.”

The voice is very similar to Bedivere’s. But Arthur looked at Bedi’s body. It was obvious that the werewolf boy had died.

“Don’t give up hope. Arthur.”

The voice kept repeating.

“Because hope is the only wealth we have. More and faster chapters to come.”

The King of Knights looked away. At the end of countless stone statues. Five kilometers away. Albert is still there.

The darkness that spreads around his body is strong though. A stranger can’t get close. but. perhaps. There is some way to beat him.

No. There was confusion in Arthur’s mind. Try anyway. I want to defeat such a [God]. Totally impossible.

“Arthur. Come on.” The voice continued.

Right now. Albert moved.

As if being summoned in some way. Or just by accident. The Dark God flew to the east.

“Don’t let him destroy the walls of the world.”

Albert intends to go deep into the darkest parts of the Underworld. He’s going to destroy the wall of the world. Release more darkness from the other side of the earth.

“By that time. It’s all over.” The voice continued to echo in Arthur’s mind.

“That’s right… we have to stop him,” Arthur muttered to himself.

Greenville still sobbing. Do your best to stop crying. “Arthur…”

The king of knights who will not admit defeat. How could it be possible to bow to fate here.

Even though the road ahead is uncertain. There is absolutely no way to save the world.

Even looking around. Total despair.

Light of hope. It’s bound to light up at some point.

Arthur leaned forward desperately. Give Greenville a deep kiss.

“I love you. Greenville,” he whispered. It is no longer necessary to be shy now: “Wait for me to come back. I will definitely… give you happiness.”

The King of Knights spreads his wings. Fly out.

“Arthur. This.” Greenville quickly took out the Chaos Ruby in her arms. Throw at the King of Knights.

“Thank you.” The King of Knights took the gem accurately. The moment the gem touched the palm of his hand. There was a wonderful agitation.

Albert galloped eastward at the speed of sound. His outstretched black wings spread endless darkness along the way.

Arthur flies high in the sky. One has to be careful to avoid these things from the dark storm that continues to spread. Even the king of knights. will also turn into stone.

Cannot get close to Albert. It has always been the biggest problem in knocking down the dark god. Update as soon as possible

Darkness spreads quickly and widely. If you touch it a little, you will be instantly killed. This annoyed Arthur very much.

Even long-range attacks with dragon fire balls. Even the dragon fireball can hit a target five kilometers away and cause effective damage. It will also petrify before touching Albert.

The petrified fireball will remain in the air. There is no possibility of hitting the Dark God.

I’m really helpless.

Just when the King of Knights wondered. A voice broke into the communicator in his ear: “Is there anyone. Someone answered. The world is over…”

“I am Arthur D. Pantoracken, King of Pantoracken.” Arthur replied quickly. “Who is it? Answer it.”

“Here” as the source of that signal becomes clearer. Voices are also more recognizable. “Elephant Patriarch Tut. King Arthur. What the **** is going on.. Everywhere we passed. The landscape turned to stone”

“That’s the extremity of Anzi’s ravages.” Arthur groaned. “The world is over.”

He looks at a large shadow in the distance. That thing is Tut’s battleship.

It’s the only thing moving on the horizon. Contaminated with a dark storm, it can still move. The King of Knights couldn’t help but be surprised: “How did you survive. Why didn’t the dark storm turn you to stone.”

“Dark storm.” Tut’s words were full of doubts: “Is it such a dangerous thing. The ship has automatically opened the shield since just now. As if all this was expected”

A flash of light flashed in the mind of the King of Knights.

Maybe there really is a way to get close to Albert.

“Listen.” The King of Knights approached Tut’s battleship. While persuading him: “Patriarch Tutan. I need your help. This world will soon be destroyed by darkness. And you can’t be alone. We can only create miracles by helping each other.”

The other end of the communicator was silent for a while. Tut continued: “Okay. King of knights. What do you want. As long as we can help. We will do our best to help.”

“I want your shield. Or. something like that.” Arthur said bluntly. Not at all polite.

That’s a pretty brutal request. Take away the only protective magic weapon left by the elephant people. It’s like letting them die. But so far. It’s too much to care Arthur can expect some mental struggles like people. He even made an instant boarding hijacking. Even kill all elephant people. Prepare to seize the system.

But unexpectedly. Patriarch Tut readily agreed: “Come on. We have what you want in our warehouse.”

In a minute. Arthur got into the Elephant People’s boat.

In the dark warehouse of [Skidplatney’s Ark]. An ancient artifact was quietly sleeping.

When Arthur saw the Warg golem Finnir. His eyes were shining.

As if it was Bedivere’s blessing in the spirit of the sky. The silver giant wolf golem also smiled knowingly at the king of knights.

Hope. Did not abandon Arthur.

Even in the depths of despair. The world still leaves the King of Knights the last chance to win. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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