Light Spirit Epic Chapter 562: Fighting in the Dark Abyss (5)


Chapter 562: Fierce Fight in the Dark Abyss (5)

Ten minutes later.

“Oh, so it is.” After listening to Ryder’s explanation, the first thing Evan did was to walk up to the rabbit boy.

Looking at the rabbit with a spring breeze.

He then raised his fist and struck Ryder on the head with a thunderous strike!

“Ow!” Knocked the rabbit’s eyes full of stars, “What are you doing?! It hurts!——“

“You idiot! With such a useful artifact, why didn’t you take it out earlier?!” Evan said angrily. Rabbit took out the Lord of Time and Space for use earlier, and everyone could have saved a lot of trouble.

“But, but, your Knight Commander Arthur* doesn’t allow me to use it! If I use it, he will cut off my ears again——“

(*Note: Ryder did not know that Arthur had defeated all the Celestial Knights and was crowned king.)

“Idiot!” Evan said angrily, “Arthur can’t handle this kind of trivial matter, we can go back and talk to him again! Arthur will not mind using this artifact for combat purposes.”

(It’s hard to say, after all, it’s your grumpy captain.)

(This time it is estimated that the arm will be cut off.)

Tristan was busy wiping the mud on Ryder’s body with his handkerchief. Seeing Ivan scold Rabbit aggressively, he quickly defended Ryder: “Don’t scold him, Little Rabbit has no obligation to help you. It’s up to him to decide whether he should take action or not.”

(Although it makes a lot of sense, but why? This word comes out of the mouth of this smiling guy, and it always feels very popular.)

“That…” Ryder rolled his eyes at Tristan, “Can you stop touching my tail? If you touch my tail again, it will fall off.”

“Really?” Instead, Tristan rubbed it vigorously, as if he really expected the rabbit’s tail to fall off, “Ahahaha, this fluffy touch, I really want to rub it down and take it home… “


“Don’t say it.” Archmage Merlin interrupted Tristan and the others’ commotion, “We just had a big commotion, and the commotion was so loud that the Paul Mannis had already noticed it. Let’s get out of here quickly and talk about it. .”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Ryder raised his hand reluctantly, and drew a portal large enough for one person to enter with the Lord of Time and Space in his hand.

“I suggest you jump in and try to stay as far away from the ground as possible. The teleported coordinates are not so stable, and sometimes you will plunge into the dirt.”

(Unstable? Why is the Warp “unstable”?)

Everyone listened to Ryder’s words and jumped into the portal.

Go through the door and land.

As usual, it landed on the original dirt ground.

“This is the Warp?” Merlin looked at everything suspiciously. Since the space was so dark, he waved and released a lighting magic.

A huge ball of light floats in the sky, like a small sun, illuminating the surrounding earth.

This so-called “warp” is incomparably vast, so vast that it seems to be “the whole world”.

“Is this really a warp?” Merlin was even more skeptical.

“God knows. I got this ring just over a month ago. I don’t fully understand what effect this ring has.”

“But I’m sure this is definitely not a warp. The warp made by a ring can’t be this huge. Moreover, if this warp is created by this ring, the ring’s body cannot enter this subspace. come from space.”

“Enough, Master Mage.” Evan was afraid that Merlin would be nagging endlessly, so he hurriedly stopped, “We haven’t escaped yet. Let’s talk as we walk.”

(In this case, I can walk ahead and stay away from you without listening to your nagging.)

“Actually,” the rabbit saw that everyone came in, and closed the entrance to the space, “you are already safe, and those outside guys can’t get in. This is the world created by the Lord of Time and Space, [mirror image] world].

Except that there are no creatures here, except for [still life], everything will not be projected into this world. “

“What do you mean?” Merlin looked at the rabbit suspiciously.

“Look, the [change] begins.” Rabbit did not answer Merlin’s words, but instead pointed to a clearing about ten yards in front of him.

The [transition] begins. Everything in this world began to change. A shallow pit suddenly appeared in the clearing of Ryder’s finger, and there were traces of scorching on the pit, as if burned out by high heat.

Merlin recognized the pit. This is the pothole left by the fireball he just cast to burn the ground worms. The mage’s memory is very strong, and he can remember what just happened just by looking at it. The burning texture on the ground, the traces left by the monsters struggling on the soil before they died, were not bad at all. The only thing missing is the monster’s corpse and blood.

“My God, this is a parallel world!” Merlin exclaimed, “and it is also a special parallel world that mirrors the real world. What a rare phenomenon!”

“Parallel world?” Yi Wen didn’t want to listen to Merlin’s nagging, but Merlin’s new word aroused the curiosity of the half-dragon boy.

“This universe is originally composed of countless parallel time and space, each of which can be said to be a branch of destiny.”

Merlin picked up his staff and drew a line on the ground: “We just fought those monsters and survived, that’s a [possibility], a continuation of the main line of fate.”

“But what if we just died like this?”

The Archmage drew another point on the line, extending another branch, making the extended line parallel to the original line,

“Then construct another parallel time, [a world in which we no longer exist].”

“Anyone could die in the battle just now. If everyone’s death is a branch of one’s destiny, there will be countless such worlds.” Merlin drew a new line on the original branch. many lines.

“Every future choice made by each of us here will produce more branches.”

Merlin continued to draw more and more branches on the lines of those branches. At this time, the map on the ground had hundreds of parallel lines, which looked very In fact, the parallel world There will be infinitely more, right? “Evan answered, “Is that possible? Isn’t the world in chaos? “

“No, definitely not.” Merlin smiled and continued to fiddle with the sketches on the ground, “Actually, although there are countless branches in parallel worlds, most of them are irrelevant.

Whether you had oatmeal or bread for breakfast this morning affected your actions today?

In the battle just now, you swung one more sword and one less slash, will it affect the final result of [Victory]? “

Merlin raised his staff and gestured on the ground, bringing together some parallel lines that should have been scattered.

“One wrong choice you make may directly lead to your destruction, but another right choice then may save you.

As a result, no matter which path you take on certain branches, there will always be some huge will that will pull your destiny back on track.

This is [the driving force of the world], many people spend their whole lives trying to escape, but they can’t escape the reincarnation of fate. “

The Archmage gathered all the parallel lines that branched off into a single line again.

“This is the main axis of destiny, the direction of history. And its far end… is [silence], the end of the world, the fate that all tangible things cannot escape.”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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