Light Spirit Epic Chapter 51: Recovery to the Covenant (table)


Chapter 51: Restoration to the Covenant (Table)

Three days later.

“Arthur, why are you fiddling with that broken hand!” Bedivere couldn’t help but nag again, “Lie back on the bed and rest! You need to rest!”

“No need,” Arthur continued to do the palm press as if nothing had happened, “I have been lazy for so many days, and if I continue to be lazy, I will become a crippled person.”

“Anyway, no, no! Lie down!” cried Bedivere.

“When did your kid become like a housekeeper?” Arthur said impatiently, “You’re obviously wrapped up like a mummy, are you qualified to call me?”

“I’m just cold… Yes, I’m afraid of the cold.” The werewolf boy hesitated.

“Beddy!” Tristan ran into the room. “Forget about that wooden knight, let’s go out and play? Okay? Go and play!”

“Why are you so playful.” Bedivere whispered, “Isn’t it your time for class?”

“Classes are so boring! Let’s play!” The murloc boy looked like a fool. Although he was making a fool of himself, he looked happy: “Or, is it swordsmanship training?”

“Okay, sword training?” Arthur got up from the ground, “Then—I—will accompany you in training. Guaranteed to beat you all over the place… Oh no, I guarantee your swordsmanship will advance by leaps and bounds.”

Tristan squinted Arthur, “No. I want Bedivere all I need.”

“Humph!” Arthur pulled Bedivere over. “Beddie, you go. Beat this guy all over the place for me.”

“No!” said the werewolf boy angrily.

In the evening, after the banquet.

“Today, I finally cleaned up all the disaster areas in the kingdom. I have been busy for so many days and have no time to thank you – the knights of Pantoracken, thank you for your efforts. Thanks You, save the Icelandic kingdom from destruction.” The Mermaid Queen Lilith thanked.

“We don’t deserve your thanks, Your Majesty.” Arthur glanced at the trident next to him, which was broken in two.

“Is this?” The queen also looked at the trident and sighed, “Don’t feel guilty, the holy spear has done its job well. The ancient Icelandic kingdom has been handed down the prophecy that there will always be One day, the legendary golden warrior will appear with a trident when the kingdom is facing an emergency, and use the last power of the trident to save the kingdom.

——I thought that hero was Victor Tristan. But he lost to [years].

And you who defeated him might be the real golden hero. No, it can only be you. Viktor has been the strongest warrior in Iceland since ancient times, and he still defeats him in the face of the strongest. It is estimated that no one in the Icelandic kingdom can defeat you anymore. “

“How could that be. It’s just a moment of luck.” Arthur said modestly, “Victor has just become an emerald knight, his body is not in the best condition, and his strength is probably not even half of his original strength. Otherwise, I may not even have a point. There is no chance of victory.”

The Queen sighed again, “I have seen him fighting in his youth, and I know when he is at his best.

——The succubus is really scary, even the years can be distorted, and even death can be manipulated. But I know that you humans will not lose to such an evil way. Although you humans have low strength and short lives, the battle that day made me truly see the [possibility] of human beings.

Just by a simple idea, just by will, a person can be so strong. Humans are truly creatures with infinite possibilities.

Therefore, I decided to believe, believe that the infinite possibilities of your human beings will one day bring light to this world and draw an end to this dark age. “

“Your Majesty…” Arthur looked nervous, waiting for the Queen’s next words. He knew what the Queen was going to say.

“The merfolk are happy to ally with the Pantoracken.” The Queen of Iceland announced, “If the Huns want to invade the Light Territory, you will receive unconditional support from the merfolk and Vikings. We will fight side by side with you to the last soldier.”

The tension on Arthur’s face subsided, replaced by a moment of relief. He bowed deeply: “Thank you, Her Majesty. That’s great, really.”

“Great!” Bedivere and Tristan cheered.

“With the support of the beautiful mermaid sisters, I would be willing to die in battle!” Kai also said with tears in his eyes. The surrounding mermaid guards shuddered when they saw this wretched Kai.

“Then——” the Queen continued, “Bedivere–if you can–I would like you to stay.”


“You are Tristan’s only friend. I want you to stay. And if you are what the Hungarians are looking for, then this royal city is the safest place in the world. I have fortified the guards, The countermeasures against succubus are finally perfected. You just need to hide here and wait for the war to pass…”

“Let the whole world fight for me, while I hide in a safe place and watch?” The werewolf boy shook his head I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I appreciate your kindness. “

“Mother,” said the murloc boy, “even if I wanted Beedy to stay, I wouldn’t do it. Bedi treats me as a true friend, and only embarrassed them for my own reasons. I don’t deserve to be his friend.”


“It’s alright, I’m fine by myself, and I won’t feel lonely anymore.” The murloc prince said with a deliberately strong look on his face, “I’m no longer a child.”

The Queen’s expression changed subtly, and she sighed, “Okay, plan A failed. Then plan B.”

“And plan B?!” Everyone was shocked.

“Prince Tristan,” the Queen declared solemnly, “from today on you are the ambassador of the Kingdom of Iceland, taking over foreign affairs with Pantoracken. Merfolks can’t stand the heat, and they won’t be able to set foot on the British Isles. Stop.

As a murloc, you are the only one who can withstand the heat. Just go and discuss with the Council of Pantoracken for me on alliance and defense—don’t let me down. “

“Oh! Yes!” The murloc boy’s eyes shone brightly, he couldn’t hide the joy in his heart, he couldn’t help laughing, “Yes, Her Majesty!…Thank you, Mom!”

The Queen smiled back.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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