Light Spirit Epic Chapter 438: Awakening to Yehui (4)


Chapter 438 Awakening to Yehui (4)

“Ha!” The Elephant Man grabbed the Warg’s corpse as a weapon, slapped it, and slapped the other Warcraft into meat sauce. He grabbed the huge wooden beam of the collapsed building, swept it horizontally, and smashed all the three monsters that came flying, smashed, and smashed!

After temporarily clearing up the surrounding threats, Pav turned his head and stretched out his hand, breaking the chain that hung Xiao Hei.

“Quick… run away!” said the elephant, “the farther… the better…!”

He suppressed the destructive impulse in his heart with a strong will, but his mind and body had reached a dangerous critical state, and he could lose control and go mad at any time. He is afraid that he will kill Xiao Hei in his madness, in this case, all the sacrifices he has made will become meaningless!

Xiao Hei untied his shackles and looked at Papho quietly. This Elephant Man is the adult who saved her before. Although the appearance has changed a lot, the smell on his body is still the same.

“Quick… run away!” The Elephant Man urged.

Looking at the countless scars on the elephant man, Xiao Hei shed tears: “For someone like me, you actually——“

Pavu didn’t have time to answer her, when another wave of monsters attacked, he had to wave the big wooden pillar in his hand and swept the monsters back. The sound of muscles breaking constantly came from his body, and he knew that his body was about to be completely broken.

He didn’t feel any pain at all.

His body is very comfortable.

That was his pleasure before the complete death of the body, the afterglow before the complete collapse of his life.

The madness that his father spent his entire life pursuing was suppressed by Pavre’s rationality. He was able to fight recklessly and tirelessly, thanks to this cursed medicine. He accepted the curse calmly, and he gave his life in order to make this curse disappear with him forever.

The Elephant Man smashed the head of another monster with a wooden stick. When the wooden stick was completely broken, he also felt a warm feeling in his abdomen. A porcupine had already bit Pavu’s waist from behind, and its sharp fangs as long as knives pierced into the body of the elephant, tearing at the insides of the elephant.

It has come to an end.

Pavle turned his head and looked at Blackie, who was still standing there.

He smiled at the bunny girl: “You hurry up….I will help you stop them.”

For the first time in a long time, he was able to speak normally.

Another Warg had already swooped up and bit Pavre’s shoulder. Blood splattered everywhere, but Elephant Man could not feel any pain. He used his last strength to smash his arms frantically, smashing the monsters beside him, and at the same time smashing his two arms into a **** mess.

Xiao Hei climbed out of the ruins, stared at the elephant for a second, then ran away without looking back.

(Yes, you are free. Run away.)

(even though I never really knew you——)

(It’s great to be able to give your life for you.)

Pavu looked at the figure of the bunny girl who was far away, two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and then fell down contentedly.

Dozens of demon beasts rushed forward, gnawing at the Elephant Man’s body, and instantly gnawed his arm to the bone.

The Elephant Herbalist’s consciousness gradually blurred, and he knew that he was about to die.

But strangely, his mind went blank. He hadn’t seen the flashbacks of the people’s memories before they died.

Just before he died, he saw a huge god.

[Seat of Karma (Fate)].

God does not move, God is speechless. God is high above, standing at the top of the world.

The Elephant Man knelt down, grateful with all his heart for the end of this cursed fate.

——For a stranger, is it worth it?

(I think it’s worth it, it’s worth it.)

The **** remained silent, and he stretched out his hands and wrapped Papho.

Darkness flashed past, and in the next second, Pavle felt that he was in an ocean.

That is the ocean of life. Everything in the ocean is so warm and comfortable, pulsing with vitality in a gallop. Puff tried to move his body, but he was too weak to move well.

Feeling the fetal movement in the abdomen, Xiao Hei couldn’t help but reach out and touch his belly. The little life in her belly was only three months old and was gradually taking shape.

“Hal…” She groped for the way out of the city while avoiding the beasts running around in the city, while thinking, “Yes, your name is Hal.”

She never knew where she got her inspiration. She didn’t even know the name of the elephant man who helped her was Hal Papho.

She only knew that there was once an elephant in the world who sacrificed her life to save her mother and son——she hoped that her children could become such a great person.

At the same time, Bedivere pierced the heart of a beast with a spear. The monster howled and fell to the ground, and the werewolf boy emerged from the monster’s abdomen, covered in blood. It was impossible to tell which was from the monster and which was from the wound on his own body.

This big fight is still going on. Although many leopards have also come to help, the number of monsters has not decreased significantly. There are just too many of them to kill! This is an absolutely unwinnable battle!

Bedivere rushed up to fight another beast. He was half exhausted, his body was moving almost mechanically, he had lost his flexibility and was on the verge of collapse. In the next second, it is very likely that a monster who missed and was attacked will be torn to shreds!

(Who the **** brought these monsters here?)

He draws a shot preemptively slashes the Warg’s eye before the monster hits him, then rolls away!

(Will everyone die here?)

The blinded Warg slapped his claws wildly, scratching the other beasts around him. The beasts immediately became angry and rushed up to tear the Warg to pieces!

(When will all this madness end?!)

Bedivere’s physical strength has also bottomed out. He doesn’t even have the strength to breathe, so he has to sit on the ground and rest. The monsters wouldn’t give Bedivere time to breathe. They had already gathered around, and several porcupines rolled into thorn balls, twisting their bodies rapidly, ready to rush over and crush the werewolf boy into flesh!

(Well, that’s all I can do.)

Deeply feeling his lack of strength, the werewolf boy sighed, waiting for death to come. Dozens of monsters flew over, and the werewolf boy would be torn apart in the next second——

A dark shadow rushed over, and a melodious flute sounded. The monsters who were about to attack with their teeth and claws immediately became quiet.

Bediver turned his head in surprise and saw a **** panther riding a small white rabbit on its back. The rabbit was holding an ancient flute and kept playing it.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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