Light Spirit Epic Chapter 672: Awakening to the Source of Sin (22)


Contained in the battleship infirmary. Shortly after surgery. Bedivere, who is still on the verge of death. But at this time, he half-crawled and half-walked to the bridge. I heard everyone talking.

Bedivere has learned about [The Dark One] from previous broadcasts. He never dreamed of it. The [extremely dark person] devoured by [Origin Sin]. It turned out to be his friend Albert.

Bediver’s heart surged when he heard the bad news. Spit out a mouthful of blood. Kneel down.

“Greenville.” Arthur shoved the Holy Spirit Crown into the girl’s hands. “You know how the round table system works. That’s right. It’s up to you to do the aptitude test for the temporary knights of the round table.”

“Uh. What.” Confused Greenville nearly dropped the Holy Spirit Crown to the ground.

She managed to secure the gem-encrusted one. A heavy crown. Arthur had rushed over and helped Bedivere.

“Let’s go. Let’s talk in the medical room.” The king of knights carried the werewolf boy and hurried away.

“Uh. What shall I do next.” Greenwell looked at the crowd. Can not help but a while at a loss.

“First of all, you have to put the crown directly on someone.” Palinlor, who had seen the provisional Knights of the Round Table, said. Although he didn’t quite understand: “Then. uh… wait for one of the gems to react.”

Same time. in the medical room of the battleship.

“Damn.” Bedivere was half-recumbent on the sick bed. Complaining and sobbing in a low voice: “How could this be. Al shouldn’t have been left in Brindisi.”

“Stop crying. Bedie.” Arthur whispered. “Men only cry when it’s over. It’s not over yet. There’s still hope. It’s too early to be depressed.”

“You speak lightly.” Bedivere wiped away tears. “But Al has already been swallowed by that thing. I’m afraid it’s already bad. It’s been digested to the point where there’s no **** left.”

“No.” The King of Knights analyzed calmly. It’s like a machine without a heart: “[Original Sin] needs [The Dark Man] as a power source. More chapters coming sooner. It will definitely save Albert’s life. As long as that tiger boy Still alive. Possibly saving him from [Original Sin].”


“Really.” The king of knights patted the wolf boy lightly on the head.

“Beddie. It’s you who never gave up hope.

Always works miracles out of the [Impossible]. Also you.

It is because you are constantly visiting the Underdark. Lobbying the chiefs of the various orc clans. For the first time we have seen the hope of a peaceful negotiation with the orcs.

Without your initial efforts. None of this could have happened. Humans and orcs will definitely fight in the dark. The world simply cannot have a future.

It’s you. Never give up hope. We can get to this point.

It’s you. Never know to give up. There is only one last ray of hope left in this world.

This glimmer of hope was created by you. I won’t give up on it until the end. And you. Also please don’t give it up. “

Because hope is our only wealth.

Under the consolation of the King of Knights. Bedivere’s excitement gradually calmed down. The werewolf boy was still dying. The body was tormented in excruciating pain from the inside out. More faster chapters to come. But none of this made him succumb to despair.

“You…you’re right.” He tried to stop crying. Squeeze out a silly smile: “Can’t give up. It’s too early to give up. We must save Al. No matter how slim the hope is.”

“He will be saved.” Arthur promised with his little finger, “And when we save him. After sealing the original sin. Peace will surely come. The world will be a better place.”

“Definitely.” The werewolf boy also extended his fingers. Tick ​​the King of Knights. “When it’s all over…well…let’s go have a barbecue together.”

“You only know how to eat.” Arthur chuckled. “But. All right. I’ll treat you. Let everyone eat as much as you want. Eat until you can’t take it any longer.”

“Excellent.” Bedivere gave a pale smile. “Arthur…I have a bottle of medicine in the inner pocket of my armor. Can you get it for me.”

“Of course.” Arthur found a black potion in a red vial in the shattered armor of the werewolf boy.

Before handing it to Bedivere. The king of knights asked cautiously, “Tell me before giving it to you. What does this medicine do.”

“This is before we set off for the final battle on the Wall of the World. As sent by the people.” Bedivere said calmly. “This is also the potion that my friend Puff researched before he died. Most of the toxicity removed. [Hero’s medicine] safe to take. There will still be a little side effect. But at least it won’t kill the user. More Come to the chapter sooner.”

(Remembered. It was the deadly drug.)

“After drinking this. My body can temporarily forget the pain. Keep fighting.” Bedivere smiled calmly. “Arthur. Just let me fight with you. The assault on [Original Sin] counts for me. Albert is my friend. I can’t sit here and do nothing. Let you guys do it for me. Go save him.”

“You’re crazy.” The King of Knights looked at Bedivere, who was dying. I can’t imagine this guy taking the medicine and continuing to fight. Brady was simply going to die.

But this is Bedivere. For friends you can do anything. Two rib knives. If not. Bedivere is not Bedivere anymore.

Arthur knew that persuasion was useless. Even without drugs. Brady would still drag this tattered body into battle.

The King of Knights hands the potion to the werewolf boy.

The werewolf boy took the bottle of lethal anesthetic. Gumbling down. Drink the entire bottle of potion in one go.

The King of Knights grabbed the werewolf boy’s hand at the same time. He said earnestly: “You can go. But promise me: you must come back alive.”

I don’t know if it’s related to the potion or something else. Some kind of warmth poured out of the werewolf boy’s body. Fill him with power.

Bedivere, who was hot all over, also burst into tears. There are too many thoughts in his mind. too complicated. But can’t express it with clumsy mouth. Had to answer briefly and vaguely: “Yeah.”

After returning to the bridge with Arthur. Everyone was surprised by the change in Bedivere. But out of some kind of fear. No one dared to express their doubts.

Everyone present seemed to know. Bedivere was to die. Exposing this point. It will only make those who hear it more sad.

“Arthur. It’s all arranged.” Greenville handed the Holy Spirit Crown back to the King of Knights. “I just handed them gems according to the response from the crown. What kind of Holy Spirit will be summoned. It is unknown.”

As soon as the Holy Spirit Crown arrives in the hands of the King of Knights. More faster chapters to come. Immediately said: “I have distributed the Holy Spirits who can attack from a long distance and kill in a large area. Now you are satisfied.”

“Hmm. Good.” Arthur put the crown on. Only Arthur could hear the words of the crown of the Holy Spirit. His ambiguous answer was addressed to Greenville. Also said to the crown.

“It would be good to be able to use the Holy Spirit to make a way.” The Grand Duke of Palinlor asked suspiciously. “But. Does Your Majesty want to rush into that black thing with his own flesh. Is there really no problem with that?”

“Vivian will be very upset. Because I’m going to borrow her boat.”

“Only the shield of a small ship. Your Majesty. This is undoubtedly an act of suicide.”

“I have other plans.” Arthur’s eyes wandered outside the battleship’s window. Seems to be waiting for something.

In the distant sky. A silver shadow and another white shadow flew by. They are the Dragon Golem Bols and the Dragon Elaine. They were carrying some huge stele-like object. Hastily rushed to the battleship of Yones.

“Ah. Here it is.” Arthur rushed out of the bridge at the same time. The two dragons also placed huge steles on the deck of the battleship.

“Your Majesty. Your request has been delivered.” Boles turned back into a human form. Salute to King Arthur. “How exactly Stonehenge is supposed to be used. We don’t know. Are you sure you’re going to put it on a ship.”

“Well. Just try it out.” Arthur reached out and touched the huge stone tablet.

It’s a wonderful touch. Like a stone and very much like a metal monument. It was Merlin who created [Stonehenge]. It is currently in an inactive state. Dozens of stone tablets are tightly fitted together. Turned into a huge obelisk thirty feet long. You can tell from Elaine’s sweaty look. The stele is indeed very important.

“Fa. Master Mage.” The white dragon also turned back into a human form. asked half-hiding behind the dragon man golem. Elaine looked timid in front of the King of Knights. It seems that he is not used to the majesty of the king.

“Merlin uses too many spells. Turned to stone. Won’t wake up for a while.” Arthur shrugged friendly. “Leave him alone. Help me put [Stonehenge] on the ship. We’ll just have to hope it works.”

“Can someone explain to me what’s going I don’t understand anything about magic at all.” Palinlor, who followed to take a look. Instead, he was confused. “Isn’t this the Stonehenge Merlin used to seal the darkness. What does it have to do with this battle?”

“You’re stupid. Palinlore.” The Duke of Leon Dickens paced slowly. “When this thing is activated, it can generate a powerful enchantment. If it can seal the darkness in the enchantment. Of course, it can also block the darkness from the outside.”

“Oh. So it is.” Palinlor suddenly realized. “Your Majesty intends to use this thing to strengthen the shield of the ship. It’s very clever.”

(It’s not that I’m too witty. It’s that you’re too stupid.)

King Arthur held back the spit that came to his mouth. Instruct the two dragonmen to move Stonehenge to the battleship’s warehouse (the Silver Shadow is parked in the warehouse). at the same time. Correspondence from the Roman emperor also came.

“King Arthur. We have prepared the battle plan here. Are you ready too?”() “Acts of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. Please delete any content that contradicts national laws. Our stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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