Light Spirit Epic Chapter 651: Awakening to the Source of Sin (1)


Chapter 651 Awakening to the Source of Sin

Allie exclaimed: “How did you—!””The moment Paramy bit you, you were distracted. The shield you used to protect the throne disappeared.♀”Vivian is still a moment The system was continuously activated, “Thanks to Paramy, I was able to pass through your shield and come to the throne.” Hawkeye Boken fired at Vivian without saying a word. The light bullet hit, but was blocked by some invisible wall three yards away from Vivienne’s side.

“The same trick, will I get a second time?” The woman pulled back her hair. It was these hairs that blocked the attack: tens of thousands of hair strands so thin that they could not be seen by the naked eye, crisscrossed, forming a wall of hair.

Duncan, the weapon master with the most attack penetration ability, has been cut in half by Palamides. The remaining two emerald knights, their attacks could not pose a threat to Vivian at all.

As long as Vivian doesn’t move half a step, she will never take any damage within this hair wall. And she was about to achieve her goal.

“[Second-level security procedures], activate!” With Vivian’s call, the entire wall of the world began to roar.

“What?!” A device on Morgan’s chest began to glow brightly. It broke through the shirt of the Dark Queen’s chest and floated in the air.

The key to the World Wall reacts at the same time the security protocol is activated.

It split into seven pieces instantly and flew out in different directions. Through the walls of the crystal hall, through the great storm, through the thick clouds, and finally disappearing into the endless horizon!

The key that the Queen of Darkness has worked so hard to grab, just like that. Who knows who their next host will be! To re-collect these key fragments, it is impossible to do it in a year or a half!

“Morgan, this time you lost.” Vivian looked at her sister smugly. She finally succeeded in preventing the opening of the wall of the world and strangled her sister’s conspiracy in the cradle!

The world is saved!

“Hmm, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!” Morgan broke out into a louder and more crazy smirk, as if he heard a big joke. ♀

She jumped from the top of [Original Sin]’s head and walked slowly towards Vivienne, her black face unsmiling: “Do you think the world will be saved if the security protocol is activated?—It’s too early to be happy! “The Wall of the World shook even more, as if something was restarting.

“Indeed, you stopped the process of opening the World Wall.” Morgan smiled sinisterly. “However, in order to run [Second-Level Security Protocol], the entire system has to be shut down and restarted.” Whoosh. The surrounding lighting was completely gone, and as Morgan said, the whole system came to a standstill.

“And within half a minute of restarting, the program to seal [Original Sin] will also fail!” Vivian couldn’t help but feel a chill in her heart when she heard what her sister said.

Not far away, the [Original Sin] demon sealed in the black crystal woke up!

It opened a pair of blood-red eyes filled with ominous bloodshots.

Morgan laughed even harder: “Ahahahaha!

—Sister, you were doomed from the start! The moment the key falls into my hands, you are doomed!

Whether you successfully activate the security protocol to close the World Wall, or do nothing and leave the World Wall open, the world will be destroyed! The only difference is the way of destruction! “”And now—“The Wall of the World has been completely restarted, the lighting of the Crystal Hall has been restored again, and Morgan’s dark face once again appears in Vivian’s vision: “Since you have chosen to let [Original Sin] Come to destroy the world, let it play enough with you! “The fully awake Origin Sin Demon opened his mouth of blood and sucked in everything around him!

“Palami!!” Vivian rushed out desperately and threw herself on the leopard warrior. Her hair was spread out and tucked deep into the ground, creating a strong pull that kept herself and Palamidis from being sucked out of the Origin Sin!

Those present were not so lucky.

Those dead emerald knights turned into a large number of particles, absorbed by the original sin.

Duncan, the weapon master who was cut in two and had no time to recover, had no choice at all, and was also swept away by the powerful suction!

The alert eagle-eyed Ser Borken, stabbing the ground with his bayonet spear for support, is barely surviving in the gravity of death!

Protoss Ellie set up a magic shield to protect herself and Morgan from the suction.

“Hehehehehe, Yuan Sin seems to like these offerings!” Morgan laughed wildly, unscrupulous in the magic shield.

Attracted for a while, Yuan Sin killed both the living and the dead at the scene, leaving only a few survivors. Yuan Sin is too lazy to care, these few people are not enough for it to be inserted between the teeth. He was very hungry and desperately needed to find more food.

The voice of Origin Sin was almost forced into everyone’s mind. Its presence is so strong that even thinking can be easily detected by surrounding creatures.

Hearing all this, Vivienne was filled with endless tremors!

Origin Sin climbed up and destroyed the crystal hall, and drilled out of the seal of the wall of the world!

Vivian watched from a distance the source of her escape through the shattering crystal world.

It turned out that the behemoth that was sealed in the Crystal Hall, with half of it exposed, was not the head of Yuan Sin at all.

That’s just one of its fingers.

The real source of sin is half buried in the wall of the world!

As it climbed out, a big hole appeared in the wall of the world! A towering crack leads all the way to the endless darkness in the distance, the other side of the earth! !

“It’s time to say goodbye, sister.” Morgan hummed softly, seeming to be in a very happy mood, “I’m going to the dark continent of Asia. There, there is what I want, [the source of darkness].” Morgan paused again and looked at the black demon in the distance: “This [Original Sin] will be left to you to tune. If it can’t destroy your world… Then, we will be seven years See you later.” Morgan turned his head and instructed: “Berken, Ellie, if you are still alive, go to the lower floor. Play with Arthur and the others for a while. Your mission is over, no matter life or death, you are free There!” “Yes, Her Majesty Queen Morgan!” The last emerald knight turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

“Arthur will be moved to tears by this reunion, hehe.” Morgan shook out a deep and inexplicable sentence, sneered, and spread a pair of pure black wings, “Goodbye, sister. Or say goodbye. It’s gone.” She flapped her wings and dived towards the gap in the wall of the world, and soon disappeared into the endless darkness of the crack.

“Morgan…” Vivian looked at Morgan who was far away, and then at [Original Sin] who was moving south. After Yuan Sin escaped, the gap in the wall of the world began to repair automatically, and countless silver bricks appeared out of thin air, blocking the huge crack.

Within a quarter of an hour, the wall of the world is completely closed. Everything seems to have never happened.

At least, don’t worry about the World Wall for now.

The only problem left is [Original Sin].

The three-thousand-foot-tall fiend is still unhurriedly heading south–to find his food, [Man of Darkness].

Faced with such monsters, Vivian and the others are so insignificant that they are simply powerless to contend with them.

It can only be left to Arthur to deal with.

“Vi…Vian.” Palamidis woke up still very weak, his internal organs were all ruptured in the high-speed movement, and his inner part was already tattered.

Even so, he worries about the world: “Have I…did it? Did we save…the world? Will the children…be saved?””Yes, we It’s done. They’ll be saved.” Vivian couldn’t bear to tell the truth, she chose to lie to her husband, “Go to sleep, Palamy. It’s all over. Rest well.” “Vivian… ‘ Palamedis whispered feebly: ‘I want… to hear you sing. Lena she used to… often… sing… for us. That song… calms people down.’ The woman A moment of silence.

“As long as you hear that…you can fall asleep peacefully.” The big cat whispered coquettishly.

The woman sighed: “I really can’t do anything about you guys. Just sing one paragraph, just one paragraph.” She took a deep breath and began to sing:

“Ah——watcher of the night sky, why are you concentrating, concentrating?

It is to witness the brimming vitality of this world.

You stand on the ground and stare at the vast land. If you are wise, you will have the moment to see through the darkness.

Ah—— the leader of Chenhui, why do you soar on the wind, soar on the wind?

In order to awaken the world’s endless hope.

The light shines on the earth, the light of God is whispering, if there is love, there will be a moment of brilliance——”In the fragmented crystal hall, only the couple are left.

Outside, the fierce and relentless thunder and lightning roar of [The Great Storm], the most insane and violent scene on earth.

Indoors, there is a woman’s touching and gentle singing, the most peaceful and quiet space in the world.

In his wife’s arms, Palamidis felt a long-lost peace, his journey had come to an end, and he could finally breathe in peace.

Just as he thought so, the Leopard Man’s body began to petrify. The petrification starts from the feet and spreads all the way to the upper body.

“Ah, what a good song.” The big cat whispered praise at the end of the song.

Something dripped on his but his eyes couldn’t see it.

“Vivian? Is it raining?” “Yes.” The woman tried her best to hold back her tears, “The hall was destroyed and the rain poured in from outside.” “So sleepy. I’m going to sleep. Just this Once…it may be…longer.” “Sleep. I will always protect you.” Before Vivien finished speaking, the petrification had spread to Palamidis’ neck.

Before her husband was completely turned to stone, Vivienne leaned in and gave her husband a deep kiss. Her hair glowed golden, surrounding herself and her lover.

The petrochemical spread, and even Vivian was affected by the petrochemical.

The two embraced and turned into an eternal statue. Statue of a pair of lovers kissing eternally. The woman’s golden hair was frozen from then on, like a golden storm, wrapping the two of them and protecting them forever.

Fulfilling their mission, they fell into eternal slumber.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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