Light Spirit Epic Chapter 613: Fighting on the Frontier (7)

Chapter 613: Fierce Battles on the Border (7)

The king of knights dodged the opponent’s attack with a left dodge, and at the same time, the holy sword was drawn and slashed towards Roble’s lower abdomen!

“Don’t kill him! He’s my father!” yelled Albert (Bediveville) in the distance.

Of course, it’s Bedivere who now controls Albert’s body. In order not to show his feet in front of Roble, he continued to pretend to be Albert, and said this to Arthur, hoping that the King of Knights would show mercy.

In fact, Arthur had already vaguely guessed the inside story, and only waited for Bedivere to confirm it himself. The sword he slashed at the opponent didn’t make a heavy hand, at most it would only cause flesh wounds.

But Robble didn’t dodge, and that calm attitude made Arthur very puzzled. The knight king’s doubts were quickly answered: the sword of the holy king was cut on the tiger man’s body, but it was as if it was chopped into a cloud of air, without any touch.

The sword light swept across and penetrated Roble’s abdomen, but did not cause any damage to the tiger man!

Arthur hesitated for a moment, and Roble’s sword had already arrived, sweeping towards the chest of the king of knights!

Pop! Arthur flapped his wings at the critical moment, and used the momentum of the propelling fins to make a quick retreat, finally dodging the opponent’s attack!

He stepped back ten yards and quickly checked the wound on his chest. It was a scratch less than half an inch deep, not fatal.

But this scratch is very strange: it actually penetrated Arthur’s black dragon armor, directly hurting Arthur’s body. The chest was cut like this, but Arthur’s breastplate was still intact.

The opponent’s blow was like… bypassing the armor and slashing directly on Arthur’s body.

“Warp magic?” Arthur snorted.

“Hehe, God knows.” Roble continued to smile mysteriously, so he wouldn’t show his cards easily.

“Very good. Let me study it thoroughly.” Arthur spit out dragon flames, forming a fireball. Roble’s equipment is very strange, and it is not a wise move to melee combat with such an opponent, it is better to use a long-range attack to test it first.

“Oh, Dragon Flame?” Roble shrugged disdainfully, “I said that first, all your attacks are ineffective against me.

Whether you slash with a sword or burn with dragon flames, it’s all a waste of time.

Can you summon the Holy Spirit? Are you trying to call out your last Holy Spirit against me? “

Arthur was taken aback. Roble actually knew about the Holy Spirit, and he also knew the limit on the number of Holy Spirit Arthur could summon each day.

The Knight King clearly has the last Holy Spirit, and intends to use it only when the battle is at its worst. Roble seems to have been aware of this, and intends to lure Arthur to cast the last of the Holy Spirit.

Why would he know?

That’s right. Arthur’s mind was spinning rapidly.

Because of Richard’s betrayal.

The Leon Dickens family is a family that has guarded the round table system for generations, and it is only natural that they know the secrets of the round table system.

Richard Lyon Dickens joins Morgan and brings this important information with him.

The “that woman” that Roble mentioned just now is probably Morgan.

Arthur asked tentatively: “So, the patriarch, you have formed an alliance with the succubus? Be careful, the succubus are very cunning. Maybe after you attack the European continent, they will come to the nest and turn the Your victory is yours.”

“That kind of thing, we’ll talk about it after we win.” Roble still didn’t listen to Arthur’s advice. The Khajiit patriarch knows that there are great dangers in cooperating with succubuses, but it is better than making peace with humans.

“This is a brain-dead!” Arthur was furious, and the fireball in his hand suddenly threw it, which exploded less than a yard in front of Roble.

——The dragon flame burns violently, burning the ground to scorched earth!

However, as expected, the flames penetrated Roble’s body directly without causing any damage to him.

Roble’s black armor is very special. Now he is like a phantom, and his attacks penetrate through it, and he can’t hurt the tiger man at all.

And Roble’s sword strike can hurt Arthur through the armor.

This is simply invincible.

If Arthur’s griffon shield deflects all attacks for instant invincibility, Roble’s armor is something more advanced: it makes the wearer permanently invincible.

What else is there to do. It is impossible to hurt such an opponent at all.

Arthur’s face became even more gloomy, and he fought and retreated, using the wings of the holy king to spin in the air at high speed, while constantly throwing dragon fireballs at the opponent.

The fireball shot directly through Roble’s body, as if touching a phantom.

Roble completely ignored the fireballs and kept attacking Arthur. Although he can’t fly, he has a strong jumping ability, relying on constant jumping to chase down the king of knights.

Arthur knows that blocking is useless, and the opponent’s sword may be able to penetrate all matter and directly damage Arthur’s body. He could only dodge, using his excellent air superiority ability to avoid Roble’s pursuit.

However, dodging all the time is not the answer. No matter how good Arthur’s stamina is, he will get tired, and the opponent relies on continuous continuous attacks, and there will always be a time to see through Arthur’s action routine and push the King of Knights to the end.

What exactly should I do to defeat him?

Just when Arthur was at a loss, the Holy Spirit Crown spoke: “Calm down. There is no absolute invincibility in this world. There must be a weakness in that weird armor. Find a way to find it!”

“Easy to say!” Arthur flipped to the left, avoiding the slashing attack on his right shoulder.

Roble taunted loudly: “Who are you talking to? Are you freaking out?”

Only Arthur could hear the words of the Holy Spirit Crown: “That attack just now——“

“Shut up, you’ll distract me!” Arthur angrily said, this was meant to be said to the Holy Spirit Crown, but outsiders would sound like he was scolding Roble.

“Humph!” The tiger man patriarch groaned, and attacked even more fiercely. The black long sword in his hand drew a sword flower toward Arthur’s left flank—it seemed that he wanted to cut it first. Under Arthur’s wings Arthur fluttered right to dodge as a matter of course. His mind and eye skills were so perfect that it was a piece of cake to predict the trajectory of the opponent’s attack.

However, Arthur’s calculations went slightly wrong. He used to use light moves to barely avoid the opponent’s attack, letting the opponent’s weapon pass him by.

Doing so can not only avoid flaws to the greatest extent, but also minimize the consumption of physical strength.

Of course, he was used to letting the —short—small—thin—weak—self pass the opponent’s attack.

He forgot that the dwarf Arthur was very different from the current Arthur.

During the period of practice in Avalon Pure Land, Arthur grew taller and stronger. Not to mention his two huge dragon wings now.

Arthur’s previous evasion method of [Micro-Shift Flow] is no longer applicable to the current body.

As a result, Arthur, who had miscalculated, was slashed by Roble’s sword, and his left wing was cut in half!

“Tsk!” Arthur only felt a slight pain*, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

(*Note: The wings are transformed from the power of the succubus and are basically not part of Arthur’s body. Even if he is seriously injured, it will not affect Arthur’s battle.)

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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