Light Spirit Epic Chapter 563: Fighting in the Dark Abyss (6)

Chapter 563: Fierce Fight in the Dark Abyss (6)

After speaking, Merlin fell into deep thought.


Everyone has the freedom to choose their own destiny.

But this choice is so insignificant, pitifully small.

The creatures who are struggling in the torrent of fate will either drift with the current, or sink into the bottom of the fate and be forever annihilated.

What can really change the fate of the world is not the choice of one or two people, but——

——Some kind of [great will to reverse the destiny].

That’s what Shining Merlin has been looking for for a long time. Even God cannot do it, the key to [reversing the fate of the world].

“Well, then, what’s going on in this pitch-dark world?” Ryder couldn’t help asking when he saw Merlin in a daze.

“This…should be a parallel world that was destroyed a long time ago.” Merlin woke up from his meditation,

“It deviates too much from the main line of destiny, and eventually becomes unable to control even the driving force of the world, and quickly marches towards [Silence].

Well, it’s a completely static world. Without life, the movement of the universe comes to a standstill, and even light ceases to flow. So it is dark and dead.

However, this [mirror world] is rather special. It seems to be able to replicate the entropy of our real world, reproducing the real world scene every once in a while – presumably to resist itself Quiet? Although that is meaningless.

What is the time interval for the [change] you said? “

Ryder thought for a moment, “Five minutes. Changes about every five minutes.”

“So, the world doesn’t want to die like this, and the [change] formed by this obsession is constantly updating itself. It’s really interesting. Is it the power of the world itself, or is it human factors? ——“

“Stop talking. Let’s go on our way.” Tristan couldn’t listen anymore. No matter how clever the murloc prince was, he couldn’t help but feel dizzy if he suddenly understood such a lot of esoteric things.

“On the way? Where are we going?” Ivan smiled disdainfully, “Aren’t we trapped in this [mirror world]? If we leave the exit again, we will return to the place we originally entered——”

“So you don’t understand at all!” Tristan responded with a more disdainful sneer, “The coordinates of this world and the real world are the same. As far as we go here, we go as far as in the real world. .

We can go straight to our destination from here, pop up out of nowhere in the fox’s lair, and kill them off guard! “

“Is this… possible?” Evan looked puzzled, and he turned his eyes to Merlin and Ryder for help.

“He’s right. Probably.” Merlin shrugged.

“The coordinates of the exit may be slightly different from reality, but it is true.” Ryder also confirmed.

Evan had already walked up to Ryder, smiling with a smile on his face.

Then, he smashed the rabbit with greater force than before, “Why didn’t you use such a convenient item earlier!!”

Rabbit didn’t answer, he had already been knocked unconscious by Evan’s furious blow.

At the same time, the Turkic Marsh, [unnamed ruins].

Palamedis squatted down, dodging the Guardian’s giant fist. The black crystal weighing dozens of tons flew over the leopard’s head like this, raising the heavy wind pressure, almost crushing the leopard to the ground.

But instead of flinching, he used the opportunity to fight back. He supported the body with the lightning spear in his hand, and his arms swelled up and pushed forward!

The black figure of the leopard warrior quickly approached the golem, and saw the opportunity to stab at the base of the golem!

Touch! The guardian’s other giant fist has been waiting for a long time. It slaps the big cat with one punch and slaps Palamidis out!

“Ugh!” The Leopard Man spat out a mouthful of blood, flew dozens of yards into the air, and landed on a soft surface.

“Don’t attack rashly, see what it does before you act!” Vivian caught her husband with a net made of hair. The big cat fell from the hairnet and was hugged by a princess from Vivian.

“Hey, let me down!” Palamidis jumped down blushing, “That guy has been defending without leakage since just now, trouble!”

Of course. Injured by the combined attack of Palamides and Tut, the Guardians sensed the danger and began to switch from attack to defense. Everyone was tired from fighting for a long time, and it became more and more difficult to break its defense.

“It’s better for us to retreat?” Vivian suggested.

Tut, the patriarch of the elephants, said stubbornly: “No, the [Nameless Ruins] has already started to this point, and we must take it down. If we don’t solve this now, we may not have such a good opportunity in the future.”

Palamides did not think Tut was right. But what is certain is that he never wants to take that long elevator to this kind of uninhabited ghost place again. Make sure to fix this now to avoid trouble later.

He fixed his gaze on the small gap in the Guardian’s chassis. If you hit the same spot again with a powerful blow——

“Vivian, use all means you can to hold back its movement. It only takes ten seconds. The rest is up to us.”

“You put it simply. Five seconds at most.” Vivienne bargained.

“Five seconds…enough.” Palamidis raised his spear, “Let’s go!”

Vivian snorted displeasedly and had to accept her husband’s offer. She concentrated and suddenly let out her hair.

Hundreds of millions of hair strands as smooth as silk, yet as tough as steel, swept towards the guardian in an overwhelming force, entwining the black crystal around the guardian’s body.

The golem finds himself entangled and tries to wrestle away. It’s uncanny power to break these little hairs away, there was no But, Vivian’s hair started to glow, golden light.

She charges her hair with photons, like an enchantment on a weapon, making her hair suddenly ten times stronger.

This golden hair is so beautiful that it makes women look like gods.

…to stun Palamidis.

“What are you in a daze?! Go!” Vivian urged loudly.

“Oh!” The big cat didn’t care about the praise, and rushed up with a gun.

The guardian still wants to move, but every joint and every crystal on its body is entangled by Vivian’s long golden hair, and it is the limit of wrestling with these hairs. .

Touch! Unhindered, Palamides stabbed the Guardian’s crystal base with a single shot. The lightning spear in his hand shot out electric light, which began to offset the guardian’s superconducting coating.

“Ha!” Tut also followed closely. He deliberately accelerated and ran for a long distance, and at the same time took off into the air, maximizing the use of running and gravitational potential energy, and stabbed a powerful blow!

Keng! The meteor gun was precisely stabbed at the same position, and the spear heads of the lightning spear and the meteor gun almost overlapped into one point, increasing the damage on the already damaged base of the guardian.

It’s all about going through that **** hard base.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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