Light Spirit Epic Chapter 514: Battle of Chaos (10)


Chapter 514 Decisive Battle Against Chaos (10)

The Crimson Dragon is the incarnation of Chaos, and as Arthur’s state of mind changes, it takes a different form each time it appears.

This time, the crimson dragon was only six hundred feet tall and covered in red flames.

The one billion sword feathers on its back are real lightsabers, the same size as those used by knights, but all crimson.

Not only is the dragon full of swords, but it also holds two crimson lightsabers, each a hundred feet long.

The crimson dragon is like a burning fireball, and there is not a single spot on its body that is not a dazzling red light. Even its eyes are fiery flame balls, and they drag out long fireworks, pointing straight to the sky!

“Arthur actually summoned such a monster…” Bedivere looked at the huge ghost in the sky, surprised.

“Old man, haven’t you fixed it yet?” Vivian urged, she was also hurriedly checking various instruments, thinking only about taking off quickly.

The world-destroying demon dragon and the crimson dragon in front of them are still facing each other, but their battle is imminent. Once it starts, it must be a natural disaster. If the [Silver Shadow] is involved in this kind of battle, the lives of the entire crew will be at stake!

“Okay, it’s done. *hic*, start the engine and try.” The old man’s communication came from the engine room, with a wine hiccup.

“You’re drinking in the engine room?! What should I do if the engine catches fire?!” Vivian really wanted to continue scolding, but she didn’t have time to worry about it, started the anti-gravity engine of the spaceship, and took off!

“Wait! Arthur is still there!” Bedivere looked at Arthur who was left on the battlefield, thinking that Vivian was going to leave Arthur and run away, so he couldn’t help feeling anxious.

“Don’t worry, we’re just watching from a distance, and we’ll be back to pick him up,” Vivian said.

“But, but——“

“That [Phantom Spirit] is a monster released around him. It will protect Arthur, don’t worry.” Vivienne has gradually sailed the ship away from the battlefield and stopped at a relatively safe point distance to watch the battle. (At the same time, let the small golems released continue to repair the shell of the ship)

“Er, has anyone seen that **** cat?” Ryder sat and looked around. He was looking for the trace of Kaos.

Only then did Vivian realize that Kaos was not on board. She was so busy carrying Palamidis and Bagus onto the ship (they were unconscious after all) that she completely forgot about Chaos. She thought that if Kaos could walk by herself, she would take the initiative to follow.

Obviously not. —— So, where did he go?

Just as Vivian and the others were looking for the trail of Chaos worriedly, the battle on Arthur’s side also started.

The fully formed crimson dragon faced off against the fully activated world-destroying dragon. ——A phantom spirit with a height of 600 feet confronts a golem with a height of 1,000 feet!

The [Destroyer Demon Dragon – Nidhogu] stood up, his whole body shone with a deep black metallic luster, with countless spikes, and the darkness of purple and black loomed in the gaps of the armor. Its purple-black color contrasts with the deep red of the Crimson Dragon.

It is composed entirely of mithril, with the photons of countless dragons and other epic creatures tanned inside. This metal is extremely strong and [theoretically indestructible].

Under the control of Morgoth, the crazy world-destroying dragon began its first round of offensive. It waved its huge black claws and attacked the crimson dragon, spitting out purple-black dragon flames, trying to burn its opponent in one fell swoop!

The crimson dragon doubled its swords together, blocking the claws of the world-destroying dragon, and countless sword feathers scattered in the air at the same time, stabbing at the opponent like furious raindrops!

The demonic flame of the World-Destroying Demon Dragon was swept away by the sword rain, unable to threaten the crimson dragon! However, Jian Yu’s strength remained unabated, and he continued to charge towards the World Destruction Demon Dragon!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! Tens of thousands of sounds came one after another, bursting on the body of the world destroyer. But these sword feathers can’t destroy the sturdy Mithril shell of the World Destruction Demon Dragon, they just distract the opponent’s attention!

Swipe, swipe, swipe! The claws and blades of the World-Destroying Demon Dragon and the Crimson Dragon collided.

With the advantage of his stature, Nidhogu suppressed his opponents with his claws alone, and repulsed the crimson dragon again and again!

On the other hand, Angnu Moore unleashed his sword and used his furious high-speed attack to barely tie the opponent! Even so, the crimson dragon continued to move backwards and was forced to the border of the floating island by the opponent!

The red light and the purple light continued to scream furiously and mercilessly, seeing that the crimson dragon was about to be forced off the floating island by the onslaught of the world-destroying dragon!

Not only did it not try to counterattack, but instead jumped to the edge of the floating island!

Tens of thousands of sword feathers were returned, forming huge wings of light, carrying the crimson dragon flying in the sky. The crimson dragon floating in the air with its wings spread out, looks like a god, a **** of fire.

I saw the crimson dragon fly, and the world-destroying dragon also spread its wings. Its three thousand feet long wings fluttered, and the [Silver Shadow] was tossed to and fro by a gust of wind.

“Turn up the power of the shield to the maximum, hurry up!” Vivian shouted.

Bedivere fiddles with the buttons on the console, and finally finds it. He slammed the output power valve of the protective cover up, and the spacecraft was immediately covered by a blue-blue light ball. All kinds of debris on the battlefield, including the corpses and weapons of the undead, were swept away by the hurricane, and they smashed towards the [Silver Shadow], blocked by the protective cover, and bounced away! If Brady didn’t activate the protective cover in time, the spacecraft would have opened hundreds of gaps at this moment!

After this natural disaster-level liftoff, the two giant dragons moved the battlefield into the The crimson dragon moved fast and agile in the air, clearly gaining the upper hand.

It revolved around the clumsy World Destruction Dragon and slashed with its sword. The red sword light formed arcs of colorful clouds in the space, which lasted for a few seconds before slowly disappearing. Such a superposition of colorful clouds dyes the sky!

Klang, Klang, Klang! The sword light slashed on the opponent’s shoulders, abdomen, head, legs, back, and wings. Every strike was extremely fierce, and every strike was as fast as lightning! The red clouds formed by the sword light are actually arcs of flames, and they continue to spread forward before they subside, causing secondary damage!

The crimson giant dragon attacked thousands of swords within tens of seconds, and the sword light and firelight all hit the world destroying dragon, and there were tens of thousands of combos!

But the world-destroying dragon is still [indestructible], and no matter how hard the opponent attacks, it cannot cause any damage to it!

The World-Destroying Demon Dragon swings its claws to attack the Crimson Dragon, but every time it swings in the air, because the opponent’s movement speed is too fast! Tired of the world-destroying dragon, he used frantic attacks to drive away his opponents, and at the same time spewed purple-black dragon flames, sweeping the sky.

Its flames danced irregularly, spreading in the sky, and soon turned into a cloud of poisonous mist, encircling nearly ten thousand mu of airspace!

The crimson dragon, eroded by this poisonous mist, began to emit blue smoke! It is not invincible, it is corroded by the poisonous mist, and it will still hurt! Although this kind of injury is very inconspicuous, it is absorbing the power of the crimson dragon bit by bit. If it doesn’t find a way to fight back quickly, it’s only a matter of time before it loses!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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