Light Spirit Epic Chapter 632: Attack on Youyu (2)

Chapter 632 Attack on the Netherland

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——The sound of the wind completely suppressed all the surrounding sounds, and the huge suction force sucked away the army of darkness one by one, and pulled it into the portal with a radius of 300 feet!

Waiting for them is the endless darkness and coldness of [Void World], and even time has completely stopped, absolute [Void]!

Thousands of dark monsters fly by Ryder, and he has the last strength of the ring to protect him from being sucked away for a while — but it’s only a matter of time.

He came from the void and will eventually return to the void. ♀

Rabbit fixed his eyes on the huge black gate like a black hole in front of him, and immediately understood everything.

Yes, this is his destination, the destination of all things.

Death isn’t scary, it’s just a return to the mother’s arms, to the place where it first slept.

Therefore, he is not alone. He is no longer afraid of darkness and emptiness.

The completely collapsed Ryder fell to the ground, but before his body landed on the ground, he was sucked away by the suction of the void space. He flew into the void and disappeared in an instant, along with a large amount of sand and the army of more than 100,000 dark soldiers.

As the user passed away, the door to the void world closed immediately, leaving only a huge empty pit, and the surrounding sand slowly flowed into the deep pit. [;Zi Lang Literature]

An arm, falling from the sky. Rabbit Ryder’s arm.

The ring on that hand was still shimmering red, as if saying a final goodbye to the world.

“Ryder…” Tristan watched from a distance as the void engulfed the battlefield, tears clouding his eyes.

“Ryder hasn’t had any good life in his life, I just hope he can be happy in heaven.” Bedivere wiped away tears, mourning Ryder’s former friend, “No matter how much you have committed At fault, you are our forever friends, Ryder.” While the two mourned, the skateboard had slipped a few hundred yards, far from the pursuit of the dark creatures. ♀

Most of the monsters have been devoured by the void, and the remaining remnants, which number only about a thousand, have been thrown three hundred yards away and will not pose a threat for the time being.

We’re almost there. What appeared in front of Palamidis and the others was a huge pillar.

Unlike other supporting pillars, this stone pillar has a hollow structure, has many windows, and extends all the way to the deepest part of the sky.

“This is it.” Vivian jumped off the ice skateboard and landed in front of the giant pillar, “This should be a lift. Please, hurry up!” “There must be a switch. Find it!” Parra Midis also flies off the skateboard, towards Vivienne. He grabbed it with one claw and shredded a dark creature two yards away beside the woman!

“It’s so tiring,” Bedivere backed up beside Vivian and fired an arrow, smashing the head of another attacking enemy, “I don’t know how long it will last! Please hurry up!” “Don’t make a noise. I’m already looking for it!” Vivian cursed irritably. She stretched her hair and probed around the stone pillar, hoping to find any clues.

Tristan also rushed over, laying circle after circle of ice ridges on the ground. These waist-high ice ridges act like fences, and even if the enemy manages to get through, they can at least stop their attack.

Actually, there are not a few brainless dark creatures rushing in like madmen, slamming their heads against the fence. Their pierced bodies are stuck on the fence and cannot continue to attack!

However, the remaining monsters are still flooding in! If you stand here still, you can only end up being drowned by the monster army!

“Okay!” Vivian found the secret button hidden between the cracks and pressed it: “It’s about to start! Go to the elevator!” The pillar opened a door, and everyone rushed in immediately. Tristan unleashed a magic trick with his backhand, and a blast of freezing air hit the ground, forming a huge wall of ice, blocking the gate and isolating those dark creatures from the outside.

“Hu, hu, hu.” Bedivere sat down and panted, while the floor shook. ♀

With everyone’s sense of weightlessness, the lift began to operate. It soared upwards carrying four people. It turns out that the floor of this huge column is the base of the lift, and the column itself is a huge lift structure.

“Ow, **** monsters.” Palamidis took the opportunity to check the wounds on his body. He had a large scratch on his left shoulder and was bleeding black. The big cat hurriedly tore a piece of cloth from his shirt and wrapped the wound.

“Look at how rude you are. Don’t move, I’ll help you bandage.” Vivian grabbed the cloth and helped her husband bandage the wound.

“Thank you.” Palamidis suddenly felt extremely happy, and took advantage of this time to rest for a while. At the same time, he also said to the two teenagers, “It may be redundant to say this, but let me remind everyone for the time being. : No matter what happens, protect Vivienne. Anyone here can die, but Vivienne must live.

[Second-level security protocol] must be activated by someone with admin rights, which means that Vivienne is the only [key] that prevents the wall of the world from opening, and without her, we’re really screwed. “”No need for your reminder, we know. “Tristan was also resting next to Bedy, wiping the blood from his weapon,” although I don’t think Aunt Vivienne is going to die for this little fight. “Vivian was angry: “Who is the big ——” She only said half of what she said, and her voice stopped abruptly.

Everyone felt that something was wrong and quickly replied

Third Miss Waste: Agent Crazy Concubine

I looked up, but saw a sharp black long sword, piercing the woman’s chest!

The cold light on the sword, along with the woman’s bright red blood, reflected in Palamidis’s shrinking pupils.

“Vivian!!” the Leopard Warrior screamed hysterically.

Same time, Brindisi.

After lunch, Arthur rests in a makeshift royal suite. Roman emperors occasionally came to Brindisi for vacation, so this extra luxurious suite was prepared for use by the emperor or other members of the royal family of equal status.

The King of Knights had no intention of admiring the exquisite decoration in the suite, but just lay on his back on the luxurious sofa in the center of the room, allowing his tired body to rest.

He has taken off the black dragon armor and put on a loose nightgown. Only the arm armor of his left arm has been assimilated with his arm, and it is glued to a piece of red crystal, which looks very terrifying, like the hand of a monster.

In order not to let this hand affect the battle, the King of Knights concentrated his mind and awakened the power of the succubus in his body as much as possible, hoping to use this deformation ability to absorb the gauntlet into his body as soon as possible, so that it assimilates with the arm.

On the contrary, the red crystal is constantly agitated by the power of the dragon’s blood, proliferating more and more. The King of Knights was very distressed, but he couldn’t stop. He had to let the assimilation process complete.

At this moment, there is a sound outside the door. Someone seems to be arguing with the guard at the door.

“Let me see His Majesty! Just a moment, it won’t take a lot of time!” said an unfamiliar female voice.

“If you say no, you can’t. Is your Majesty King Arthur just meeting you? Go away, **** orc!” The soldier’s attitude was tough.

“My brother is friends with His Majesty King Arthur! Get out of the way!” said another female voice, which Arthur recognized.

The king of knights then shouted: “Let them come in!” The soldiers heard the king’s order, and in desperation, opened the door of the royal suite.

Sure enough, it’s Lancelot’s sister Charlotte. Next to her was a leopard girl with pure white fur and black spots.

Charlotte glared at the guards, and walked into the room with a snow leopard girl. As soon as she came up, she saluted Arthur: “Good afternoon, Your Majesty.” “These rituals are omitted.” Arthur sat up straight He got up and waved his hand, “Sit down. What’s the matter? I’ll be leaving Brindisi soon. I don’t have much time, so please keep it short.” “Then, Your Majesty,” the Snow Leopard girl did not sit down, but knelt down. I bowed, “I am the high priest of the Glick tribe, Deanna Hackett. I am here on behalf of the Glick tribe and want to have peace talks with His Majesty.” “Peace talks? Do you really want peace talks?” The peace that the King of Knights couldn’t find anywhere was unexpectedly delivered to his door. Is there such a good thing in the world?

The snow leopard girl nodded: “Yes. We should all know each other very well. There is no point in fighting this war.” “Very good, finally there is someone who understands things.” , but my heart was bewildered by another thing.

Seeing that the king of knights was not very positive, Deanna quickly added: “I am the high priest of the Gric [Lunar Sect], and my father is the former chief of the Glic.

Although I alone cannot make such a major decision for the Grik clan, I will definitely be able to help His Majesty arrange a truce so that His Majesty and the current Patriarch can sit down and have a good discussion. “”Ah, very good. After I return from the battlefield, I will definitely think about it. “King Arthur continued to examine the snow leopard girl.” However, since I want to trust you and negotiate with your patriarch, please show some sincerity. Tell me: Who are you? “”I, who am I? “Deanna was stunned by a question from the king of knights, and at the same time was frightened by the sharp eyes of the king, “I’m Deanna Hackett, the great sacrifice of the Glick clan——“” That’s not what I’m asking about! “King Arthur shouted angrily,” say it! who are you? Why do you exude the same breath as that white tiger boy? ‘ Deanna gasped.

Affected by the power of dragon blood, Arthur’s sense of smell is now as sharp as a dragon’s. His powerful insight and intuition also worked together, analyzing what was happening in front of him.

From the surprised face of the Snow Leopard girl, he instantly analyzed the ins and outs of the matter. The result surprised Arthur, too: “My God! You are that kid—!” The real identity was Deanna turned her face away in shame, and whispered in her mouth: “Your Majesty The insight is amazing, and I am in admiration.” “But—you should be dead!” Arthur pressed on, “How on earth did you survive? No, no. Are you reincarnated?! It’s Karma. Is it really possible that the dead are resurrected in the same time and space?!” Facing the knight king’s barrage of questions, the Snow Leopard girl could only vaguely agree: “I don’t know. I thought that When I die, everything is over. But when I wake up again, I have changed.” “Uh, what are you talking about? Why don’t I understand it at all?” Charlotte on the side listened. foggy.

“Charlotte, I have nothing to do with you here, go find the evil star.” Arthur said perfunctory to the blonde girl.

The girl was stabbed to death by this sentence, her face flushed red: “Who is going to find that stupid dragon!” She covered her face and ran away.

Arthur pushed Charlotte away, and after confirming that there was no other interference in the room, he turned to the Snow Leopard Girl and said, “How much do you know about Kama’s Seat? Tell me everything you know.”

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