Light Spirit Epic Chapter 661: Awakening to the Source of Sin (11)


Chapter 661 Awakening to the Source of Sin

“You?” Arthur glanced at the boy suspiciously: “Constantine, your left hand—“

Constantine had great concentration and dexterous hands. His [Hand of God] can almost bring back life when used in surgery, and even successfully sewed Elaine’s head into a bear’s body.

However, as if God was jealous of the talent of this human teenager, Constantine’s left hand was abolished by an accident.

The left hand that was blown to pieces and damaged nerves and marrow, even if it can be restored, it is no longer as good as it used to be, and Constantine’s magical skills will be lost forever.

The King of Knights looked at Constantine and warned, “Don’t be too strong. No matter how skilled you used to be in surgery, that’s what happened in the past. It’s not just your left hand that you’ve lost. Losing your left hand will make your hands less coordinated. , which will ultimately affect the operation. If you try to do it, it will only kill Bedivere.”

“I won’t. Trust me.” Constantine looked at the King of Knights intently, with unprecedented determination in the boy’s eyes.

The King of Knights was stunned for a moment, and finally, he sighed: “Okay. I will trust you once. Bedi’s life will be entrusted to you.”

“It will definitely save him. Definitely.” Constantine murmured as he began to prepare for the operation.

“Arthur?!” Ivan helped set up the instruments on the operating table. Seeing that Arthur wanted to leave, he quickly asked, “Aren’t you here to watch?”

“The infirmary is so small, I’ll only get in the way here. Ivan, you also help Constantine. I’ll leave it to you here.”

The King of Knights turns and leaves.

“Then.” Constantine closed the door of the medical room, and the entire medical room began to be sprayed with disinfectant gas to sterilize the operation: “The operation has begun.”

Arthur, who came out of the Silver Shadow, was uneasy and worried about Bedivere’s life.

Merlin can use magic to convert blood, Evan’s eagle eye can guide Constantine’s surgery, and Constantine’s hand of God can sew up Bedivere’s wound. There was only Arthur who was useless.

He was frustrated that he couldn’t help. In order to put aside the frustration and anxiety in his heart, he had to do something to distract him.

The King of Knights looked at the spot of light in the far side of the square. ♀The entrance to the [Wall of the World Master Control Room].

Of course, that’s what Arthur et al are here for.

Palamedes and Vivienne headed there, maybe Morgan was there.

The king of knights drew out his holy sword and walked cautiously in the direction of that brilliance.

Unexpectedly, Arthur encountered no enemies along the way. Although the floor was littered with the corpses of dark creatures, these monsters had been cut to pieces by some kind of powerful attack and had long since died.

Across the avenue of flesh and blood, Arthur came to the main control room: a broken crystal hall.

The entire hall is made of diamond-hard crystal, but it was torn in half by some amazing force, and the remaining half of the hall hangs in pieces on the wall of the world, outside the eternal howling [Great Storm] ]. This miserable scene has its own morbid splendor.

Arthur has not had time to admire the majesty of the crystal hall, his eyes have been attracted by a stone statue in the hall.

He thought that the stone statue surrounded by gold was some kind of decoration, but when he got closer, he suddenly felt heartache.

That’s Vivienne and Palamidis hugging and kissing goodbye. For some unknown reason, both of them petrified.

“You two are stupid.” Arthur approached the statue and touched the golden casing of the statue lightly.

Epic photonic creatures like succubus and green knight would not have been petrified by overuse of their spells.

Unless, they used some kind of very powerful forbidden technique, and their bodies were excessively damaged by excess photons.

“Should be able to change back.” The Holy Spirit Crown on Arthur’s head said, “I don’t know how long it will take, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years.”

“…let them have a good rest. Go back and ask someone to move the statue to a safe place.” Arthur muttered, turning his head.

Two figures appear behind Arthur.

One is Uther, the Knight of Black Kai, and the other is Ellie, the Protoss.

Arthur looked at Ellie’s face after tearing off the disguise, first with surprise, then with anger: “So, Morgan copied Iglyn too.”

Ellie smiled at the King of Knights: “You should call me [Mom], my little baby. ♀”

“Shut up! You’re just a clone!—Me too! We’re all living a fake life, don’t come to me!”

Arthur raised his sword and pointed at the replicants Uther and his wife: “Where’s Morgan?!”

Egglyn sneered: “She’s gone to the other side of the world wall. Give it up, she’s in a realm you can never reach.”

“So—you want to fight me again?” Arthur was even more puzzled.

“No, that’s not necessary.” Uther smiled indifferently, “You should be very clear. The dark child in my body has been emptied, and the original magic power of my body is about to be used up. We are very Soon to die and become a soulless stone.”

That’s the truth, and Arthur can see it easily. Uther and the others are no longer able to fight, and they have done their best just standing and talking.

“Before we die, we have something to give to you.”


Uther and Ygglyn paced towards the Crystal Throne: “Come on, here.”

The two pressed on the two armrests of the Crystal Throne, and the throne began to respond.

Intense colorful light spilled out of the crystal, and the entire crystal throne began to disintegrate, deform, and finally reassemble into a large, ten-foot-tall mirror.

Arthur suddenly found this thing familiar. Yes, its shape is very similar to [Recall the Magic Mirror—Reiltherfield].

“Is this a trap?” The King of Knights walked over to the mirror.

“No. This is [true].” Uther said.

“[The Mirror of Reality—Reltherilnit].” Iglin also said.

“Real?” Arthur was fascinated by the infinitely changing brilliance in the mirror.

“Go on, child,” Uther whispered, as if a father was trying to persuade his child: “Here is what you want, the story, the answer to everything.”

“And we’ll watch over you.” Iglyn whispered, too, as if a mother was encouraging her son.

The two stood by the mirror, like two stone statues, waiting for the king of knights.

Arthur looked at the two standing still, and his doubts gradually diminished, replaced by curiosity.

The knight king, who was finally defeated by curiosity, let out a sigh and walked into the magic mirror.

About seventeen years ago.

—–The woman sighed in a low voice, begging in front of her daughter.

“Please, Morgan. You must have a solution. All I want is a child. With this child, Uther will definitely give up on me.”

This foolish mother is madly in love with her daughters’ father-killer, the Heavenly Knight Uther.

The daughter looked at her mother with disdain, her eyes filled with resentment.

In order to compete with Uther’s family, Iglin wants a child.

After the succubus gave birth to three daughters, her fertility had greatly declined, and in fact she could no longer bear children.

So she came to ask for her third daughter, Morgan. She knew something about Morgan’s research that could help her get her wish.

Ignoring her feud and betraying her daughters, Iglin has the audacity to come to Morgan and beg her daughter’s help – just to please the man!

From that moment on, Morgan came up with a revenge scheme – one that would destroy the Uther family and cause Iglin to die in agony.

Morgan’s original research was the technology of summoning [evil spirits] from the void.

Morgan, ostensibly obedient to his mother, has a secret plan to create a [soul].

All of this is just part of her revenge plan.

A few months later, a boy is born. This illegitimate illegitimate child turned the house of the Grand Duke of Pantoracken upside down.

Even Iglyn doesn’t know that her son [Arthur] is actually a baby born from an embryo possessed by an evil spirit.

Morgan never thought of helping Iglin. She just used the baby for her revenge.

As the years passed, this little boy with an evil spirit in his body grew up. He spends every day being bullied by his brother Gunther.

Affected by the power of evil spirits, Arthur has an amazing self-healing ability and is almost an undead existence.

As a result, Gunther’s abuse of his younger brother became more and more excessive, and the physical torture became more and more bloody, violent, violent.

Arthur, who Gunther thought was “unkillable”, was suddenly tortured to death one day – Morgan planned all this in secret to cancel the power of the evil spirits.

Iglyn lost control because of her son’s death.

In rage, the succubus blood washed the Grand Duke’s Mansion of Pantoracken, killing Gunther, Uther’s main room, and dozens of domestic servants one by one.

Iglyn, who was punished for this, was treated as a witch and burned at the stake.

——This is Morgan’s revenge. She deeply believed in human malice, and she knew that malice was enough to destroy a happy home.

“Unbelievable.” Arthur looked at the images in front of him, surprised but also very sad: “I didn’t expect Morgan to be so vicious.”

“I didn’t even think that you had fragments of evil spirits in your body.” The Holy Spirit Crown looked in another direction, “No wonder you can’t create your own Holy Spirit. You are an evil spirit.”

Accurately, Arthur is a thirteenth evil spirit.

The dead little boy Arthur was sent by Iglin to his second daughter, Morgos, begging Morgos to resurrect him.

While examining Arthur’s body, Morgoth sees through Morgan’s scheme.

Not for revenge on her mother, or against her younger sister Morgan, Morgoth just had a crooked mind and was bent on making things worse—she dispelled the evil spirit in “Arthur” and formed this evil spirit The photons of her were scattered into thirteen parts and put into the thirteen androids she made.

Only one of the androids has been successfully resurrected – he is the current android number nine – this “Arthur”.

The scene changes quickly, and Arthur finds himself standing on the execution ground in London’s Great Square.

In the distance, Iglyn burned to ashes Soldiers in the square are busy cleaning up the scene, sweeping the ashes of the abominable witch into the trash.

Nearby, a little boy wearing a cloak with only half of his face exposed was crying quietly.

A knight in a heavy cloak stood in front of the little boy and whispered, “Who are you? What are you?”

The little boy does not answer.

The knight asked again: “Where did you come from?!”

Uther took off his hood, his eyes met Arthur’s, and the burning light in his eyes was pressing, as if he was examining the soul of the King of Knights.

—Where did you come from, Void Soul?

Faced with the questioning of his father in memory, Arthur responded with a moment of silence.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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