Light Spirit Epic Chapter 396: Disclosure to the Shady (1)


Chapter 396 Disclosure to the Shady (1)

At noon, like a human village, a sea of ​​trees in the Everglades.

Elephant Pavu concocts the most hated herbs in his life. He thought he would never touch this again in his life, but was forced to prepare this medicine under the order of the patriarch.

However, in a small struggle with fate, he has been developing prescriptions over the years to try to detoxify the potion. He didn’t want to add more victims to the drug.

The anesthetic was brought to the patriarch’s house, and a large bowl of red medicine paste was placed in front of everyone.

“Pay attention to the dosage.” Puff said.

Bedivere glanced at Pavre and knew the power of the drug. He had seen this anaesthetic used to increase combat effectiveness in the Roman arena, when Papalov, Bedivere’s brother, who had been given it in large quantities, was almost Died from this drug.

But this drug also brought Papalov a short period of sobriety, temporarily allowing Papalov, who had been brainwashed into an idiot, to have normal consciousness.

Now, in order to get vital information from Albert’s brother, Robert, they have to use the power of this medicine again.

Albert took the bowl of medicine, helped his brother up, and carefully poured the medicine into Robert’s mouth.

The white hair on the whole body of the tiger man young man who drank the anesthetic gradually turned red. He began to gasp and his body began to twitch. In order to prevent him from going mad and hurting people, elephants have long **** the tiger man youth with sturdy tree vines.

“Ai, Al, Al?” Robert shivered, and his sanity began to gradually recover.

“Brother? Brother, do you remember me?” Albert shouted.


“Transition period. Wait,” explained the herbalist Puff. The effect of the drug will make people crazy first, and then they will restore sanity.

Patriarch Tut sat on the side, smoking a dry cigarette, sitting cross-legged and waiting patiently.

Albert hugged his brother tightly, trying his best to stop his brother’s struggle to prevent Robert from being injured in the struggle.

Beddie also sat on the ground, sitting beside the Grand Duke Hall, watching all this silently.

About ten minutes later, Robert’s originally cloudy eyes gradually became clear, and he began to regain consciousness: “Ai…Al? Why am I…in such a…place?”

“Brother, we found you in the Foxman’s research institute.” Albert suppressed his grief and asked as briefly as possible, “Why are you there? You didn’t die in Egypt ten years ago. the Holocaust?”

“Ten years? Well, after so long…” Robert’s dark blue pupils were shrinking, as if recalling the terrifying past.

“What happened ten years ago, please tell us.” asked the Archduke Hall. He had also just heard about the Egyptian massacre from the Elephant Man, and he couldn’t believe that human beings could do such crazy things.

Robert looked at the human in front of him.

Suddenly, he smiled.

“Ahhahahahahahaha! —— Either humans or orcs, our essence is actually the same dark!” He laughed madly, with despair in laughter.

“Don’t play dumb! It’s your responsibility to explain it all!” Hall demanded. But he already understood the general situation.

“Ten… ten years ago, we were all deceived by the foxes!” Robert put away his laughter and said in a low, hoarse voice, “They said they were going to open up wasteland in Africa, in order to survive… .The fact is, they tricked us into Africa and sent us to the Egyptian government. At that time, Egypt’s economy was sluggish, and a lot of manpower was needed…”

“The foxes tricked you into being slaves?!” Bedivere exclaimed.

Robert gave another desperate laugh.

“The foxes… deceived the 3,500 orcs into slavery. We…we, the seventy-two guards, ensured that the handover process of the slaves was completed secretly and smoothly. , while the inner responders sent…”

“You betrayed your own people?!” Bedivere’s tone changed from surprise to anger.

“We…we have no choice. The [excess] population in the village, we can no longer feed…” Robert couldn’t hide the guilt on his face.

“Dad…Did Dad know about this?” Albert asked in a low voice, his heart as chaotic as Bedivere’s.

“…Al, don’t hate your father.”

“But now—how did you do this?” Bedivere asked quickly, fearing that the medicine would wear off.

“…We were also deceived by the foxes. In order to maximize their profits, the foxes even sold the guards who were our inner guards…to Egypt together.

Our captain of the guard, he doesn’t want to be a slave. When the Egyptian army besieged our village, they took advantage of the darkness and killed all 3,500 villagers in the village.

Our guards then committed suicide, too, in order not to fall into the hands of the Egyptians…and to keep the foxes away.

The foxes paid a large sum of money to the Egyptian government for this. They think they can scrape as much money as possible, but they fall short because of the betrayal by the guards. Deserved! “

The crowd looked at Robert. This so-called massacre in Egypt is basically a [suicide] act caused by the mutual betrayal of the fox and the guards.

“So…Is the Egyptian government innocent…” The werewolf boy asked inadvertently, and he regretted it instantly. The shady scene exploded like a bomb.

Robert smiled: “Are they? Al, have you seen my old skin?”


“I’m the only one who survived. I’m too weak to have the courage to kill myself. Being skinned alive by humans is my punishment. I…I envy those who have Dead orcs. At least they were skinned after they died.”

Albert looked at his brother in horror: “So, you are now in fur——“

“This is my 324th new skin.” Robert’s face was pale, “Even if I become an idiot, I can still feel the pain of being skinned alive—— It hurts, Al!”

The so-called captive room is not just for keeping Ice Bear and Robert in captivity.

That’s also a skinning factory. After fattening the bears, peel off the Anyway, the polar bears have a strong regeneration ability, even if they are peeled off, they can regenerate a beautiful fur in a few months.

“Ugh!” A burst of nausea rolled in Bedivere’s stomach, but Patriarch Tut had already anticipated this, and gave Beddy a big bowl and told him to go outside the house and vomit.

Humans are disgusting. Foxes are too disgusting. They are all the same [black], the same mercenary, the same beast (/fox) face. This world not only has endless malice, but also endless greed. It is these things that distort the world into disrespect.

After spitting up, Bedivere was paralyzed and slowly walked into the room. Robert was lying still with the help of his brother, and seemed to be still awake.

“…I still have a question,” Tut put down his long smoking rod, “Since you fell into the hands of the Egyptians, why did you still appear in the research institute of the foxes? Could it be— —“

“Yes, they [stealed] me back.” Robert whispered, “It’s a [good] thing to have a father who is a patriarch. Or, a [bad] thing. The foxes treated me Worse than humans treat me.”

In addition to being a [fur-producing livestock], Robert is a [hostage]. The foxes hold Robert to blackmail Roble. Therefore, Roble will obey the foxes.

Only those who have passed away know how many shady secrets are hidden in it.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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