Light Spirit Epic Chapter 465: Attack on Tiantu (6)

Chapter 465: Attack on Heaven (6)

That’s right, this is the [Fa]——[Floating Dream Shadow] of the evil spirit Orochi Iglin.

It can see the branches in the parallel universe, and project these branches of space and time in the dream of people. Thanks to this ability, Arthur has experienced countless lives – parallel worlds that are similar to his own, but with subtle differences.

And Greenville’s Holy Spirit White Phoenix is ​​the nemesis of this [Fa].

The power of the White Phoenix does not lie in those powerful magics.

The true power of the Holy Spirit White Phoenix is ​​the [law] that creates “change”. It is called ——[Universal Change].

It can add new laws to the original [laws] of other Holy Spirits, making the new [laws] subtle changes and creating variables (weaknesses).

These variables would have been trivial, if the Holy Spirit had a [law] such as [controlling an army] or [having a strong defense], the slight change would not be enough to have any effect on the original [law].

But the [Dharma] of the evil spirit Orochi projects a parallel world, which is both delicate and fragile. A small change can cause distortion of the phenomenon, and the original world will mutate in an instant, presenting another completely different parallel world.

[Universal Change] Modify those space-time projections, creating a subtle variation in them.

The knight Uther, who was supposed to be a heavenly knight and guarded the imperial capital Camelot, was demoted to a silver knight because he wanted to accompany the mother and son of Iglin;

Camelot fell and Pantoracken fell;

The slave transport ship that was able to reach Rome successfully, was a day late and encountered a big storm, killing all on board;

The slave Arthur, who could have been bought by good people, fell into the hands of bad people by accident and lived a hell-like life since then;

——There are countless examples of this.

Iglyn can choose a path to make her son live happily in countless parallel worlds, and let his dream continue.

But Greenville can also ruin Arthur’s life “that could have been a good life” one by one, turning every dream into a nightmare, driving him from one dream to another.

The offensive and defensive battle between the two women started in Arthur’s dream.

Because of this, Iglin was forced to stop. No more dreams were created, there was only silence and darkness all around. All that was left was the little boy who fell to the ground and the confrontation between the two women.

Just as the two were at a stalemate, a knight came to Iglin’s side. The Holy Spirit of Knight Uther — a white stag — followed closely behind.

“Enough is enough. Stop it, Iglin.” Uther’s tone was full of helplessness and pain. He didn’t want his son to suffer any more.

“No…not yet!” Iglin, who has become an evil spirit, is a spiritual body dominated by [desire]. She is very stubborn: “I have to try again. Again That’s it!

——We must be able to find a world where everyone can live happily. “

Even Iglyn herself knew how unrealistic that statement was. A world where [everyone is happy] cannot exist.

Greenville sighed at Iglin’s stupidity: “Then try it. You’ll regret it.”

This time, she won’t interfere with Arthur’s sweet dreams. She knew that Iglyn would be overwhelmed by her own logic.

The more women try to create the perfect world where [everyone is happy], the more loopholes they create.

A perfect world cannot exist.

The boy opened his eyes, it was already morning.

He gets up from the bed, his memory still hazy. He tried to sort out the current situation.

This is Fort Elsenburg, the base of the Pantoracken Royal Knights of the East.

This room is the lounge of the leader of the Eastern Knights.

Arthur D. Pantoracken succeeded his father’s business and became a Heavenly Knight of the Eastern Heavenly Knights after his father Uther abdicated.

My father taught me well, making Arthur superb in swordsmanship and martial arts. He became such a high-ranking man at such a young age, and his life was full of dazzling brilliance.

He has no enemies. His father Uther’s first wife died in childbirth in childbirth. Uther, despite people’s objections, officially married a maid named Iglin and gave birth to Arthur. Arthur’s background is righteous, neither illegitimate nor worthy of anyone.

He is happier than anyone else.


This series of settings confused the boy for a while. After he cleared his mind and walked out of the room, he found that dozens of knights were already waiting outside.

“…Kay? Why are you here?”

“What are you talking about, Captain?” Gaia Knight Kai responded with a stunned expression, “You called us here. Today is the day you entered the warrior’s grave for the test, have you forgotten?”

Arthur was confused for a while, and his hand subconsciously touched the matching sword at his waist. But it was a lightsaber, and the feel of the hilt was a little different from [a certain sword] that Arthur was used to.

“…You are in a trance, Lord Captain.” Arthur’s cousin, Gaia knight Pasiva advised, “If you are not feeling well, please don’t forcefully enter the warrior’s grave to explore. It’s better another day. Go.”

“No, I’m fine.” Arthur said stubbornly, “The warrior’s grave is just a piece of cake, I can get through it with my eyes closed.”

Three hours later, his body was pierced by the trap of the warrior’s grave. Countless sharp needles pierced his armor, pierced his guts, and slit his throat. He was killed instantly.

Life has been smooth sailing. Arthur, who has never suffered setbacks, does not know what danger is and how to avoid it. He was arrogant and arrogant, thinking that he would have a lifetime of luck. This led to his death.

“No, it’s not like that!” The woman screamed desperately in the dark, “This world is not good. Start again!”

The landscape of the world changes in an instant.

Arthur came to his senses and found himself lying on the bed, all just a dream.

Yes, what a ridiculous dream.

From a young age, his parents taught him to be low-key and humble. Even though he became a Knight of Heaven at a very young age he is still abiding by his parents’ teachings. A low-key person like him would not go to the grave of a warrior.

The surroundings were unusually quiet. What happened?

He opened the window to look outside, only to realize that the world had ended.

The fox people seem to be researching a biochemical weapon called [Shadow], which can devour all life and multiply itself by the photons in the organism. Humans are helpless against it, and all conventional weapons are ineffective against dark son-infected creatures.

It is said that the ancient divine weapon [Sword of Kings] sealed in the warrior’s tomb can effectively kill the dark child creatures, but all the heavenly knights have failed, and they are always unable to draw this divine weapon. And Arthur, who became a Heavenly Knight, refused to even try.

The fall of Rome, the fall of Germany and the fall of France, the Anzi army finally crossed the English Channel to the Pantoracken.

Beneath Elsenburg are thousands of dark sub-creatures. They threw the knights of the Eastern Heavenly Knights to the ground, opened their stomachs, and devoured the flesh and blood of human beings.

All hope is lost when the army is under the city. The world will be destroyed. The next second when Arthur was in a daze, a huge dark creature had broken through the window and smashed the head of the Heavenly Knight…

“No! No! It shouldn’t be like this!” said the woman’s voice in the dark, “Again… do it again! This time, it must… must be able to——! “

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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