Light Spirit Epic Chapter 65: The omen of the storm (Part 2)


Chapter 65 Omen to the Storm (Part 2)

“Huh!” Tristan jumped into the bathtub, causing a splash of water.

“Where’s your politeness, stinky boy.” Arthur, who was splattered on his face, said in disgust.

“Noisy! It’s because of you that I showered twice in one day!” Tristan said, “Those **** dirty hazmat suits are really not for people! It’s itchy now, wait a while. I also have to do a whole body disinfection, I hope it can really get rid of the bacteria on my body!”

“That’s an exaggeration.” Arthur wiped the water from his face, “You pampered guy from the palace should stay in the commoners to get used to it, otherwise the immunity will be completely degraded.”

“I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about my immunity.” Tristan retorted, “You guys who don’t know what hygiene is, you should take good care of yourself not to get skin diseases.”

“Stop arguing,” Bedivere said, “Why don’t you two always get along?”

“Humph!” Tristan snorted, soaking himself in hot water.

“By the way, it seems that there is still a need to hunt a dragon?” Kai said, “Any good goals?”

“Aren’t all dragons in hiding? It’s really hard to find them,” Tristan said.

“It’s hard to say.” Arthur said, “The evil star? Xianvia?”

“Don’t call us casually.” Two dragons flew in, “Who do you think your kid is, who can call us like a pet?!”

“In the end, didn’t you come here as soon as you called?” Arthur looked at the red dragon and the white dragon, the two little guys were covered in scars, “What? A fight?”

“Noisy! Who told the evil star to steal my pudding!” Bai Long plunged into the bathtub. (The temperature of the water drops immediately)

“That’s obviously my dessert!” The red dragon also plunged into the bathtub. (The temperature of the water rises again immediately!)

“What? Didn’t your portion have been eaten long ago?” Bai Long said angrily.

“You’ve finished eating it, of course!” Red Dragon also said angrily.

“Bastard, do you want to fight?!” “Who’s afraid of who?!” The two little dragons began to fight again, splashing in the bathtub.

“Stop it!” Arthur grabbed a little dragon with one hand, “If you want to fight, let me fight outside! If you take a shower, wash it honestly!”

“Ow!” The two dragons looked at each other angrily, but being separated by Arthur like this, he was honest.

“I’m asking about other dragons, if you remember?” said the knight Arthur.

“Yes, yes, but I can’t give it to you for nothing,” said the red dragon evil star.

“Let you eat it? Do you think I would allow this?” Arthur shook his head.

“Well, since you don’t let us eat other dragons, then you must at least provide a way for us to get the inherent photon.” Said the white dragon Xianvia.

“The previous deep-sea trolls had their tentacles dropped, can’t you eat the grilled octopus legs?” Kai said.

“After eating, the meat is extremely sour and smelly. If you want to eat it, you can do it yourself.” Hong Long said.

“You’re picky eaters,” Bedivere said.

“I really want to eat noctilucent insects.” Bai Long said suddenly.

“What luminous…?”

“Luminous bugs. Don’t you humans know?” said the red dragon, “a kind of luminous bugs that fix the free photons in nature in their bodies. It can be said to be the ancestor of epic photonic creatures. Their inherent photons are The simplest structure, especially easy to absorb after eating.”

“Oh, you can’t eat grilled octopus, but you can eat worms. Your sense of taste is amazing.” Tristan said badly.

“What do you know, ignorant brat!” The white dragon Xianvia showed an unforgettable look, “The noctilucent insects are almost entirely composed of inherent photons, which are the highest delicacy for dragons. Our great mothers used to Catching noctilucent worms for us to eat, it tastes really good. But as our bodies grow bigger and bigger, the little noctilucent worms start to not fit enough between our teeth and can’t taste the taste.”

“It’s great to make you so small,” Tristan said with a smile.

“Bastard! It’s not because of you!!” Red Dragon Shaxing said angrily.

“Anyway, I’ll catch the luminous bugs for you, right?” Arthur said, “Where?”

“That, we don’t know either.” Bai Long said.


“We only know that noctilucent insects like to eat the nectar of a flower called ‘Breath of the Sky’. We don’t know what humans call these flowers, and we haven’t seen this kind of flower for a long time. Has it disappeared from the earth?”

“Breath of the sky?” Arthur asked, “at least describe what they look like?”

“There are six white petals, and the part near the core is blue. The outer layer of the core is yellow and the inner layer is green, and the flower has a special aroma like almond.”

Everyone shook their heads together, indicating that they had not seen each other.

“Well, I seem to have seen it somewhere.” Someone said. It turned out that Evan came in with the clean clothes that Arthur and the others replaced.

“Have you really seen it?” Arthur said. “Where? Can you take us there?”

“Yes. But let’s talk about it later? Father… Grand Duke Yones ordered me to take you to his dining room for a meal after you have finished bathing,” the boy said.

“Got it. I’ll be there in a minute,” Arthur said.

“Then I’ll put the replacement clothes here.” The young Evan put down the basket and planned to leave.

“Wait a minute, boy,” Arthur said. “What are you doing? You saved the entire Knights of the West, but are they still letting you work here as a handyman?”

“It’s nothing, this is my daily job.” Evan said, “My father said that it was too early for me to join the Knights. It would be better to continue to be a handyman until I turned sixteen.”

“And you think that’s fine?” the knight asked sharply.

“…There is nothing good or bad. Except for the Knights, I have nowhere to go.” Evan said, there was a hint of sadness in the boy’s words.

“Your father… Duke Yones hates you?” Arthur demanded.

“Hate? I don’t know either. My mother was a prostitute. Although I was with my father for a long time after I met my father, the prostitute was always a prostitute. No matter how hard my mother insisted, it couldn’t really prove that I really was. It is the son of the Grand Duke of Yones. My father is also suspicious. Anyway, my mother died in the year of the epidemic in the town, and there is no place to take me except the Knights. My background is so bad, the Knights People probably don’t like it, right? Maybe being a handyman is the most suitable job for me.”

“Can a prostitute’s son not be a knight?” Arthur asked, “I don’t remember such a rule in the Order.”

“It would be nice if the world were this simple… I’m sorry, I won’t disturb the rest of the knights, and I will retire first.” Evan retreated with a frustrated face.

“, what are you thinking about?” Kay said thoughtfully, “Isn’t it because I feel very similar to myself, so I sympathize with that child?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Arthur pretended to be nonchalant.

“Arthur… you’re sure the deep sea trolls are really wiped out, right?” Bedivere said suddenly.


“There won’t be a second one left in the dungeon…right?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“Um…” The werewolf boy said with a livid face, “something has been scratching my feet since just now.”

The knights jumped out of the water immediately.

“…huhu” Tristan struggled to hold back.

But Arthur saw the murloc boy snickering: “Tristan?”

“Hahahaha, I’m sorry, I just wanted to make fun of you all of a sudden. ——-It hurts! What are you doing!?”

“Sorry, it just slipped!” Kay said, pulling back the fist that hit Tristan on the head.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to beat you up suddenly!” Arthur said, pulling back his fist on Tristan’s head.

“Sorry, I just wanted to stay in formation all of a sudden,” Bedivere said, pulling back his fist on Tristan’s head.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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