Light Spirit Epic Chapter 642: Attack on Youyu (12)

Chapter 642 Attack on the Netherland

This is the “true face” of the Queen of Darkness, Morgan Le Fay Convair.

There was black air all over her body, and even her tight and elastic skin was uniformly dark. [;Huangshan Literature Network] The oily jet black has a morbid beauty, which is in sharp contrast with the blood-red pupils.

“I have completely mastered the control technology of the dark son, and completely fused my own inherent photon with the dark son. The dark son can multiply indefinitely, and I have an endless stream of magic power, and I can make as many emerald knights!” “As long as they can adapt to your [toxicity].” Palamides grinned, his eyes full of anger, “Sorceress, how many experiments have you carried out and how many innocent people have you killed in order to make this batch of emerald knights? Human?! You demon who kills humanity!” “Hehe, thank you for your compliment.” Morgan didn’t get angry, but laughed happily, “It’s just right to kill humanity. All [life] in this world will face the fate of [death] , even the universe will be attributed to [quiet]. A world that is about to be destroyed, what is the purpose of killing one more, and what is the harm of killing one more?” She, crazy.

She is, a madman who worships destruction with all her heart.

It is also the revenge of killing her father, Vivian of the three dark sisters chose to forgive, so she was redeemed;

Morgos chose indifference and was devoured by indulgence;

And Morgan, who chose to continue hatred, was eventually occupied by madness and fell into eternal darkness.

She’s too deep to be saved.

Vivian frowned sadly as she looked at her frantic sister.

“Oh, that’s right.” Morgan ignored Vivian’s feelings and added: “You said I was manipulating five Emerald Knights at the same time. You were wrong. In fact, I was manipulating Emerald. There are six knights.” “Wha—” Before Vivian could react, a bullet had already shot with astonishing force and landed straight on the woman’s forehead.

Blasts a fist-sized hole.

Morgan sneered: “[Hawkeye]—Sir Boken, a genius in long-range sniping. No one alive could detect his attack, and would be dead when he did.” Sin] climbed up on his forehead, put away the sniper rifle in his hand, and habitually fired a shot to change places. ♀

Palamidis felt Vivienne on his back slack, and then he understood the seriousness of the matter: “Vivienne?!” “Vivienne!!——” Giant Leopard Screaming hoarsely.

At the same time, Brindisi in Rome.

Seeing Richard’s appearance from a distance, the Grand Duke of Leon Dickens, who was in command in the battle, couldn’t hold back any longer and rushed forward.

“Richard, are you still alive?!” When he saw his son for the last time, Richard stabbed the Grand Duke of Leon Dickens with a sword, almost killing the Knight of Heaven. At the same time that he missed the assassination of King Arthur, Richard also detonated the bombs buried in Camelot’s dungeon, trying to bury Arthur and Leon Dickens alive.

Arthur and the others, who escaped from Avalon’s portal, thought that Richard had been involved in the explosion, or was buried in Camilo forever.

I didn’t expect this **** betrayal to be alive and to stop Arthur again.

“It’s a real grievance.” The king of knights drew out his holy sword unhappily, “Don’t do anything, this is a private matter between me and Richard. Richard, let’s duel here for the last time. “That’s what I meant.” Richard walked down the hill with a fierce look in his eyes: “I will kill you this time!””…Sorry, Leon Digens. Time is running out, I won’t Keep your hands on your son.” “I understand, Your Majesty.” The Celestial Knight bowed helplessly, “Please, Your Majesty, do your best.” “Damn old ghost, dare to cheer up that bastard!? Wait until I kill it. Arthur, it’s your turn next!” King Arthur suppressed the quiet burning anger in his heart, thinking about how to use this anger effectively.

Richard’s filial piety is a taboo in the eyes of the King of Knights, and Arthur can’t wait to kill Richard.

And Richard, thought the same thing.

About three years ago.

The young knights are surrounded by a group of playboys, having fun on the streets of London. Mocking women and bullying passers-by is a common practice for this group of villains.

Until one of them suggested to go to the slave market and get a slave to play with.

The young knight found the boy in the slave market.


In ragged clothes, he was covered in blood by the whip, but there was no sign of pain on the face of the thin young man.

On the contrary, it is a kind of high-spirited, glamorous eyes that look down on the world.

The moment he saw the slave boy, the young knight felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

The young knight was moved at that moment and sold the slave.

Not to help slave youth out of misery.

In order to push this slave into the more dangerous Longtan Tiger’s Den, so that this arrogant **** will die quickly.

Richard’s “scheme” never worked. His servant Arthur seems to have an immortal body, always able to survive all kinds of dangers.

The noble and glamorous Arthur, at this moment, is still standing in front of Richard.

Their identities have been completely reversed. One is the aloof and respected knight king, while the other is a rebellious knight who takes refuge in evil spirits and is reviled by others.

Richard drew a sword frantically, but Arthur turned to one side and easily dodged.

Richard made another awkward sweep, but the King of Knights fell slightly

Longing to lure pets, medical concubine enchanting 5200

Squat and dodge at ease.

Richard stabs with his sword.


Arthur stretched out two fingers, gripping Richard’s blade.

“Your swordsmanship really hasn’t changed at all, it’s unbelievably rough.” The King of Knights sternly criticized, “Why can this rotten swordsmanship pass the assessment of the Silver Knight? Have you gone through the back door?” “It’s up to you!!” Richard directly discarded the exquisitely carved iron sword in his hand, pulled out the powerful light blade around his waist, and swept towards the King of Knights with a single blow.

However, the overpowering blade of light was extremely slow to swing. The higher the concentration of the photon weapon, the heavier and more difficult it is to swing. Without the corresponding amazing arm strength, it can’t be used at all.

Arthur slowly turned to dodge while shaking his head, as if toying with Richard. He took a few steps away, before Richard’s lightsaber struck.

“You must be joking with me, right?” The King of Knights almost died laughing, “Please, can you have some common sense? I can’t stand it anymore.” Another sword slashed, but the attack was as slow as a turtle crawling, and it was uncomfortable to watch.

The king of knights took a half step back. After the attack slowly passed, he couldn’t watch it any longer. “I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry, and I don’t have time to play with you. You have a good way.” He took the sword of the holy king. In the sheath, recharge with the power of the Sheath of Kings.

The fully charged holy sword burst out with golden brilliance and was instantly unsheathed. The holy sword swept out with a shattering force, and a single blow was enough to destroy the city!

Richard has some kind of wonderful protection on his body. It is estimated that ordinary attacks will not help him. The King of Knights deliberately used the most destructive [Double King Blade].

Under the overdrive, the highly compressed photon blade mercilessly slashed at the emerald knight, and the amazing energy was instantly released, and the strong light covered everyone’s vision!

After the light passed, Arthur was surprised to see that the sword of the Holy King was only half an inch embedded in Richard’s neck. Most of the blades are blocked by some kind of dark crystal, unable to deal effective damage to Richard. These black crystals are generated from the surface of the emerald knight’s skin, the same as those black crystals that fended off Arthur’s attacks before!

“Hmph, you really don’t have a long memory, Arthur.” Richard’s fierce face showed a hint of pride. You want to hurt me with just that little attack? Go dream! “” Obviously only the defense ability is the highest, and he dares to pretend to be cheeky. “The King of Knights took a few steps back, the holy sword in his scabbard, and he intends to use the [Double King’s Blade] again.

“Then let you see!” Richard stretched out his foot and stomped **** the ground.

Boom! ! There was a huge explosion on the ground. Before Arthur could understand what was going on, he was surrounded by explosions, and the whole person flew out!

A crater with a radius of twenty feet and a depth of three feet has been created in the ground!

The king of knights spread his wings, held his body in the air, and observed the pit on the ground, trying to find out the reason for the formation of the huge pit.

There is no particular reason! It is a pit blown out by pure kinetic energy! The hard granite floor was suddenly blasted with such a big hole, which shows what a huge force it has been hit!

What did Richard do? Such waste? Arthur was puzzled.

Richard grabbed a rock on the ground and threw it at Arthur. The stone didn’t go very fast at first, and King Arthur didn’t particularly care. But in less than half a second, the stone was accelerated by some mysterious force to far beyond the speed of sound, and flew towards the King of Knights like a cannonball!

The king of knights dodged sideways in shock, but his arms were still painted. The stone smashed Arthur’s black dragon armor just by rubbing it, and a bloodstain about half an inch deep was drawn on the arm of the king of knights!

Arthur is startled again. All of this was unexpected by the King of Knights. Richard? that trash? When did he have such amazing arm strength? !

With such a powerful arm, why didn’t you use it just now?

What happened? !

After only half a second, Arthur’s powerful insight gave him an epiphany.

It wasn’t that Richard didn’t use it before, but he couldn’t.

The awakening of his amazing power was only awakened after he took Arthur’s powerful blow—[Double King Blade]—.

The dark crystal-like substance on Richard’s body is not only superior in defense, but it can also absorb energy.

The giant pit that Richard stepped on the ground exploded is exactly the power of the [Double King Blade]!

The green knight absorbs the attack of the king of knights, and uses the power of that attack to turn against the king of knights!

“Humph, so it is.” Arthur stepped forward with his sword, “Is there any equipment that can absorb power and release it? Morgan’s brain is so good, he can think of it like this.” He didn’t realize that Arthur was mocking himself at all. Cha smiled smugly: “Queen Morgan is You mortals won’t understand. Ahahahahahaha!”” So, you can continue to be one of her dogs, loyal and stupid dog. “Arthur rushed towards Richard suddenly, with a dragon fireball already squeezed out of his hand, before Richard put away his smug smile, he slapped Richard’s face with his palm, “Eat!” The highly compressed fireball poured into Richard’s mouth!

“Huh!?” Burned from the inside by the fire, Richard was not protected by the black crystal armor this time.

Half a second later, the emerald green knight with seven orifices smoked up in pain, panting heavily, his hoarse voice carrying more hatred than before: “Arthur! I’m going to kill you!!” Even the king of knights He was amazed: “You can’t die yet, the emerald knight is so tenacious.” Richard, who became an emerald knight, has a powerful self-healing ability, and the dragon fire ball that should have burned his internal organs was not as powerful as he expected. I am afraid that his burned internal organs will heal automatically in an instant.

Arthur frowned: Even though his IQ was flawed, Richard was much more difficult to deal with than expected. It was really troublesome!

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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