Light Spirit Epic Chapter 545: Dive into the Dark Abyss (8)


Chapter 545: Sneak into the Dark Abyss (8)

“It’s too late.” Tristan looked at the hurried crowd with a look of reproach on his face.

“Hey, you told me to take a good rest.” Evan was still wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, as if he had just finished sleeping in.

“Stop talking nonsense, be alert!” Tristan urged.

“You don’t need to tell me, I’m already doing it.” Ivan has already used the eagle eye technique to monitor everything in the deep sea.

“Even if I say be on guard…” Evan muttered dissatisfiedly.

The submarine has just entered the Turkic Strait, and not far away is the Black Sea.

The Turkic Strait is actually composed of three straits of unequal length: the Istanbul Strait, the Marmara Strait, and the Dardanelles Strait.

This narrow terrain “clamped” by the protruding parts of the Romanee and Turkic territories, with a total length of about 350 kilometers, is a very dangerous seaway. A synonym for the throat of the world.

The two most dangerous places are the entrance to the “throat”, the Dardanelles, and the exit of the throat, the Istanbul Strait. Their waterways are only a few kilometers wide, and the closer they get to the deep, the narrower they get, and they’re full of rapids and reefs.

[Ice Crystal] is now walking on the bottom of the Marmara Strait, a dark passage full of death traps.

Even if there is no enemy attack, trying to pass through such a dangerous area is enough to make people sweat; what’s more, the enemy can hide in ambush in the mysterious and unrecognizable reefs on the seabed at any time.

Although the half-dragon boy Ivan possesses the eagle (dragon) eye technique and can penetrate the wall and see the horizon within five kilometers, it is still very difficult to identify such a complex and changeable underwater environment.

[Visual Overload]——There are so many scenes that can be seen, the human brain cannot process this massive amount of film and television information, which will not only burden the eyes, but also exert great pressure on the brain . This is the [bottleneck] that the users of Eagle Eye often encounter, the upper limit of the human brain’s insurmountable ability.

Ivan has already been blinded almost twice due to the problem of visual overload. The consequences of overusing his abilities are very terrifying.

However, the half-dragon boy continued to monitor silently, as if he planned to persevere until the eagle eye technique reached its limit.

When everyone saw Ivan’s painful expression, they didn’t dare to make a sound, for fear that the slightest noise would affect his use of the eagle eye technique.

Only Tristan said, “There’s still half an hour to go, do you really plan to keep going? Want to go blind?”

“Is there another way?” Evan replied coldly.

Without a word, Tristan put an iron ring device on Evan’s head: “Let Bit help you.”

“Bit? Who is more than——“

Evan has already sensed. The headband was bound with an incantation similar to telepathy. While wearing it, a voice came from somewhere in the ship and began to communicate with Evan.

The half-dragon boy didn’t understand what language the thing was talking about, but Evan could understand everything it said. It seems to be a super biological computer that can help process various data and complete logical operations that ordinary people cannot.

All Ivan needs to do is to send all the visual information received by Hawkeye, and let that thing handle it. It’s easier than dealing with your own brain.

With the help of such a supercomputer, Evan suddenly felt very relaxed: “Well, in this case, it will be no problem to persist for a few hours.”

Tristan sneered. [Ice Crystal] All “parts” have been collected. It has both a super biological computer that can command navigation – Bit, and a deep-sea radar that can see through everything – Evan.

If possible, the murloc prince really wants to remove Ivan’s head and install it in a submarine for unlimited use – of course, this will involve many moral issues and it is difficult to achieve, it can only be laughed off.

“Why are you looking at me sly smile? It’s disgusting.” Evan seemed to have long eyes, and saw Tristan’s every move on the captain’s seat behind him. That sly smile gave the half-dragon boy goosebumps.

“Nothing. Mind your own business.” Tristan stopped laughing and pretended to be serious. If his self-control ability was any worse, he would already be drooling at Evan at this moment.

At this moment, Evan’s face twitched: “Come on. One at twelve o’clock, half a mile away. At eight o’clock, two at three o’clock, one nautical mile away!”

“Why so close!” Tristan shouted angrily in a low voice.

“I can’t see them when they hide in the reef. Don’t talk about it, I’m about to hit it!”

As soon as Ivan’s voice fell, the [Ice Crystal] had already turned the left rudder and evaded very quickly!

Pop sand! Something brushed across the right side of the hull, making a slight screeching sound. Needless to say, those things were exactly the killer whale golems they had encountered. Its speed is still amazing!

“Avoid, avoid?” Elaine on the side couldn’t help asking. Before he could sit down just now, he had already fallen to the floor due to the impact, in a state of embarrassment.

“Sit down and buckle up!” Tristan urged.

The boat drifts to the right again, avoiding another attack from the enemy. There was no need for Tristan to give orders, the ship’s dodging was done automatically. The visual information that Ivan saw was transmitted to the crystal dolphin Bit. Bit, as a creature’s nature to avoid danger, controlled the ship and naturally avoided the enemy’s impact.

This ship has become a big fish in the deep sea. A living fish can clearly see all the movements in the sea, and can more autonomously avoid all attacks in the sea.

It is the ultimate fusion of organic and inorganic bodies, a living ship.

More killer whale golems appeared. Dozens of golems besieged the Ice Crystal and ran wildly on the dark seabed, dazzling Ivan. He was so busy that he didn’t have time to report the enemy’s movements to Tristan!

However, the Ice Crystal can still go. It reacts quickly, moves agilely, traverses freely in the narrow and dangerous seaway, and calmly avoids the impact of the enemy. Dozens and hundreds of killer whale golems have been wiped off the ship, and there are bursts of squeaking noises one after another, but they are always unable to cause serious damage to the Ice I know your ship is very good at hiding! “Almost vomited out by the violent shaking of the ship, Rabbit Ryder tried his best to stabilize his body on the seat,” but hiding is not the way to go, hurry up and clear the enemy! “

Tristan does not answer. In the narrow sea lanes of the Dardanelles, it was impossible to fight back. [The Throat of the World] is not vain.

Hurry up and cross this seaway to reach the Marmara Strait, and you will be able to enter a slightly wider area, which is an ideal place to fight back.

[Ice Crystal] did just that. While dodging nimbly, it also kept heading northeast, not far ahead was the entrance to the Marmara Strait.

“Be careful, there’s a big guy on the bottom of the sea, right in front!” Evan shouted loudly, in fact only he and Bit could see it all.

The giant whale golem lurking at the bottom of the sea suddenly emerged and opened its **** mouth, which seemed to be a huge bottomless black hole.

According to this trend, the Ice Crystal will crash into the mouth of the giant whale golem in the next second and be swallowed by the giant whale!

“The float is on, and it’s going up quickly!” Tristan was already ready to go, and seemed to have expected this change for a long time. He slapped the button on the armrest of the captain’s seat and activated the switch of the [float].

The huge photon engine exploded on the bottom of the ship, creating an amazing propulsion that instantly pushed the submarine to the surface!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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