Light Spirit Epic Chapter 471: Fighting in Heaven (4)


Chapter 471: Battle in Heaven (4)

Ten minutes later, the little boy just woke up and heard his mother complaining about his father. Their conversations were so low that they could only be heard roughly.

When the little boy woke up and saw his mother Iglin sitting in front of his bed, he couldn’t help crying in his mother’s arms.

“Okay, Arthur, don’t cry——” the mother whispered comfortingly, “Don’t cry, you have to be strong.”

“Woooooooooo, but, but, it’s really scary…” The little boy recalled the scene of being abused by his half-brother.

Brother Gunther once held the little boy in the water, choking him all the time, and let him out just before he nearly suffocated to death.

In that dark and cold underwater world, there is endless terror.

That’s a psychological barrier deeper than [fear], a chasm he can’t cross no matter what, an abyss he can’t escape no matter what.

The coldness of the water grabbed him and cursed his life.

“Is this, your [darkness]?” A man’s voice came from Arthur’s ear.

“But your darkness will pass. We will always be with you and will not leave you alone again.” The woman’s voice also came from Arthur’s ear.

“Even in the depths of darkness, the light is with you. The darkness can no longer imprison you——

You, incomparably free. “

It was hate that imprisoned him, let love free him.

It is the fear brought by loneliness, so use care to drive away the loneliness.

Arthur opened his eyes and saw his parents, who had turned into rays of light, smiling beside him.

Because he is no longer alone, he is not afraid to walk in the dark abyss.

Clap, la, la la la la! ! !

The clenched jaw of the Holy White Shark begins to crack.

A pair of hands, with amazing strength, open the mouth of the white shark!

Arthur’s hands burst into red light, and those red lights were emitting from the curse lines on his body.

These hands tightly grasped the two rows of sharp-edged teeth of the Holy Spirit White Shark’s jaws, and used these two fulcrums to prop open the monster’s mouth.

Although his hands were cut by sharp teeth, the wounds were deep to the bone, but Arthur didn’t care. The jaws of the Holy Spirit White Shark were gradually torn apart by the powerful force, making a strange gurgling sound!

Clap! Arthur twisted his hands and unscrewed the white shark’s teeth! The jaw of the great white shark sags weakly due to dislocation, and the knight takes the opportunity to escape from the shark’s mouth!

Whoosh! He rowed the water at a very high speed, rushed out dozens of yards like an arrow, and distanced himself from the Holy Spirit White Shark.

He doesn’t paddle with his hands and feet. The dragon wings on his back have been transformed into fins, with clear veins and a multi-membrane structure, thin and strong, capable of swimming at high speed in the water.

He has two rows of gills on his neck to allow him to breathe in the water.

He took a deep breath, and a large amount of clean water was sucked in from his gills, filtering out the oxygen, and then expelling the water. He got oxygen and felt refreshed, and it would not be a problem to fight another 300 rounds!

Girls born from succubus and humans are all succubus, while boys are 99% human, and there is only a rare succubus blood in their blood.

After this bloodline is dispersed and then integrated into the body of [cyborg No. 9], the residual power of the succubus will be even less.

But this insignificant force can still support Arthur’s partial deformation of his body, conjuring wings that fly in the sky, or fins and gills that swim in the water.

He should have awakened this ability instinctively the moment he sank to the bottom. His inability to use this transformation was entirely due to his past psychological obstacles—the more he was afraid of water and tried to save himself by other means, the more his body repelled water, and he was unable to initiate the transformation in water.

And now, at a time of life and death, the memory of Uther and Iglyn’s spirit in Arthur inspires him.

He broke free from the shackles called [Fear] and gained [Freedom] to cross this underwater cage.

The spirits fused into Arthur’s body do more than give him power.

[Freedom] is the last gift left to Arthur by his parents.

(Being able to swim in the water is such a comfortable and pleasant thing. Yes, why should you be afraid of it?)

Arthur didn’t hesitate. His injured hands healed quickly, and he drew the sword of the holy king with equanimity.

The holy sword emits a strong golden light on the bottom of the water, reflecting a large area of ​​water.

Even the darkness receded, and there was nothing Arthur could fear.

All that’s left to do is slaughter that **** shark!

The Holy Spirit White Shark looked at Arthur, who was holding the holy sword, and slowly closed his mouth. Its jaw was badly injured and could no longer bite with its mouth.

But it’s more than just a bite.

It howled and summoned hundreds of swordfish golems. These palm-sized swordfish are the same guys who attacked the raft before.

The body of the Holy White Shark is also changing rapidly. Its fins turned into sharp blades; its long pointed head also grew numerous razor-like scales, each diamond-shaped, with spikes extending outward.

If you can’t use a bite, you can use a bump. Anyone who is brushed by the blade of the Holy Spirit White Shark must be bloody!

(Come on!) Arthur raises his sword, ready to fight the White Shark to the death!

At the same time, in Rome, another battle began.

Albert was led into a closed room of Noah, and he couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw this 500-square-yard practice field wrapped in reinforced steel

Grand Duke Hall threw a lightsaber to Albert, “Use this. Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t return your original weapon.”

Al took over the lightsaber. This was the first time he had used a lightsaber, so he was not used to it. The green light blade sprayed from the hilt made the hand holding the sword feel a little warm, making the tiger man very uncomfortable.

Albert was even more stunned by what the Duke of Hall did next. Hall took off his armor and wore only a thin shirt.

“What are you doing, meow?” El said angrily, “You’re looking down on me meow if you don’t wear armor to fight me?”

“I don’t mean to look down on you.” Hall continued to remove the leg armor, wearing only a pair of leggings and iron boots at the bottom of the leg armor. “Aren’t you wearing armor either? Let’s be even.”

Hall himself only draws a lightsaber and does not use other weapons: “Son, let me see how capable you are. Use any secret weapon, you have to use those wings. If so, I will also use magic to fight. Our conditions are equal.”

Not equal, Al thought. The power of the Sun Egg is not something that ordinary magic can compete with. What’s more, the opponent is a human, and using magic casually will shorten the lifespan, and there will be petrification punishment…

I can’t handle that much, let’s win first. Albert raised his sword and charged forward with a slash!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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