Light Spirit Epic Chapter 673: Awakening to the Source of Sin (23)


Chapter 673 Awakening to the Source of Sin (23)

The king of knights was still worried about the Stonehenge matter, and answered the Roman emperor perfunctorily: “So soon? It hasn’t been half an hour yet?”

“Oh, the plan came out very early, and it took a long time to mobilize troops. After all, not everyone is willing…cough…”The Roman emperor’s tone With the arrogance of the victor, it seemed that he had won some invisible contest with Arthur, “Isn’t it all right, King of the Knights? Shall we wait for you a little longer?”

“No… I’ll leave now.” Arthur turned and patted the werewolf boy on the shoulder: “Beddie, let’s go.”

“Uh, Your Majesty, what do you mean?” Celestial Knight Palinlor had a bad premonition.

“On the [Silver Shadow], I and Bedivere were the only ones who rushed into the body of [Original Sin]. I’m afraid this is a journey with no return, so please don’t follow.”


“According to the original plan, you can use iron cavalry to **** the periphery, follow my order to activate the Holy Spirit, and break through the shell of [Origin Sin]. The next thing is left to me and Bedi.”

“But, Your Majesty!” Even the Celestial Knight Youns protested. Sending the king to the dark abyss and fighting the darkness alone, no Pantoracken knight would agree.

However, there is one outlier who likes to sing the opposite.

“Why not? Let His Majesty go.” The Celestial Knight Leon Digens chuckled, with his unique and unchanging urchin temperament: “The king’s order, how can you No. The king wants to go out in person, of course he has his reasons. Do you think that His Majesty made such a decision as a joke?”

“No—” The other two Heavenly Knights were left speechless when asked.

“So, are you questioning His Majesty’s wisdom?”

“…Don’t dare.” The other two Heavenly Knights were even weaker.

“That’s fine.” Leon Dickens smiled smugly, “It’s settled like this. Your Majesty, go and die… no, go.”

(You definitely did this on purpose.)

Arthur shook his head, took Bedivere, and walked in the direction of the battleship warehouse.

At the same time, some kind of skeletal structure was taking shape in the cocoon of darkness. There is still one hour and thirty-five minutes left until [Origin Sin] is fully awakened and the world is destroyed.

In the battleship’s huge mechanical warehouse, the Silver Shadow spacecraft is parked quietly. The wounds of the previous battles still remained on the body of this warship, and it looked a bit sad, as if it foreshadowed its fate.

In the control room of the spaceship, under the dim light, are the figures of the King of Knights and the Werewolf Boy.

“Do you really know how to pilot this thing?” Arthur looked at Bedivere, who was constantly fiddling with the complex instruments of the spacecraft, and couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

“No problem, probably…” Bedi rubbed the east and west, like a curious kitten who got a new toy, which made Arthur even more puzzled. But the werewolf boy still said stubbornly: “I have seen Vivian piloting a spaceship. I probably understand the operation process. Don’t worry.”

Arthur sat in the co-pilot’s seat and sneered: “You better understand. If you crash Vivienne’s ship—hehe, you know how terrifying she is to get fired up.”

At the same time, the dragon man golem Bolls shouted from outside the spaceship: “Your Majesty! This side is also installed! … Are you sure you can only tie Stonehenge to the bow of the ship?”

“Thanks for your hard work. That’s good.” Arthur replied loudly.

Arthur still remembered that Stonehenge was based on a stone tablet in the center, split a dozen pieces, and then based on these stones, a huge enchantment was formed. Bind the boulder of the main axis to the head of the spaceship. When Stonehenge is activated, the generated enchantment should just be able to wrap the [Silver Shadow] in it, acting like a protective shield.

This [absolutely indestructible] Stonehenge barrier should be enough for Arthur and the others to rush into the interior of [Original Sin].

However, there are many rough parts to this plan. For example, Arthur still doesn’t know how to start Stonehenge.

It’s okay. all will be good. There will always be a way.

“I’m so convinced of you that you’re doing this shit.” A voice entered Arthur’s mind.


“Shh— pretend you didn’t hear anything, don’t answer. I’m talking to you telepathically.” Merlin’s voice became clearer in Arthur’s mind.

“I thought you petrified—“

“My body was indeed petrified, but I had a bad premonition before the petrification went dormant, so I risked my spirit body to detach from my body and attached myself to this ship.”

“How could you do this?!”

“In order not to affect the balance of the world, I was not allowed to do this. However, things have deteriorated to this point, it seems that I did the right thing.”

“Arthur, don’t be in a daze, we’re leaving.” Bedivere didn’t know that Arthur was talking to Merlin, and came over and said to the King of Knights.

Arthur casually waved his hand as an answer, and fastened his seatbelt.

“Then, the Silver Shadow’s engines start!” Bedivere pressed a button.

No response.

“Huh? Isn’t it this one? Then—” The werewolf boy pressed another button.

“Still wrong.” Merlin’s voice echoed in Arthur’s head.

The King of Knights restrained his laughter on the surface, but he couldn’t help the secret laughter in his heart: “Merlin, stop playing, help Bedi start the spaceship.”

“I want to make him ugly for a while. Forget it.”

Bedivere hits another button, Boom! The ship shook. As the engine noise gradually increased, the Silver Shadow spacecraft started.

“Hahaha, moving. I’m such a genius.” Bedivere slumped on the driver’s seat and couldn’t help but smirk.

Merlin’s voice criticized Bedivere mercilessly in Arthur’s head: “By the way, the button he just pressed was wrong. The switch that actually started the engine was the lever next to his left hand. “

“Pfft.” Arthur really laughed this time. He grabbed the microphone next to the co-pilot and yelled at the communication device: “Youns, open the hatch. Get the cavalry ready.

—The battle begins! ! “

With a low screeching sound, the top cover of the warehouse opened, and the Silver Shadow flew into the air. Two silver and white dragons accompany them.

Accompanying the spaceship and rushing out of the battleship were dozens of iron cavalry. The knights formed a geese-shaped clan to clear the way in front of the king’s spaceship.

The (temporary) Knights of the Round Table who played at the time included: Lyon Dickens, Ewans, Palinlor, Evan, Owen, Jaglowe, Pasiva, Cador, Dreven, Carmel Len, Lancelot, Greenville, Charlotte, Constantine, and Shaxing, a total of fifteen people.

All of them hold the assigned Holy Spirit diamonds and are ready to summon the Holy Spirit at any time. As long as Arthur gives an order, fifteen Holy Spirits will pour out, bombarding the army of darkness in front of them to scum.

But Arthur waited patiently, and the Holy Spirit had to attack at the most opportune time to get the best results. The [Original Sin] they face is a monster with unimaginable power, and they can’t be too careful.

“Has it begun, King Arthur?” The Roman Emperor’s communication came from the Silver Shadow’s loudspeaker, “Then we begin too.”

Hundreds of battleships approached the King of Knights’ ranks. About half of them are human warships, and the other half are blue crystal warships of mermaids.

“Leave the work of opening the road to us.” The Queen of Iceland also said, “Start the Stardust Ice Drill! Assault!”

More than 160 blue crystal warships were arranged in a tight formation like shield armor in the air. They apply ice-shaping magic to the bow of the ship, creating drills made of eternal ice one after another.

These drills are ultra-hard diamonds and spin at high speed with momentum magic, turning them into real meat grinders. The fleet charged at a high speed and minced the countless black dragons oncoming!

“Full blast! Blast a way for the king of Pantoracken!” The Roman emperor also roared.

The fleets of the human allies are bombarded in the same direction, firing a large number of highly penetrating kinetic energy warheads, these extremely sharp metal warheads are also loaded with high-explosive magic catalysts. When a shell penetrated dozens of black dragons and consumed most of its kinetic energy, it also detonated automatically! The shock and high heat from the explosion devoured dozens of enemies around!

High-explosive bombs exploded continuously in the air for a while, igniting countless dazzling fireballs on Arthur’s path, like the street lights in a bustling night market, illuminating the dark road clearly and brightly!

“I see. Those high-explosive bombs are probably very expensive.” Arthur looked at all this and muttered to himself, “War is a dark industry that burns money like running water.”

Bediver also said: “I never imagined that Rome and Iceland had such a secret. We are allies and not It’s great.”

Silver Shadow spacecraft is still three hundred kilometers away from the cocoon of darkness. The dark army has been densely covered, and only black storms are raging everywhere. This road was also “blown up” by the Icelandic and Roman fleets.

The blue crystal battleship that opened the way directly in front of it was under high pressure and activated the maximum propulsion force. At the same time, it also rotated the ice drill at the highest speed, and smashed countless black dragons and piled forward. But their propulsion is always limited, and they are already a bit powerless.

“Your Majesty, should I—“

“Not now.” Arthur interrupted Palinlor’s question, “It’s still too far from the shell of [Original Sin]. We must use the Holy Spirit to break down the shell of the original sin, and the army of black dragons will be handed over. Let the Allied fleet handle it.”

“Hey hey, that’s right, King of Pantoracken.” The Roman Emperor’s voice came from the communicator. Because they were surrounded by the dark army, even the communication became intermittent, and the noise was endless: “Trust us, we will blast you a **** road right away! — Convert to snake formation! Start the assault!!” () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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