Light Spirit Epic Chapter 657: Awakening from the original sin (7)


♀Chapter 657 Awakening to the Source of Sin

Bokken, who blocked the attack at the expense of one arm, let out a grunt like a grunt

He drew out several swords to force Evan away: “Tsk, I really have a fate with the guy who uses electricity today”

The half-dragon boy did not have a greedy knife and hurriedly rolled away to open the distance

Bokken squinted and carefully looked at the half-dragon boy “what trick did you play to escape my sniper”

Evan wiped the blood on his forehead silently. The sniping just now was not completely avoided, but he was missed and wiped on the half-dragon boy’s forehead

“Really, it’s really a boring eye-catcher” Boken sneered

The purpose of Evan’s use of the vacuum shield is not only to make himself move faster

The vacuum membrane opened like an umbrella in front of the half-dragon boy not only reduces the wind resistance and speeds up the speed, but also slightly deflects the air, making Evan’s image slightly different from his actual position

Bokken aimed at Ivan’s eyebrows and thought he could headshot his bullet, but it missed the half-dragon boy’s left forehead

The sword stab that also wanted to remove Ivan’s heart was also deflected due to the disturbance of the vacuum film and only stabbed the half-dragon boy’s arm

Even though he far surpassed Ivan Boken’s attack in combat skills, he failed twice because he underestimated the enemy and thought that a precise strike would be enough to kill the half-dragon boy

Using two third-rate magic tricks to resist the attack of a first-class sniper, Boken had to praise the wit of the young man in front of him from the bottom of his heart

Berken waved the lightsaber in his hand and instantly transformed into a photon crossbow: “Well done, boy, I should get serious and see if you can survive the burst of arrows”

As soon as the voice fell, Boken has fired three arrows in a row

Three bursts of photon bolts lined up and swept toward the half-dragon boy’s head, even if the vacuum film deflected the air and caused visual deviations. This kind of attack in a row can ensure that at least one bolt hits the target

Unexpectedly, Ivan had already squatted down with a photon arrow and brushed off the top of the half-dragon boy’s head, only burning a few locks of hair

Boken immediately changed his aim to fire more arrows

The moment he squatted to the ground, he immediately raised his sword and stabbed into the ground: “Haha”

The lightning enchantment on the lightsaber touches the ground and instantly drains the electricity and sends a powerful electric shock

The explosive kinetic energy converted from electricity propels the half-dragon boy to the sky

“What?” Boken, who had shot a crossbow arrow, couldn’t help but be startled, and the arrow fell under Ivan’s feet. The half-dragon boy has jumped ten feet high

Berken raised the photon crossbow and aimed again, but the dynamics of the half-dragon boy in mid-air was so complicated that there was no way to instantly aim at the head, and it would be difficult to kill the opponent with the lethality of the photon crossbow without headshots

Swipe, swipe, swipe, Ivan has already shot several vacuum blades in mid-air. The sharp airflow blades fall like raindrops, completely blocking Bokken’s retreat

Sir Hawkeye had to take a defensive stance and use his arms to protect his important organs. He believed that he had the powerful self-healing power of the Green Knight. Even if his body was cut by a vacuum blade, there would be no big problem.

Evan fell to the ground with the vacuum blade rain

Berken raised his arms to defend against the air attack and it was a good time to shoot

As soon as I fell to the ground, Ivan immediately raised his sword with his right hand and slashed into the ground. The electric blade once again burst into an electric shock and pushed the half-dragon boy forward.

At the same time, he raised the pistol in his left hand and slammed the rapier into the head of Sir Berken, aiming at the heart of the emerald knight

Kala-sharp infinity vacuum blade pierces Bokken’s breastplate to the point

“Die,” the half-dragon boy pulled the trigger and shot the infinite vacuum blade wildly at the emerald knight’s chest, and also activated its enchantment, bursting out countless vacuum blades, slicing Boken’s chest to pieces

“Woo” Boken took a fatal blow and still didn’t give up and raised his photon crossbow to the head of the half-dragon boy: “This is not enough to kill me, don’t forget that I am a green knight”

The photon crossbow fired three shots at Evan at close range, but was swayed by the half-dragon boy a few times

“Slow death where do you shoot?” The half-dragon boy sneered that the lightsaber in his right hand had stabbed in Boken’s thigh. The strong electric current stimulated Boken’s body and caused the emerald knight’s body to be paralyzed and slow to move

“Good…” Boken vomited blood

“Admit loss and go all the way” Ivan’s lightsaber has changed from golden yellow to milky white—he activated the holy enchanted lightsaber and dragged it up from the wound on Boken’s thigh and slashed it to the head

Under the power of [divine], the green knight was powerless and could only open his eyes to watch the lightsaber cut himself off. The moment he was hit in the head, he turned his neck at an incredible angle and completely avoided the head. hit

“Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah” Bokken screamed his body and was cut from the thigh from the left to the right shoulder to be split fiercely

[Holy] photons eroded the body of the emerald knight and quickly disintegrated the corpse of the undead monster. At the same time, Boken fell, and the body was continuously burned by white flames. Although the head was destroyed, the body was severely injured. keep fighting

“Tough guy” Ivan retracted his swordsman and touched the wound on his forehead subconsciously, then looked into the distance: “What happened to Arthur and the others?”

Just as he turned to leave—

A tentacle grabbed the half-dragon boy’s neck

“Crack” Ivan was almost breathless when the tentacles tightened: “What… what”

There is only one head left on the ground, but this head has dozens of tentacles like an octopus. He uses these tentacles to crawl out of his “body” to avoid being killed by [divine]

This is the true face of Hawkeye Boken

[Hawkeye] Sir Borken has a history as a Green Knight

Because only the head can adapt to the poisonous photons of the succubus, the original body of the emerald knight has already decayed and destroyed, and only this head is left

But this human head, which has become a green knight, can invade other creatures by constantly changing bodies to continue life

In order to capture the body Bokken, the principle of the battle has always been headshot first and try not to hurt the enemy below the head

If the opponent struggles badly, there is a possibility of heavy damage to the body, and Boken will cheat and attack at the moment when the opponent is relaxed

It is true that Evan has already fought beautifully in this battle, but he is still young and has not seen the superb acting skills of Boken’s fraud

It’s all the fault of youth

“Hahahahaha, how soft the body is so soft and elastic,” Bokken tightened the tentacles that holding Yiwen’s neck and intending to break Yven’s head. “Your body will accept it”

“Wow…” Evan grabbed the opponent’s tentacles with both hands and struggled with all his strength, but found that his body became more and more numb

Six tentacles entangled Evan’s hands and feet, pierced his skin and injected poison and venom into the blood vessels, making the half-dragon boy gradually lose his strength

“Arthur” only felt that the consciousness of the half-dragon boy was on the verge of collapse

Beside the boulder at the same time

Protoss Master Ellie’s tin stick raises dozens of tracking ice arrows and shoots them at Merlin. Their pursuit ability is first-class. No matter how big the mages dodge the ice arrows, they always deftly turn and adjust the angle and continue to shoot at the mages

“Um” Merlin snorted and swept the staff to raise a wall of fire, the ice instantly dissolves and cancels each other when it meets the fire

“Well done.” Merlin jumped back a few steps and said, “Chasing Frost Arrow is considered advanced magic, but you can quickly cast advanced magic without any preparation.”

“Award” Ellie raised the tin stick again and hit an electric arc as thick as a tree. The speed of the mage is close to the speed of light and it is almost inevitable

Merlin took the first step to set up a magic shield, and the arc slashed on the shield and instantly bounced

“What can stop lightning”

“It’s just a simple physical principle, just pump out the air to construct an insulating vacuum wall, don’t be afraid of electricity or something.” Merlin sneered, showing his white teeth: “Come on, your strength should be far more than that, you know I am a master. The mage should know that I have a countermeasure for every conventional attack magic in the world. It is impossible to hurt me.

Put out your real kung fu and use original magic that no one has ever seen before against me, I’m too busy to talk to you”

Seeing that the opponent made it clear

She held her tin stick high, and a burst of black air began to emerge from the silver-white top of the tin stick.

“Um” Merlin looked at the black devil in front of him and was shocked: “You guys are so brave to actually create a spiritual body with a dark son”

The dark devil in front of him is the spirit body condensed by the dark son and the evil spirit, the holy spirit, the light and the ghost, which are very similar in nature but completely opposite:

—Dark Spirit

Other spiritual bodies are composed of photons, although their properties are different, they are at least photon life forms that are born in accordance with the laws of nature

The dark spirit is different. The nature of the dark son is already extremely evil. The spiritual body formed by the dark son is even more evil. It is completely anti-human, anti-nature, anti-life and anti-world.

Whoever creates the dark spirit is against the world and against the laws of the entire universe.

Merlin realized for the first time that the protosser Ellie in front of him was actually an evil [Dark Spiritualist] someone who must not survive and must be destroyed

“It’s just an experiment and it’s not perfect, it needs someone to manipulate” Ellie sneered evilly and didn’t seem to care how evil what she made: “After a while, Queen Morgan will be able to find [ The source of darkness] creates the perfect dark spirit capable of autonomous action

—When the army of dark spirits is completed, it will be the day when the world will be shrouded by darkness [silence]”

“Just kill you all before that.” Merlin raised his staff and instantly absorbed the surrounding air and ignited it, creating a huge plasma fireball with a radius of 30 feet

“Controlling the spirit body is not your patent—let you experience the highest level of magic in the world” Merlin concentrates on injecting [soul] into the plasma fireball

The fireball with self-awareness controlled by [Espiration] gradually gave birth to the form of [human]

The thirty-foot-tall [Fire Elemental Giant] floats in the air and growls loudly

This is a fierce battle between monsters and monsters

The Great Mage Merlin who controls the [Fire Elemental Giant] and the Dark Spiritist Ellie who controls the [Dark Spirit Giant] began a head-on conflict

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