Light Spirit Epic Chapter 543: Dive into the Dark Abyss (5)


Chapter 543: Sneak into the Dark Abyss (6)

At the same time, Avalon Pure Land.

A snow-white unicorn flew from the sky and landed next to King Oser. King Oser reached out and touched the horse’s head, and the unicorn was instantly transformed into a spear about five feet long. The spiral shape of the unicorn, the sharp horns became the head of the gun, and it exuded a cold white light.

“See? As long as you give an order, the Holy Spirit can be turned into a weapon. When the round table system collects spirituality to manufacture the Holy Spirit, it has given the Holy Spirit the ability to become a weapon.”

Arthur listened silently to the explanation.

“However, what can change like this is limited to your own Holy Spirit.” King Oser looked at Arthur with mocking eyes, “You don’t even have your own Holy Spirit.”

“You don’t need to worry about this issue.” Arthur replied in a cold tone. For some reason, he just couldn’t summon his own Holy Spirit. King Other said that it was because Arthur had no [desire], but what was it actually?

Arthur turned his gaze to the two Holy Spirits not far away. Greenville’s spirituality immediately winked at Arthur, and Arthur avoided her gaze and walked to Bediveville’s Holy Spirit White Wolf: “Come on, Beddy, change me something. “

He put his hand on the white wolf’s forehead. The white wolf understood Arthur’s thoughts and began to hold back attentively. After a long time, the shape of the white wolf began to change, becoming… a longbow.

“You idiot!” Arthur immediately yelled, “What kind of bow, I can’t use a bow!”

“Oh!” The white wolf changed back to his original form, and after running away a few steps, he shrank in the corner and shivered, looking innocent and pitiful.

King Oser immediately laughed with schadenfreude: “Don’t force him, what kind of weapon the Holy Spirit can become, it was decided from the beginning. That child is a knight with a bow, right?”

“Shut up! I said if he wants to change, he will change!” Arthur walked over and grabbed the two ears of the white wolf for a while, and at the same time, he threatened with a vicious face: “Hurry up and become a sword, or I will cook it. You!”

“Uuuuu…” Bai Lang reluctantly held back for a while, and finally turned into a long sword.

“Hehe, if you do your best, you can still do it.” Arthur picked up the White Wolf Sword and turned to look at King Oser as if to demonstrate.

“Even if it can be turned into other weapons, he will not be able to exert his original power.” King Oser said with disapproval, “Also, I created the Holy Spirit just to test the use of the round table system in other Racially viable. I took only a tiny fraction of that kid’s spirituality, and his powers were greatly limited.”

“Oh, really?” Arthur said, his hand suddenly swinging a sword. Whoosh! A sharp vacuum wave slashed towards King Oser, and the almost invisible air blade pointed directly at King Oser’s neck!

“Humph.” King Oser was not distracted when he spoke. He leaned back slightly, and the vacuum wave flew over his head immediately, only cutting off a few hairs from him.

“I think he does have a good ranged attack ability.” King Oser stood up and straightened the hair on his forehead.

Arthur played with the white wolf sword in his hand. The sword had the body temperature and pulse of the white wolf. It seemed to be extremely heavy in Arthur’s hand, but in fact it had almost no weight. There is an extremely thin, almost invisible crack on the blade of the White Wolf Sword. The vacuum blade just now was punched out from this crack, and it seems to be using the principle of cutting the photons in the space when the blade is swept at high speed.

The other side of the blade is covered with bizarre jagged barbs of unknown purpose.

“As an incomplete Holy Spirit, with such power, that child’s potential may be enormous.” King Oser said without changing his face, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Arthur’s heart aroused when he heard that King Other had extracted his spirituality and made it into a holy spirit without Bedivere’s consent, but now he so contemptuously belittled Beddy’s holy spirit, the white wolf.

The boy clenched the white wolf sword in his hand.

“Oh, are we going to fight?” King Oser cast an expectant look at Arthur.

“No, wait a minute. I’ll have to familiarize myself with the use of this sword.” Arthur tried to keep his composure.

“Listen to your honor.” King Oser didn’t care, probably thinking that even if Arthur had the White Wolf Sword in his hand, he would have no chance of winning.

“I’m going to practice in the backyard.——Don’t peek!” Arthur picked up his sword and walked towards the backyard of the house.

At the same time, the Underdark, the Great Marsh of the Turks.

“That’s it.” Argus briefly explained the purpose of coming to the Everglades to Tut, the chief of the elephant people. Although his words were not sincere, they were generous and decent, and he was not rude at all.

Tut squatted in the cabin, taking a few puffs from time to time with a huge pipe in his mouth, while carefully looking at the three visitors from afar. He pretended to be interested in Argus’s words, and responded softly [hmm] from time to time, but his eyes always wandered to the leopard girl beside Palamides.

The black panther woman was actually changed by Vivian. Why did she do this, Palamidis was also puzzled, but it was inconvenient to ask on this occasion.

“I understand the matter.” Tut interrupted Argus’s words, put the pipe in his hand in the ashtray and shook it a few times, “The Glicks are really unlucky these days, not only by the succubus Attacked and ravaged by plague——

However, things like mandala grass are just legends after all. I have lived more than a hundred years and have not seen it with my own eyes. Are you sure there really is? “

“I’m sure. I just need to figure out a way to get it.” Argus said in an almost paranoid tone, “Please, let’s find it. It’s about 30,000 (plague) infections in the city of Athens. the life of the person.”

“And the lives of my sons,” Palamedius interjected.

“Indeed, it’s unreasonable to be begged like this to shut people out,” Tut murmured to himself, “But it’s not too bad to let outsiders wander around in the marsh just like this. Suitable——“

Elephant people are mild-mannered, but not so gentle enough to let suspicious strangers run into their backyards and roam around.

Things seem to be deadlocked, and everyone has no way to come up with a plan for both.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” The baby’s cry interrupted everyone’s thoughts.

“Wait a minute,” Vivian stood up and walked into the cabin, and in a short while she was carrying a baby leopard man. She hugged the baby pitifully and stuffed the bottle into the child’s mouth, “Little Hal is hungry and a little noisy, sorry.”

“Howl?” Tut set his eyes on the baby.

“The child of the pregnant woman who was rescued by the Elephant Man. We named him Hal Pavre. Pavle seems to be the Elephant Man’s family name,” Argus explained. .

“Oh, yes. Papho was sent from here,” Tut replied absentmindedly, “I didn’t expect him to end up like this. Has life been extended by his sacrifice? Wonderful reincarnation.”

Vivian coaxed the child to drink milk, with a rare maternal kindness on her face, and all this was also seen by Tut.

“Miss, you don’t have to work hard to pretend to be a leopard. You can restore your original face in front of me. I saw you when I was a child. Your smell, even now, can’t be forgotten.”

Vivian frowned: “You still recognized me.”

After speaking, she has quickly changed from the appearance of a female black panther back to the original human female appearance.

This succubus with beautiful black hair, whether in human or orc form, is stunningly beautiful.

The Elephant Patriarch Tut put down his pipe and praised sincerely: “As beautiful as eighty years ago, Vivienne of the [Dark Sisters].”

“Woman, goddess?!” Palamides exclaimed in a low voice.

“That was a long time ago, don’t worry about it.” Vivian looked a little embarrassed,” I said, the Everglades was the birthplace of the succubus. In ancient times, the aborigines here were still Believe in the succubus as a god——“

“Not so [ancient], and still believed in it up to five hundred years ago.” Tut corrected, “until the goddesses got tired of this swamp and scattered things.”

“It’s not that I’m bored. I’m just… I can’t stand the Morgos and the others anymore.” Vivian sighed.

Vivian’s two younger sisters, Morgoth and Morgan, one is a mad Chaos Maker and the other is a terrifying Dark Vivien can’t stand these two sisters, and it is only natural matter. Palamidis thought, Vivian is the only normal person among the [Dark Three Sisters]. It’s a tragedy that she has such sisters.

Vivian immediately cast a blade-like gaze on the **** panther: Vivian sensed what Palamides was thinking just now.

“Uh, sorry.” Palamy immediately apologized to his wife.

“Okay.” Tut seemed to have made up his mind, stood up and said: “Let’s settle it like this. I’ll accompany you to search for the mandala grass. But instead, please take me to the [Unnamed Ruins] ] (The Nameless Ruin) Once, Lady Goddess.”

Vivian looked reluctant: “[Unnamed Ruins]? It can be, but there is nothing left there for a long time——“

“I just want to confirm something,” Tut said ambiguously.

Looking at Palamidis, who was full of doubts, Vivienne only gave a wink: “I will explain to you later.”

“Then, let’s all come to the village. As soon as we’re ready, we’ll set off,” Tut said.

In fact, the [Skidplatney’s Ark] they were in had already reached the Turkic village, and as long as they stepped out of the cabin, it was like the door of the people. And the [Silver Shadow] spacecraft is now moored in the giant dock of the Ark.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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