Light Spirit Epic Chapter 535: The duel against the Holy King (6)

Chapter 535 The duel against the Holy King (6)

That’s right, King Orser didn’t use any magic at all. He just collects photons in the environment, gathers them into spheres and holds them in his hands! That thing was surrounded by a strong enchantment, which contained hundreds of thousands of units of condensed photon clusters like a torrent. It’s no wonder that Arthur’s sword slashed on this kind of light ball, just like slashing on a piece of extremely hard steel!

But, it’s not over yet!

King Oser raised the ball of light in his hand and pressed it on Arthur. Arthur’s dragon dagger itself had a powerful flame enchantment, and this enchantment also began to interfere with the photon ball in King Oser’s hand!

The light ball in King Other’s hand immediately transformed into flames, and powerful flames spurted towards Arthur!

“Wow!” Arthur felt that something was wrong and immediately rolled and dodged, his left hand was already stinging from the high heat, and the black dragon armor on his arm was smoking blue smoke. If he hadn’t hid in time, half of his body would have been burnt to coke!

What a terrible spell (it’s not even magic) to use an enchantment on an opponent’s weapon to inflict counter-damage!

“Hahaha, you modern people seem to be using photons in bundles as weapons? Is that so?” King Oser sneered, pinching the white ball of light in his hand, and the ball immediately changed shape into a bunch lightsaber.

“What an interesting invention. Instead of spending time enchanting physical weapons, it’s better to use a beam of photons to shred the opponent. The blade does not touch blood, and kills invisible.”

King Oser looked at Arthur, and his eyes suddenly showed a ferocious look: “Be careful. This is my favorite magic. Let’s call it [light magic].——In light magic In front of you, any small means are ineffective!”

As soon as the voice fell, King Oser had already dodged and came to Arthur. The silver sword and lightsaber in his hand slashed down together, drawing a huge cross-shaped sword shadow in the air.

Not to be outdone, Arthur pulled out both swords and used the blade to resist the blade!

Bump! Block is blocked, but——

Another flame is coming towards Arthur! King Oser’s light magic seems to interfere with the enchantment in any weapon, reflecting all other magic!

Originally, it was extremely rare for photons to interfere with other magic. If it could be done simply, the knights would be invincible long ago – they could bounce all kinds of magic bullets with just a lightsaber, and the mages would be complaining.

King Oser’s light magic must have some special [method] added to it, so that the seemingly ordinary lightsaber contains amazing possibilities.

“No.” King Oser seemed to see through Arthur’s thoughts, and immediately explained: “This is a simple group of photons. It can interfere with other magic because it is a group of high compression. Photon.”

Arthur frowned. Is that a cloud of highly compressed photons? The teenager had heard that the stronger the output power of the light shield, the more able it was to block magic attacks.

But that’s just theory. Even a shield would be too heavy to move if it wanted to achieve the defensive power to completely block the opponent’s magic attack.

A photon has no mass at rest, it only [embodies] mass during motion.

Once upon a time, there were foolish people who wanted to create a lightsaber with unprecedented destructive power, thinking it was the best masterpiece in human history. But he failed. The output power of the lightsaber is indeed extremely powerful, but because of this, no one can wield it. As soon as you want to swing it, the light blade will always be [stuck] in the space where it was originally, like swinging an extremely heavy lead rod in the viscous mud. Such weapons simply cannot be used.

A weapon of similar principle, Arthur also holds one in his hand: his [Sword of the Holy King].

So why is Arthur able to wield the King’s Sword (and the King’s Sword)?

Thinking of this, Arthur immediately understood.

That’s right, the one in King Oser’s hand is actually the lightsaber version of the King’s Sword.

King Oser was also once the [King] chosen by the Sword of Kings. Like Arthur, he has a special physique.

—– A physique capable of creating a [photon vacuum area] around one’s body.

King Other wrapped the lightsaber in his hand with an extremely thin layer of photon vacuum to prevent it from contacting the photons in the air.

There is no resistance without contact. Without resistance, King Oser was able to swing this high-compression lightsaber smoothly. All it takes is amazing arm strength.

“Wait a minute. Why has my King’s Sword (and King’s Sword) never had the ability to bounce magic?!” Arthur complained.

“First of all, you didn’t try your best.” King Oser sneered, “Secondly, before rebounding magic, you have to wrap the blade with high-compression photons. The normal output of the King’s Sword is not the maximum output, right? ?”

“Understood. Thank you [kindly] for telling me this information.” Arthur raised his sword: “Now, you can die.”

He charged up again with his sword raised, and he fought King Other fiercely.

Arthur raises the King’s Sword and slashes at his opponent. King Oser raised his sword and picked it up, blocking the blow.

The lightsaber in King Oser’s right hand stabbed at Arthur at the same time, taking Arthur’s left chest. If this sword is stabbed, I am afraid it will go through the heart!

Arthur did not dare to block with the Longwu dagger. He was afraid that the enchantment on the dagger would collide with the lightsaber and be interfered again, causing him to suffer more. He raised the scabbard of the king and pushed it up, knocking off the opponent’s sword strike.

However, something strange happened. King Oser’s lightsaber bent automatically as if it was alive again, twisted past Arthur’s block from one side, and then twisted back and pierced Arthur’s shoulder with a blow!

“Ugh!” The boy endured the pain and swung his sword to force his opponent away. Queen Orser jumped a few steps and immediately attacked Arthur with a lightsaber. The lightsaber deformed again, extending into a ten-foot spear, pointing straight at Arthur’s throat!

King Other’s light magic can change freely, which Arthur also expected. But the teenager never thought that the opponent’s lightsaber could change to such a degree! This oncoming attack, even if it is blocked with a sword, I am afraid it will bend and flash again, and pierce Arthur’s body from another angle!

Just as King Oser had not yet exerted his full strength, Arthur originally wanted to preserve his abilities such as the Griffon Shield and use it at a critical moment. But now this act he has no choice. The knight raised the scabbard of the king and activated the griffon shield.

With a bang, King Oser’s lightsaber stabbed on the shield surface, but it just touched it lightly, and it deflected immediately. It circled around, passed over the top of Arthur’s head, and stabbed the boy from behind!

What a flexible transformation! Arthur was taken aback. But the effect of the griffon shield’s deflecting attack somewhat delayed King Oser’s sword stance. The lightsaber twisted in a circle, with neither speed nor power, and was dodged by Arthur with a flick of a flank.

King Oser retracted his lightsaber and looked at Arthur, who was on guard from a distance: “What’s the matter? Why don’t you come and fight me?”

Arthur doesn’t care about King Oser’s provocation. Although King Oser’s light magic can change the shape of the lightsaber at will, the farther the distance is, the weaker its power and speed will be. Keep your distance and wait and see.

Twenty yards. This distance is best for Arthur. Arthur can overtake the Sword of the Holy King and instantly launch a 30-yard stab. The light blade of the Sword of the Holy King is not affected by the length, and this distance is still extremely powerful; and the light magic of King Oser is not at all to be feared at this distance.

After making up his mind, Arthur stabbed a sword out of nowhere. The blade of the Sword of the Holy King quickly stretched and stabbed towards King Oser in a straight line!

The blade is very long and swivels as well as usual. Even if this sword stabs in the air, Arthur can still swipe with his sword, no matter which direction King Oser hides, he will never escape!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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