Light Spirit Epic Chapter 669: Awakening to the Source of Sin (19)


Chapter 669 Awakening to the Source of Sin (Nineteen)

Not waiting for Grand Duke Hall to ask more about the reason for the matter. El has already attacked with his sword raised.

The magic sword Tyr Feng in his hand is absolutely impossible to defend against. A magic sword that can cut through space. Knowing this, Hall can only control Wallace to dodge.

Fortunately. The golden lion’s ability is to control gravity. It can float in the air. It is the result of controlling the gravitational field. Its air dance is a much more advanced ability than flying. To control the gravity field to move around. Dodge El’s attack. It’s even easier.

Albert, who slashed the air with one sword, had no plans to entangle with Hall. He flapped his wings and flew north.

Several golden lights shot. blocked Albert’s advance. That’s Wallace’s golden mane arrow.

“I want to leave so soon. Come play with me again.” Hall sneered. Raise the light gun too. Shooting wildly at the tiger boy.

Albert dodges the oncoming light projectiles. On the other side, he said quietly: “Old man. You really want to die, meow.”

“No. I don’t want to,” Hall whispered. His words were filled with sincerity: “But I will do what I can. Stop you from being swallowed by the darkness. If that will cost my life. I will do it without hesitation.

—I will not give up on you. so. Also please don’t give up on yourself. “

For a moment. Albert’s heart was moved by the words of the Heavenly Knight Hall. But he was soon blinded by darkness. Stop believing in everything.

“It’s just a bunch of nice talk anyway. Just to let my guard down. More chapters coming sooner. Right.”

People are selfish. People are greedy and shameless.

If it’s not relative, it’s not because of it. Talents don’t go to that extent for the sake of others.

“You can’t fool me with your rhetoric. Go to hell.”

The tiger man raised a black mist. Terrifying nanoscale golems can erode life. Attacked with overwhelming force. Covered half of the night sky.

That one ride will be engulfed by the black mist. Hall patted Wallace’s neck lightly: “Do it.”

“Roar…” The golden lion roared loudly. Accompanying the roar is the change in the gravity field centered on him.

A strong repulsion force blocks the black fog. They simply can’t get close to Wallace.

A Chaos troll proficient in gravity magic. The nemesis of Albert’s abilities.

“Tsk. It’s in the way.” Albert raised his magic sword. Through the black fog to attack the golden lion.

Of course. Was swiftly dodged by Wallace. The golden lion flashed away. Immediately fire his golden mane arrows. Hundreds of hairy arrows as thin as needles scattered towards Albert.

Swipe, swipe, swipe. The tiger man boy raised his sword to cut off the oncoming rain of golden needles.

“Huh.” Hall had been waiting on the lion’s back for a long time. Wait for Al to resist the rain of golden needles. The moment when the flaw is revealed. Raised the spear in his hand and stabbed a few times.

The weapon in his hand was specially chosen to deal with Albert. A well-crafted spear generates a powerful shockwave of kinetic energy when swung. The several vacuum waves shot out were sharper than the original spear tip. Can penetrate the enemy’s body at medium distances.

Albert **** his wings to dodge. But his left flank was still punched with fist-sized holes.

He fights back with a magic sword. Tyr Feng slashed the space again. Several black cracks were left in the air. The torn space was filled with the sound of crackling discharges. form several black holes. when they are combined. The expanding void will devour everything around it.

“It’s useless.” Hall again ordered Wallace to do the trick. The golden lion roared again. Generate a gravity field.

The black hole is wide open. Inhale the surrounding air. But there was no way to **** Wallace away. The golden lion is like a rock sitting in the midst of a storm. Unaffected by the madness of the world.

The black hole only appeared for a few seconds. annihilated in time and space.

Albert looked coldly at Hall’s ride. The ability of the golden lion Wallace is indeed Albert’s nemesis.

As if the Chaos troll was born for this moment.

“Give it up. Boy.” Hall persuaded bitterly. “Run south. Run away before the monster arrives. No matter how tragic you may be. Don’t give up on yourself. Throw your life away.

—Death is the worst ending. As long as you are alive. There is always a solution to everything. Wallace. “

“Shut up. Shut up your stinky mouth..” Albert didn’t listen to the persuasion at all. “I’m not Wallace. I’m Albert Roble. More chapters sooner.”

He slashes with his sword. But the anger made his attacks unruly. It’s just the level of a child wielding a sword.

“And my father Roble is dead. Murdered by you humans.”

Hall dodges the attack. Waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

“Even Deanna, who wanted to negotiate peace, was murdered by you. Why meow…” The tiger man stretched out his hand and raised a black mist. The black fog was blocked by Wallace’s gravity field.

“Could it be that we orcs are such unforgivable beings.” Albert continued with a violent slash. “Does it have to be driven out and killed by you humans. Answer me.”

Hall swung aside Albert’s slash. Wallace was also ordered to stay out of the way. More faster chapters to come. It was more than ten yards away from the tiger man boy.

“Is that idiot Cernas?” Hall probably guessed the ins and outs of the matter. “Boy. About your father. I’m sorry. But—”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” Al roared: “You didn’t promise me. You will protect Deanna’s life meow. When she was assassinated. Where were you.

Not even the promise was fulfilled. Dare to have the cheek to say [sorry] to me. .

Also said it was Shi Meow [Heavenly Knight]. You can’t even protect a girl. Mouth full of pretty empty words. Actually nothing can be done. What a nasty hypocrite.

—People like you. Go to hell. “

A ray of light falls from the moon. The first update fell on Albert’s chest.

The bright white light was instantly polluted by darkness. It became pitch black like ink. Covered Albert’s body. And the body of the tiger boy. The early northern black spots are completely eroded. Become a solid black tiger.

“Treacherous person. Don’t act like justice in front of me. Go die, die, die..” The tiger-man boy screaming frantically condensed a huge dark ball with a radius of thirty feet in the palm of his hand. Throw it towards Hall.

“Damn.” Hall saw the situation was not good. Wallace has been ordered to steer clear.

The golden lion flew more than thirty yards. The dark ball had exploded behind him.

Boom. . —Intense shock wave. There was a huge wave like a tsunami on the sea. It even blew Hall’s ride in the air into a lion’s head.

Hall was thrown from Wallace’s back by the shock. Doing somersaults in mid-air.

“Die.” Albert was already swiftly approaching Hall. Knife up and down.

“Not yet.” Hall doesn’t have any air superiority. But he grabbed the spear in his hand and stabbed. The resulting vacuum wave not only forces the opponent to dodge. The reaction force also pushed Hall away from the dangerous area.

Albert did not care that his body was penetrated by a vacuum wave. Take the opponent’s spear hard. The sword in his hand has cut a terrifying black arc. A severe wound was opened on Hall’s chest. If it weren’t for Hall, he escaped for a long distance with his reaction force. The magic sword Tyr Feng had already cut the Heavenly Knight in two.

“Ugh.” Blood spurted from Grand Duke Hall’s chest. Hall saw that the situation was not good. Immediately put a momentum magic. The shock wave exploded in his palm. Wind pressure blew on Albert’s eyes. The tiger man boy subconsciously closed his eyes to protect him.

The moment Albert showed his flaws. Hall grabbed the tiger boy’s sword-holding hand with one hand. Holding Albert tightly in one hand: “Fall with me.”

“Let me go. Let me go…” Black smoke enveloped Hall. Nano-scale golems drilled into Hall’s body through his seven orifices. The body of the Celestial Knight was destroyed from the inside out. Albert thought this would scare off his opponent.

“I said it. I will never let you go again.” Hall looked calm. That’s the calmness of the dying: “I’ve already died once. I don’t care if I die again. Wallace…this time. Dad will definitely save you.”

This moment. Albert knew. Hall really wanted to save him. Even at the expense of his own life. I also want to save Al.

Failed to understand Hall’s pains. The tiger boy has been giving up on himself. How stupid.

Albert was in tears as he fell. The darkness in his heart was gradually fading.

The two were enveloped in black smoke. Plunge into the sea. Hall recklessly attacked. Even if you can’t beat Albert. It also at least prevented the fusion of the tiger boy and [Original Sin].

—Or not.

A huge hand catches the falling pair. They landed on the metal plane of the giant palm. Made a thumping sound.

“What…how could it be—” Hall looked at the **** hand in amazement. Its five fingers are the head of the dragon. Turn them back one by one. Evil growls at the Celestial Knight.

[Original Sin] is five hundred kilometers away. It shouldn’t have come so soon.

But that monster is beyond the norm. one of its arms. Extends over 500 kilometers. Comes straight. Catch both Albert and Hall.

Of course. It was looking for Albert. Hall could die.

Five dragon heads dashed toward Grand Duke Stand in front of Hall. Bitten by a faucet. The dragon head completely shredded the golden lion. devour. Only a bloodbath remained. Drenched both of them.

“Damn. Damn ah ah ah ah.” Hall hugged Albert with all his strength. He intends to throw the tiger boy from the clutches of the monster. He hadn’t had time to rescue Al. He had already been bitten off half of his body by the dragon head.

Hall’s last vestiges of consciousness continue to blame himself. indeed. He is useless trash. Even desperate. Those who cannot be saved still cannot be saved.

—Revived by fate. He was drawn by the torrent of fate. In no case can you defy fate.

Tossed into the air, the tiger-men youth watched the terrifying scene in amazement. Frightened and trembling. Just when he thought he couldn’t lose more. He lost more.

“No…” Albert screamed.

But it was too late. Hall was completely torn apart by the dragon. devoured. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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