Light Spirit Epic Chapter 402: The journey is the journey (2)


Chapter 402: Departure for the Journey (2)

The next day.

The ships carrying the bear slaves would take the Mediterranean route, starting from the Turkic territory and heading westward, passing through the Aegean Sea, bypassing the Geric territory, and then passing through the Ionian Sea, Rome, Tyrrhenian Anhai, and then from the coast of France—Spain—Portugal has been around, and finally reached the Pantoracken.

Of course, there is an easier and faster route if the anti-gravity transport ship is dispatched. It’s just that the cost is very high, and the countries passing through on the way are not very peaceful.

The way Bedivere and the others go is that, after crossing the Aegean Sea, they disembark directly in the territory of the Glick tribe. How the ship goes after that has nothing to do with them.

——As it should be.

Albert looked at his brother.

In the group of white bears, Robert is very conspicuous compared to the tall white bears. The elephants did not tie up these slaves, but tied their waists one by one with the minimum ropes so that they could be led away in groups.

And these slaves who have been brainwashed have long lost the ability to think on their own, and will only follow orders stupidly.

In this way, stand quietly on the big ship, and let [Fate] lead them away.

“Before you leave, go and hug your brother again. Maybe there will be no chance in the future.” Bedivere persuaded in a low voice.

“No. That kind of brother.” Albert suppressed the regret in his heart and pretended to be disdainful.

“No matter what he has done, he is still your brother. Moreover, the punishment he has received has long since offset his sins.”

After being persuaded like this, El relaxed a little. He walked over and looked at his demented brother: “Robert, goodbye.”

Of course Robert didn’t answer. Al hugged his brother and silently turned to disembark.

They came to the territory of the Leopard people. and then?

In front of you is an endless plain, without a single person.

It’s still a long way north to reach the Leopard village, and there’s a good chance you’ll be “warmly welcomed”.

Even if you are afraid, you still have to move forward. Bedivere took the first step forward.

At the same time, a figure surrounded by black energy, chasing after the memories of his host’s life, came to the territory of the Romani tribe.

The black fox walked into the village, and the other foxes saw the patriarch Leonard coming, and greeted them one after another. It was still in the morning, the sun had not yet come out, and the sky was very dark. Of course, they couldn’t see the darkness on Leonard’s body. The smell of Patriarch Reynard—albeit a little strange—was recognizable to the villagers.

The village chief came over and said hello to Leonard, intending to ask the patriarch about the explosion of the research institute.

Leonard grabbed the fox village chief with one hand, and a large amount of black things poured out from his hands, crawling towards the village chief’s face, and pouring in from the village chief’s mouth and nose in an instant.

“Ah ka ka ka…” The village chief let out a strange cry, and his body began to be occupied by those wriggling black creatures, twitching constantly, bleeding from the seven holes!

Seeing this terrifying scene, the villagers were horrified and screamed to escape.

It’s too late. Countless black tentacles emerged from Leonard’s body and spread out, frantically capturing the fleeing villagers!

The blood of the villager who was stabbed by the black tentacles was instantly drained, the body was dissolved by some kind of venom, and finally was sucked clean, leaving only a piece of skin!

[Darkness] devoured the entire village at a very high speed, and devoured all the villagers in an instant!

Leonard let go of his hand, and the village chief in front of him, eroded by [darkness], also dissolved into a pool of black things. as one! Leonard also swelled about three times and turned into a ten-foot-tall monster!

“Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat!——“

Dark Thing, headed for more villages inland. It has all the memories of Leonard, the population distribution of the fox people, and it knows all about it! And it’s about to put that knowledge to good use to feast on itself!

At the same time, Rome.

A delirious male star, lying in bed, covered in bandages. The dragon scales on his body were plucked out by the foxes, and he is now as weak as an ordinary human being.

Moreover, the epidermis, which did not recover very well, was constantly bleeding and damaged. Dragons do not die from blood loss, but they are still very weakened by it.

“Is there really no way?” A voice asked in the haze.

“There is no way.” Another voice replied, “In general, the keys to the Wall of the World are scattered in other internal organs, so that they can be taken out. In his case, all the key fragments are concentrated in the In his heart, a spell pattern resonance phenomenon had formed. The six fragments began to fuse into one, and it became extremely difficult to take them out.”

(Oh, are you talking about me?)

“Please, there must be another way!——Even if you don’t take out the shards, treat his injuries first! Aren’t you a great archmage?”

“I tried to heal him. However, no matter how the spell is cast, the photons applied to him will be quickly sucked away by the fragments of his heart. Sorry, magic healing won’t work. The only thing that can be done, Just waiting for him to recover.”

“How long will it take? One year? Ten years? One hundred years? Is it hard for him to lie down and suffer like this all the time?!”

“He recovers very slowly, but the dragon’s vitality is very strong. Don’t underestimate him.” The Master said, “Until he gets better, just protect him like this.”

Shaxing’s consciousness was blurred for a while, and he couldn’t hear the next conversation clearly. The mage really wanted to leave, leaving only the other person in the conversation, sitting in front of Xinghuilong’s bed.

“Alexander, you should rest well. I will take good care of you.”

Long Wei opened his eyes and looked at the man.

The vision he saw in his blurry eyes was none other than… Dragon Emperor Titans!

“Father…” A tear fell from the corner of Xing Xing’s eyes. He felt a burst of peace and at the same time lost consciousness.

The cycle of Karma (Fate) is cruel, always taking everything from people mercilessly.

But Karma’s reincarnation is also fair: what you lose, you must gain somewhere else.

Those who have cursed fate countless times, but never tried to reach out and seize the opportunity—never understand.

At the same time, the Tower of the Archmage.

After teleporting back to his laboratory, Archmage Merlin felt uneasy.

“Welcome back, Your Excellency the Archmage.” Boles, the dragon man golem, stepped forward to greet him. His metal body made clanging footsteps as he walked on the road.

“Yeah.” Merlin replied casually, but his eyes couldn’t help but look at Boles’ chest.

There is indeed a way to get the key fragment out of the Shaxing to save the dragon.

Transplant the last fragment hidden in Bols’ chest into Shaxing’s body, so that all seven fragments can be combined into a complete key.

The complete key has a stable spell pattern structure and will be easily stripped, simply peeling off the male star.

However, it can also become very dangerous. Should this complete key fall into the hands of the orcs (or other evil ones), the consequences would be disastrous.

The key spell pattern with special protection magic can only exist on the earth, and it is impossible to hide it in the warp or take it away from the earth. Whoever wants to do this will eventually be affected by Karma (destiny) and fail.

——The ancients designed this key very delicately, preventing all means of [cheating].

Because of this, Merlin was extremely terrified: once the key fragments were combined, there was no turning back.

He would rather let the evil star continue to suffer in bed than to increase the risk of the world. Sacrificing a stupid dragon can keep the world safe, and Merlin is happy to do so.

Merlin is certainly not a merciful and merciful deity. He has only one purpose: to protect the world from falling into the hands of [darkness].

In order to achieve this goal, all sacrifices are allowable losses.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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