Light Spirit Epic Chapter 443: Moving to disaster (3)


Chapter 443 of the calamity (three)

“This is…” Albert looked at the ancient sword suspiciously.

“[Slashing Demon Sword—Tryfing] (Tryfing). It was found with this warship and was stored in the bridge.” Deanna handed the sword to Albert, and at the same time Take out a scabbard from the other side of the seat, “Now this sword belongs to you. It can cut through space and has a very powerful lethality. When not in use, be sure to store it in the scabbard to avoid unnecessary damage. .”

“Such a precious treasure—“

“It doesn’t matter, you can take it, [Sottnes].” Deanna smiled, “It is very dangerous to put it here, if we lose [Twilight Battleship] and [Slashing Demon Sword] at the same time, The consequences will be unimaginable. Keep them separate to reduce the risk.——But, please promise me that you will protect this magic sword with your life, and never let it fall into the hands of any criminals, you can ?”

“…Yes. I swear.” Just as Albert finished speaking, the magic sword in his hand emitted a purple light.

“The contract is over. That’s it.” The High Priest smiled with satisfaction, “Let’s go back. Please don’t tell anyone about the [Battleship of Twilight], not even your best friend.”

“Can’t say it to Bedivere?”


Albert put the sword in his waist and muttered, “Okay.”

Albert was not happy to be casually regarded as some sort of savior, Sotnes. But El’s eyes glowed when he saw the sword, and he was completely fascinated by this beautiful golden-black ancient magic sword. In order to get this sword, it is enough to ask the tiger boy to sell his soul (morality).

“Well, yes,” Albert asked curiously, “Can you really see other parallel worlds with your eyes of the sky, meow? So… in other worlds, how do I A meow-like person?”

“There are countless parallel worlds…” Deanna looked at Albert and suddenly smiled playfully: “By the way, let me tell you the most interesting one. In that world, you are me A domestic tabby cat, the black stripes on his body look exactly the same as they are now, we all call you a little white tiger. You like to get into my chest and ask for a hug.”

Al frowned, his face flushed: “Nonsense——-“

Diana smiled and walked quickly.

At the same time, Rome.

When the Roman Emperor Justin I arrived, the evil star had already put on his dress and sat quietly by the head of the bed.

Mage Merlin didn’t actually cast magic on the dragon’s body, because such magic would be sucked away by the key shards in the dragon’s heart immediately, without effect.

Instead, Merlin casts magic on the gauze wrapped around the male star. It was a kind of magic that brought a cooling effect and shielded the pain sensation. It could temporarily suppress the pain in Shaxing’s body, allowing him to get out of bed temporarily.

Even so, getting a dragon out of bed is a very risky act. Random actions will only increase the burden on the heart, making the evil star tend to die faster. —— However, this is Xinghuilong’s own wish, and Merlin has to obey.

If Xinghuilong dies, the key fragments of the World Wall on his body will shatter and attach to those around him. Merlin told the emperor to pay close attention to the evil star who got out of bed. He did not tell the emperor the fact that the evil star had only one day’s lifespan, but only told Justin I that the evil star had almost recovered and was able to get out of bed.

Therefore, Justin I was very happy. He thought that the evil star was really recovering gradually, and the situation would gradually get better.

The evil star hid the paleness of his face, stood up and said to Justin I: “I have a request, Emperor of Rome.”

“Go ahead, Alexander. I’ll try to get you anything you want.”

The evil star whispered in the emperor’s ear.

“That’s it. Well, I’ll try to arrange it for you. Your body has only gotten better, is it really okay to do this?”

“I said no problem, no problem.” Xinghuilong said stubbornly. Even if the face of the Roman emperor, the dragon is still the dragon, and it will not give Justin I face.

And, he doesn’t have much time left, and a dying dragon doesn’t care about such minutiae.

An hour later, the horse farm in Rome.

The evil star looked at a huge dark horse in front of him.

The horse is a wonderful creature. They have their own spirituality, shy and proud.

They should have been obsolete by the times: the modern photon antigravity engine-based airships and gunships have long left horses hundreds of levels in speed.

However, the Romans loved war horses so much that their ceremonial carriages were still pulled by war horses – the propelling force generated by the floating body against gravity and photon mirrors embedded in the horse’s hooves was enough to make the carriage Galloping like thunder, such a carriage looks respectable without losing its speed.

In the past, Xinghui Longshaxing only regarded horses as a kind of food. But during the time he lived with humans, he gradually understood the thoughts of humans and the cuteness of horses.

The giant horse, nearly seven feet tall, in front of him is even more beautiful: golden eyes are piercing, and the strong toes have no fat at all, and the whole body has a black and thick luster.

“Very good… But not what I want.” Sha Xing smiled wryly.

“This is already the best war horse in all of Rome.” Justin I also smiled bitterly, “You can’t compare a war horse with a cavalry machine…”

“I didn’t mean that.” The evil star turned his eyes to the other horse beside him.

It was a white horse. White mane, white torso, without a single spot on the whole body, looks very flattering. However, this is a pony that is only three feet tall and may be only a year old.

“That little guy?” The Roman emperor shook his head, his mustache swaying comically in the process of shaking his head: “Bai Ying is still a pony, not completely tame, and has a strong temper. A layman like you thinks To ride it, there is a danger of falling.”

“Really.” The evil star walked over to pet the white horse calmly. At first, the white horse was not happy to be touched, and wanted to bite the evil star’s hand several times. But the dragon shrank his hands quickly, as if he was playing with a white horse.

“Alexander does have a wish, that is to accompany his father to ride a horse on the plain all day. I don’t have much time, so I can only help him realize half of his wish: Come on, you only have half a day. .”

“What are you talking about, Alexander? You have more—“

Justin I said halfway through and couldn’t go on. He saw the loneliness and awe-inspiringness of the dying person from the face of the evil star, and the Roman emperor was very afraid, and he did not dare to go further.

Alexander had indeed transformed into a certain form and was still alive within the Shaxing. The evil star, who knew that his time was short, did not use this precious day for fun, but gave half of it to Alexander.

The selfish dragon graciously gave up the remaining half of his life in order to fulfill the last wish of a human boy.

He avoided the bite of the white horse, hugged the white horse by the neck, and muttered a few words to the horse. Those words were more of a plea than an order. The little white horse gradually stopped making noise. It seemed that the audience had heard Sha Xing’s plea and turned his head to signal Sha Xing to mount the horse.

Xinghuilong jumped on the horse’s back without a Since there is no saddle, he can feel the strength and warmth of the muscles on the horse’s back. As a dragon, the evil star, who is always ridden by people, is riding on the back of other creatures in human form for the first time today, and it feels so fresh.

Justine I looked at the blond boy on horseback. Now this “Alexander” is almost exactly the same as his son in the emperor’s memory, even his demeanor and actions are very similar, just as his long-dead son is now resurrected and appeared in front of the emperor. The Roman emperor was stunned for a while, and his face couldn’t help showing a sad look.

“What are you waiting for? Time waits for no one.” Shaxing urged.

Justin I still had a lot of government affairs to deal with, and he didn’t have time to accompany the evil star to go sightseeing. But he compromised, and he vaguely knew that this was the last time he spent with his son.

The emperor also jumped on the back of the big dark horse quickly: “Okay. Where do you want to go, Alexander?”

“Anywhere, Father.” Shaxing replied in a low voice.

“Then, keep up. [Shadow] is the fastest warhorse in Rome.”

The evil star patted the white horse on the shoulder: “This little guy is the child of the shadow, he can keep up.”

A dark shadow leaped out of the racecourse, followed by another white shadow.

Black and White galloped across the plains at high speed towards the coast.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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