Light Spirit Epic Chapter 395: Reverse War in the Demon Realm (4)


Chapter 395: Rebellion in the Demon Realm (4)

It turns out that while the Warg Golem is emitting a beam cannon, there is a small area in its mouth that cannot be covered by a shield. While this area allows the beam to shoot out, it also creates a hole in the defense.

Aiming at this loophole, the spear with powerful piercing power shot directly through the beam, pierced the mouth of the wolf golem, pierced through its back, and then penetrated the chest of the foxman patriarch Leonard!

“Crack!” The fox spat out a large mouthful of blood, the gun body pushed him back, his hands left the control panel, and he was frantically grabbing in the air.

It’s no use struggling. Foxman’s heart was perfectly pierced, and his short hands couldn’t touch the golem’s control panel again.

“The meteor gun [Gungnir]…is actually in your hands!” Leonard said, vomiting blood.

“Humph, this is also a relic that has just been unearthed. You are fortunate to experience its power.” Tut sneered, and now it was his turn to be triumphant.

“Forget about you… lucky!” Leonard spit out another mouthful of blood and died. Without its manipulator, the Warg fell to the ground like scrap metal.

The huge ark slowly descended and came to Bedivere. The werewolf boy looked at the Elephant Patriarch in front of him, Tut sat cross-legged, and the herbalist Papho beside him was busy dressing Papho, who was severely burned on half of his body.

“Yo, boys, what a coincidence? Did you pass by too?” Patriarch Tut grabbed the long pipe with his unburned hand and smoked.

“Lord Patriarch…” Bedivere looked at the elephant man with mixed feelings, and Albert was even more exaggerated. He looked at Tut with admiration on his face.

“Humph, there is another one, isn’t this the Grand Duke Hall of Pantoracken’s Heavenly Knight? Long time no see!”

Hall had just finished using magic to treat his leg injury. His broken right leg had grown bone and flesh again, but it was not fully connected and could not move around. The seasoned knight knew that the situation was not good, so he had to say: “Patriarch Tut, you are here at the right time. Did you hear what the fox said just now?——We don’t need to be enemies.”

“I only heard the fox going crazy. How credible his words are, I won’t comment for the time being.” Tut said in an ambiguous tone, “However, you did help me a lot, I don’t need to hold you accountable for illegally trespassing on my clan’s territory. Please disappear from my clan’s territory within 24 hours.”

Grand Duke Hall nodded: “Thank you for the grace of the patriarch. Bediveville——“

The werewolf boy turned to look at Hall.

“The mage will recover soon. Will you come with us then?”

The werewolf boy shook his head: “No, there are still things I haven’t finished here.”

Hall smiled: “Okay. Good luck, boy.”

Hall looked at Albert again. The tiger boy ignored Hall at all.

The ark was almost at the same height as the platform Bedivere and the others were on. Like people jumping out of the ark and onto the platform.

“It’s really inhumane.” Tut stepped down and looked at the white bears [captive] in the more than 200 single rooms under the transparent floor of the platform.

An elephant man has smashed a floor and opened the passage to the enclosure. As soon as the floor was smashed, there was a terrible stench: the house was like a real pigsty!

Patriarch Tut showed a look of disgust, knowing that killing the fox people was the right choice. As he said earlier, foxes have no humanity at all.

“His eyes are dull and he has been brainwashed.” Pavu, who was on the side, looked at the white bears, “No help.”

Bedivere thinks again of his brother Papalov.

Papa was probably raised in captivity like this. Brainwashed into idiots, locked in such a single room, raised to a suitable age, and sold into the human world as slaves.

What a dignified, miserable life it is!

Watching the elephants rescue the white bears one by one, Bedivere couldn’t help asking: “Lord Patriarch, what are you going to do with these white bears?”

“What do you think should be done?” Tut asked Bedivere, “They are not easy to raise, and there is not enough food in the clan to feed so many people.”

This is the truth. The Elephant People did their best to feed themselves. More than two hundred white bears who have been brainwashed into idiots, not only have no way to help (only do some simple work), but also eat a lot.

It is almost impossible to feed more than two hundred mouths. The only way is——

“Let’s talk about business, shall we?” The Grand Duke of Hall said suddenly, “I offered two thousand Pantoracken gold coins for a slave. The two hundred people are about 400,000 gold coins. I want it.”

Except for Tut, everyone present was stunned by the words of the Grand Duke Hall.

“You, are you serious, Grand Duke!?” Bedivere couldn’t help shouting.

“Hmph, interesting deal. Do you think I’ll agree?” Tut said, “Five thousand gold coins for one. Not a penny less.”

“Two thousand five hundred.” Hall raised the price.

“Four thousand five hundred.” Tut lowered the price.

“Three thousand.” Hall raised the price again.

“Four thousand.” Tut lowered the price again.

“Five thousand,” Hall continued.

“Three thousand. Hey—?!”

“Deal!” Hall agreed.

“Ugh…” The Elephant Patriarch covered his face with one hand, “Okay, 3,000 gold coins are 3,000 gold coins. When the number is counted, I’ll give it to you immediately.”

(Anyway, I have no money.)

“With so many slaves, I’m not good at transporting… I’ll lend you another boat.” Hall said.

(Anyway, I can weaken your troops with my money. You are also responsible for helping me transport troops.)

“Yes.” Tutan readily agreed.

(Send this group of plague gods away, and let you humans worry about the next thing!)

Bediver looked at the two men in disbelief. The two, who were mortal enemies a few weeks ago, are now talking about business. incredible!

“Hey, there’s someone who’s not a polar bear here!” The exclamation of an elephant man caught everyone’s attention.

The Elephant Man brought a… Tiger Man from the captive room!

The pure white tiger man without tiger stripes looks like a young man in his He has been completely brainwashed into an idiot. Being kept in captivity, he had been kneeling on the ground for many years, his back was a little hunched, and his body was too thin.

Albert was dumbfounded when he saw the tiger man. The next second, he exclaimed with a mixture of sorrow and joy: “Brother!?”

“Ai, Aier?” The young tiger man answered vaguely.

“Are you kidding me!?” Bedivere exclaimed, “Didn’t your brother die in the massacre in Egypt ten years ago?”

“The Holocaust in Egypt?” cried the Grand Duke Hall, “Has there ever been such an event in history?”

“Of course you humans know very little about this.” Patriarch Tut said, “Pharaoh Ptolemy XXI must have done a lot of dirty tricks to cover up the fact of the massacre.”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” The Grand Duke of Hall was even more puzzled, “The last pharaoh in history was Ptolemy XVII, he was… a person who died hundreds of years ago! Egypt is now a How could a parliamentary system run by parliaments do such atrocious things?”

Tut’s and Hall’s faces darkened at the same time. There seems to be some kind of huge conspiracy behind this world history.

And the key to unlocking this mystery lies in front of them.

Everyone looked at the tiger man youth. He was being held tightly by his brother Albert, shivering and shivering in the cold winter wind.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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