Light Spirit Epic Chapter 544: Dive into the Dark Abyss (7)


Chapter 544: Sneak into the dark abyss (seven)

At the same time, the bottom of the Aegean Sea.

The announcement echoed from the cabin of the [Ice Crystal] submarine: “Attention everyone, we will pass through the Istanbul Strait in ten minutes. The river there is very narrow, and it is the only way to enter the Black Sea and land on Romani territory. , is expected to be ambushed there.”

After listening to this, Elaine, the white bear boy, clung to Constantine’s arm, as if seeking comfort: “I, we’ll be fine, right?”

“Everyone on this ship is very skilled, we’ll be fine.” Constantine replied, but there was a slight tremor in his voice.

Ordinary combat operations may not be able to shake the courage of this young man. But this is in the deep, silent, cold, dark deep sea.

Once there is a problem, they may be directly crushed into flesh by more than ten tons of water pressure, and buried on the seabed to become food for fish and shrimp——Thinking of this, no matter how brave Constantine is, it is inevitable trembling.

After all, he was just a teenager.

“Anyway, anyway, let’s go to the control room first.” Constantine stood up and urged. He thought he would be less frightened when he was with other people.

“I, I can’t walk. My legs…”

The polar bear trembled with fear.

Constantine couldn’t help but worry for a while: “You’re not so timid, are you? Get up! You’re a big man, I can’t carry it!”

The Ice Bear tried to get up and failed several times. His feet were as soft as sponges, shaking feebly, unable to support the weight of his body at all.

“Yes, sorry. Go to the control room yourself. I’ll stay, stay here.” Elaine looked frustrated. The dark cabin was obviously not the best option for hiding, but he had no other choice.

“Then I’m not going, I’ll be here with you.” Constantine replied in a low voice.

“You, you don’t need to…”

“It’s okay, we’re a family.” Constantine sat down again, leaning next to the white bear boy, “Dad doesn’t seem to like you very much, but hey, you’ll be fine, everything will be fine. Yes. We just need to correct your timid shortcomings…”

“Then…that’s probably not, it’s impossible…” the bear man sighed, his head down, and he was next to Constantine, “the scary thing…forever. It’s all terrible.”

He has been growing up in the fox people’s research institute since he was a child. That hell-like place completely destroyed all the confidence and courage in the white bear boy’s heart.

[A man without courage]. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, even in the eyes of the Gaia knight Cador, who adopted Elaine and Constantine, Elaine is such a useless person. The polar bear has long been accustomed to the contemptuous look when people look at him.

And Constantine’s eyes were filled with pure pity. It also made Elaine uncomfortable.

The white bear boy tried countless times to summon the courage to change other people’s perceptions of him, but all failed. At the critical moment, his legs are still trembling with fear, and he is still a useless bum.

This is his destiny: once swallowed by darkness, he is no longer qualified to embrace light.

Even if he can temporarily escape the darkness, one day, the darkness will catch up with him again and devour him all.

Just as Elaine crouched down and wanted to cry softly, the hatch opened with a thud.

A bright light entered from the door, followed by a figure: “What are you doing here? Go to the control room and gather.”

“Huh…?” The bear man narrowed his eyes, trying to see who the figure was against the light outside the door.

The tall figure with a metallic sheen all over his body is the dragon man golem Bols.

“Elaine is shaking and can’t walk. I have to be here with him,” Constantine explained.

“Is that so?” Boles walked into the cabin and held out a hand to the polar bear: “Come on, boy, let’s go.”

“Mr. Bolles…” The polar bear was still a little hesitant.

The dragon man golem didn’t say anything, just stared at the white bear boy Elaine quietly.

The golem’s silver eyes are filled with emotion. It’s not pity, it’s not contempt, it’s pure…


Elaine stared into each other’s eyes for a long, long time. He doesn’t know why this kind of care comes from. No one in the world cares for a stranger who doesn’t know each other for no reason. This made the white bear man very puzzled and at a loss.

“You can’t stand up like this? Do you want me to hug you?” Burrs asked when Elaine was in a daze.

“I…I can…” The bear man blushed and reached out to grab Bols’s hand.

The big metal hand was very strong and strong, like a steel bracket, supporting the white bear Elaine to stand up smoothly.

——The legs are shaking, still sore and soft.

However, there seemed to be endless power coming from Boles’ hand, which made the trembling white bear a little better. It is obviously an inorganic metal arm, but it is warmer and more elastic than ordinary people’s hands. What a strange feeling.

It was the hand of a relative who seemed familiar, familiar yet unfamiliar, and had never met before. Touching this metal arm, the white bear boy seemed to notice something.

“You’re not weak,” Bolles whispered. “You’re just going through more than everyone else and starting to fear the darkness of the world.”

Elaine said nothing, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.

Boles continued: “But someday, you will learn not to fear the darkness of this world and fight it to the end.”

Elaine wiped her eyes.

“Before that, I’ll lend you a hand to help you go down.” Boles said, “Now——can you go?”

“Um…um…” The bear boy wiped away his tears, crying quietly, and walked out with Boles’ support. All he could do was stop his crying, forgetting the fact that his legs were shaking.

A suspicious Constantine followed. The dragon man golem Bols seems to have an unusual concern for Elaine the white bear. Where did this concern come from, Constantine couldn’t understand. He followed behind the two and looked at the backs of the two, but vaguely felt that they had some similarities.

Looking at all of this as well, Archmage Merlin, who was watching Bols’s actions from afar in the corridor of the ship, had a worried look on his face: Papalov’s influence was really reflected in the Dragon Man Golem Bo les on.

And, as this influence became more and more serious, Boles’ personality began to overlap with Papaloff’s.

——[Dead of the past]? Just hope this undead of the past doesn’t let the plan go wrong.

The master key of the Wall of the World is stored in Bols, and if things go wrong, the consequences will be devastating.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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