Light Spirit Epic Chapter 578: Due to Tianyuan (7)


Chapter 578: The duel against Yu Tianyuan (seven)

I was so busy with the neutralizer that I didn’t think about it. Now I look back at the past and understand the ins and outs of things as a whole, only to find that there is a huge inconsistency.

Vivian stopped.

“Huh, Vivian?” Palamidis asked when his wife stopped.

“No, it’s illogical.” Vivian muttered.

“What’s illogical?”

“The foxes use the young orcs to do the dark son biological cultivation experiment.” Vivian repeated along the line, “According to this reason, the children should all be infected with dark son?”

“Of course. Otherwise, how would you train a dark child monster?” Palamedis responded as a matter of course, unaware of the incongruity at all.

“That’s weird: Those sick and weak individuals infected with Anzi, wouldn’t the self-destruction factor in their bodies not activate?” Vivian continued, “According to this logic, Saifel should have long since been because of [Scarlet Red]. Plague] and died? Long, long ago.”

After trying to understand the peculiarities, even Palamidis gasped: “You said that…it’s true!”

“Then why? Why is that child still alive?” Vivian asked Palamidis, “What kept him alive? What prevented [Self-Destruction Factor] from killing him? “

Palamidis was left speechless when asked: “I…I don’t know.”

The answer was already formed in Vivian’s mind, and it was about to come out: “The only possibility is that the foxes have [neutralizers], and there are a lot of them. In order to cultivate a large number of dark son monsters, this is necessary. Conditions – they may even have a recipe for [Neutralizer].

——Palamy, the children are saved! If we can find the research institute of the foxes, we can hope to find the neutralizer, or the formula for the neutralizer! This time, we can save Zyfer and Seglade at the same time, so we don’t have to worry about who to save anymore! “

“Yes!” The big cat was ecstatic, “Then, we will soon——“

The next second, his expression became extremely depressed: “No, it’s too bad. How many fox institutes have we destroyed? I don’t know if there are any left——“

“The foxes are so cunning, they must have the remaining research institutes, hidden deep in Romany’s territory.” Vivian said confidently.

“I hope this is true——” Palamidis shook his head: “Help me find Patriarch Tut. He should know something!”

Ten minutes later, in the bridge of [Skidplatney’s Ark].

“Well, of course.” After the Elephant Patriarch heard Palamidis’s words, he put down his pipe and took a breath. “Just a few weeks ago, the werewolf child* and his A friend also destroyed one, just northwest of our territory.”

(*Note: refers to Bedivere.)

“Oh, no!” Palamidis exclaimed, holding his head. There is one less Foxman Research Institute in the world, and the hope of saving the children is slimmer.

“However, the institute seems to have some leftovers. Do you want to take a look?” Tut looked disapproving.

(*Note: At the bottom of the research institute, the place where the white bears were “captured” was not affected by the big explosion. It was protected by Archmage Merlin with a protective shield and survived.)

Palamidis and Vivienne look at each other: The answer is yes. Since that was the last hope they could catch, they had no reason not to.

“Humph.” Tut sneered a few times, “At ten o’clock, full speed ahead. Destination, Zonguldak area.”

The elephants on the bridge immediately got busy, operating the ark and galloping forward at an astonishing speed. In less than a minute, after a jolt, the boat came to a stop.

“Already here?” Palamidis couldn’t help but be stunned.

“It’s not far.” Tut stood up from the captain’s chair, “Come on, let’s go down for a walk.”

Their destination was the bottom of a hundred-foot-deep pit below the ark.

At the same time, Avalon Pure Land.

“Ha!” Arthur slashed a sword in the air, and a huge three-hundred-foot-long light blade slashed across the Holy Spirit Steel Dragon.

However, the wounds it caused were negligible. In front of the three thousand-foot-long behemoth, this small attack is equivalent to scratching.

“Ah woo woo woo!!” The Holy Spirit White Wolf also attacked frequently. He waved his claws and shot out millions of vacuum waves. The vacuum waves combined into huge vacuum blades, which slashed on the dragon one after another.

Not useful. Not even scratching. The vacuum blade couldn’t penetrate the dragon’s hundred-foot-thick armor at all. Even if there is an occasional scratch, that scratch will heal quickly in the next instant!

Arthur feels bad. Even if the Holy Spirit Dragon can’t stand still and be slaughtered by others, they can’t hurt the dragon in the slightest. Arthur’s side is one person and one wolf, and the destructive power is far from enough to threaten this huge monster.

It’s like stabbing a cow with a needle the size of a mosquito: no matter how sharp your mosquito needle is or how sharp it is, the cow won’t be damaged in the slightest.

The decisive difference between size creates an insurmountable gap in offensive and defensive capabilities.

The only method Arthur could use was to summon the phantom crimson dragon [Anglo Moore].

The biggest problem is that the Crimson Dragon is not that “obedient”. It is not a spiritual body that Arthur can summon if he wants to.

Eidolons are not the same as the Holy Spirit, they are a collection of [Group Unconscious]. They reside on the user and require a certain emotion of the user to explode to an extreme in order to manifest the phantom.

Arthur’s crimson dragon is a collection of [Anger]. Only when Arthur’s anger exploded to the extreme, could the crimson dragon [Anglo Moore] be summoned.

Now Arthur doesn’t have that anger. Although King Oser is very hateful, he has not yet made Arthur’s anger explode to the extreme. On the contrary, King Arthur is largely a respectable person (the Holy Spirit), and Arthur somewhat admires each other.

In the face of such an opponent, how to ignite anger is a huge problem.

“Huh hum hum,” the Holy Spirit Dragon endured countless attacks, and laughed contemptuously: “This is the most powerful attack you can take out? It’s not enough to see!”

His sneer shook back and forth across the Avalon Pure Land, making the boy’s ears tingle.

“It’s time to deal with you. The last ten seconds——” King Oser began the countdown to death.

(There is no other way.)


(Use that trick.)

Arthur put the Sword of the Holy King into the sheath of the King and began to charge the sword.


The sword of the holy king traverses in the scabbard, and an astonishing number of photons sway, coalesce, condense, and sublime in that small piece of space and time!


The white wolf leaped, and Arthur jumped on the back of the white wolf.


The white wolf ran wild with the attached to the body of the Holy Spirit Dragon and galloped up——pointing at the dragon’s forehead!


At the same time, Arthur launched the [Third Miracle—Photon Creation].

The photons of different worlds that emerged from different time and space flow out of Arthur’s body continuously and charge into the sword of the holy king!

From himself, from the scabbard of the king, and from Arthur, he got a lot of photons. The power condensed in the sword of the holy king is huge to an unprecedented level!


The white wolf ran away, carrying Arthur to the dragon’s chest.

“Three.” The dragon still counted down quietly, not caring what move Arthur was going to do next.

The Sword of the King in Arthur’s scabbard has overtaken it dangerously, as if an entire universe of photons were concentrated in it.


The Holy Spirit White Wolf jumped for the last time and rushed to the front of the Holy Spirit Steel Dragon.

Arthur jumped out of the white wolf’s back and flew to the dragon’s forehead!


Sword of the King, unsheathed!

Brighter than the sun, an earth-shattering blow explodes above the dragon’s head!

[Triple King Blade], with the potential to rip apart the world, stab the dragon’s forehead!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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