Light Spirit Epic Chapter 382: Traveling in the moor (2)

Chapter 382 Traveling in the Marsh (2)

Ten minutes later, the patriarch’s house.

“This?” Tut looked at the medicine bottle, “I don’t know, it’s not a medicine made by my clan anyway. What is this? It tastes like some kind of seasoning…”

The potion had a sweet, alluring smell, and Tut almost wanted to lick it. But people like people have rich experience in making medicines and know that it is very dangerous to randomly test medicines without guidance, so they dare not try them lightly.

Bedivere and Albert looked at each other, wondering what to do with the bottle of medicine.

Tut took a puff of dry smoke into the long pipe, and blew a smoke ring out of the elephant’s trunk, “Since the medicine is given to you by the merchant, you can take it. The man has been in the Traders travel back and forth in our territory, often bringing in the food we depend on for survival, in exchange for only a few medicines.

Although no one will talk about this, we all know in our hearts that he is the great benefactor of our family. “

(Really. Ryder, after being let go by Arthur, actually came to this kind of place to hang out. Will that Ryder, who sees money, also do a loss-making business?)

“Lord Patriarch.” Bedivere couldn’t help but said, “If possible, I would like to help you collect herbs. You are willing to take us in, and I can’t live here for nothing, I should help you do something. what.”

Tut’s expression changed for a while, whether it was joy or sorrow: “…the Everglades are very dangerous, like people who go to collect medicine, they often go back and forth, and you will die if you are not careful. There.”

“It’s only me who’s going,” Bedivere said, ignoring Albert’s protesting expression beside him.


“You haven’t healed yet, don’t be brave. The swamp is full of bacteria, and if you get infected, you’ll really die.” Bedivere threw out a prepared fallacy.

“Ugh…” El muttered a bunch of Khajiit dialects that Beedy couldn’t understand. Probably not a compliment.

It’s two o’clock in the afternoon.

Appearing in front of Arthur is the third eternal Holy Spirit he wants to challenge, the Throne of Domination.

The Holy Spirit, ten feet tall, is surrounded by an army of a thousand people.

The [law] possessed by the commanding seat is the [army force], a Holy Spirit manifesting the ability of a thousand-man army to confront the enemy out of thin air.

He is the most valiant and mighty in the history of Pantoracken, the heavenly knight who uses his soldiers like a god, and also the knight of the round table Hall, incarnated as the Holy Spirit. This Knight of the Round Table Hall is also the ancestor of the current Grand Duke Hall of the Celestial Knight.

The army of a thousand people is strong and strong, all wearing silver-white armor, swords, shields, spears, and axes are all silver-white, and the weapons in their hands exude a white light.

The seat of the Holy Spirit Commander is holding a giant silver blade, and the silver armor glitters in the sunlight.

Looking at the Holy Spirit surrounded by an army of thousands, Arthur seemed to be facing the Grand Duke Hall again, and he seemed to be standing in the chess room again, playing legion chess with Hall.

The only difference is that the other side has a thousand flags, while Arthur himself has only one.

One thousand and one.

The army of 100,000 shouted and rushed towards Arthur.

The soldiers slashed, stabbed, rammed, and punched frantically.

Arthur slashed a soldier’s head with one hand, fell down instantly, and the blade brushed over his head;

Arthur stabbed with a backhand and pierced the chest of the sneak attacking soldier behind him. At the same time, he leaned to the right, and the spear passed half an inch above his left shoulder!

His left hand was not idle, he had already grabbed the Longwu dagger and slashed it out, and the raised flames burned the heads of the three soldiers at the same time!

Another soldier is already charging forward with a shield! Arthur grabbed the edge of the shield before he was hit, and flipped behind the soldier with his sword.

Arthur grabbed the shield and threw it out. The shield slapped heavily on the forehead of another soldier. The soldier was still dizzy.

The three soldiers stabbed with their guns. Arthur rolled towards the enemy, avoiding as many as he could. At the same time, he had already drawn a sword arc on the ground. Wherever the golden arc went, there were soldiers with broken feet!

The seat of commander had already rushed over, and the great sword fell! Arthur squeezed to the left, knocking off another soldier, but also dodging the fatal blow of the giant sword!

He didn’t intend to confront the Holy Spirit so soon, but the opponent’s initiative to rush over was exactly what he wanted. After parrying another soldier’s attack, Arthur reached out and touched his king’s sheath! The golden light exploded in the army, sending all the soldiers who were created out of thin air because of [Fa] back into annihilation!

He turned his head to expect the Holy Spirit to fight him one-on-one, but he was wrong.

The “Holy Spirit” is also completely annihilated. It is not the Holy Spirit, but it looks like another flag of the Holy Spirit!

Countless white rays of light fell from the sky, and soon another thousand troops were formed.

Arthur looked up and saw the real [Commander’s Seat] in the air: a huge puppeteer floating in mid-air!

It has a thousand hands, each of which controls the group of soldiers on the ground. The puppet master’s hands moved swiftly and swiftly, and the puppet soldiers perfectly reproduced the movements of various attacks!

Arthur spread his wings and charged into the sky. The soldiers on the ground also spread their wings and chased their targets in the sky.

It is undoubtedly extremely disadvantageous to face a thousand troops in mid-air. What Arthur has to face is a three-dimensional attack from any direction; and he only moves with his wings, and his dodging movements are not as flexible as when he moves on the ground!

Sooner or later, he will be surrounded by a thousand troops, and Arthur has no time to hesitate! He waved his two swords and cut a **** path, heading straight for the Holy Spirit Puppeteer!

Touch! Swords collide with swords, blades entangle with blades. The elite knight holding a great sword stood in front of Arthur!

A dozen soldiers also followed closely behind Arthur, soon to arrive.

Arthur didn’t have time to tangle with the elite knights. He drew a sword to force the knights back, and immediately used this gap to rush to the Holy Ghost Puppeteer!

However, a drum of strength grabbed Arthur. The elite knight reached out and grabbed one of Arthur’s wings, preventing Arthur from moving forward! His giant sword slashed, and he planned to kill Arthur!

Arthur swung his hand back, broke one of his wings with a dagger, and used the remaining kinetic energy to charge straight at the Holy Spirit! He rushed to the Holy Spirit and launched a fatal blow, a sword pierced into the Holy Spirit’s chest!

Countless soldiers followed behind Arthur, wielding countless swords and swords. But the knight has already grasped the scabbard of the king and blocked it with a backhand! The golden light exploded again, and the [Spellbreaker] annihilated all the soldiers, and the unfolded Griffon Shield also blocked all attacks!

After dealing with the attack behind him, Arthur turned to deal with the Holy Spirit. He ignored the countless giant palms that the Holy Spirit swept towards him and launched the giant blade of the Sword of the Holy King! An incomparably powerful golden brilliance exploded within the Holy Spirit’s body and pierced from the Holy Spirit’s back. When the giant palm arrived, it seemed that Arthur was about to be turned into meat sauce, but Arthur opened the griffon shield, covering himself in an instant, deflecting all the attacks of the giant palm of the Holy Spirit!

After dodging a wave of attacks, Arthur raised a huge three-hundred-foot-long light blade, swept, slashed, slashed diagonally, slashed back, and slashed several swords, slicing the Holy Spirit into dozens of pieces!

The Holy Spirit was severely damaged and scattered on the ground! Arthur thought that this time was finally over, and was expecting the falling Holy Spirit to turn into white light, but a large piece of flesh was suddenly cut off from his right shoulder!

“Ugh…what?!” Arthur looked up in surprise.

From the location of the scattered Holy Spirit Hearts, a knight emerges!

The puppeteer is not the body of the Holy Spirit, and the puppeteer is just a giant golem! The real body, this white-armored knight, jumped out of his toy, wielding a sharp sword whip with countless blades that could stretch as he wanted—to attack Arthur!

Arthur suffered a loss, and of course he won’t be fooled again! While dodging the attack of the sword whip, he stepped on the falling puppeteer fragments and landed on the ground. The Holy Knights also followed, and the sword whip swept towards Arthur’s waist!

As soon as Arthur landed, he did a backflip, dodging the sword whip and at the same time extending his holy king’s sword. The sword whip just hit the blade of the sword of the holy king, entangled with the holy sword!

Arthur backflips to the ground while swinging the King’s Sword forward! The holy sword entangled with the sword whip drags the Holy Spirit and throws the Holy Spirit into the air!

“It’s not just you who can manipulate dolls!” The knight rushed forward, and before the Holy Spirit landed, both swords came out and plunged firmly into the Holy Spirit’s chest! He used both hands together, and the upper sword directly tore the Holy Spirit’s chest!


This time I really won. The Holy Spirit didn’t even whimper, its body quickly disintegrated, turned into countless white lights, and began to disperse in the air.

Arthur put away his sword and watched with trepidation what the Holy Spirit would do next. He prayed that the Holy Spirit would not run into his left shoulder again.

The Holy Spirit heard Arthur’s prayer, but did not run into Arthur’s left shoulder.

——But the Holy Spirit didn’t honestly run into Arthur’s scabbard.

It was mischievous and got in through the wound on Arthur’s right shoulder!

——[God] is always a trickster.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Arthur’s arms were throbbing together, making him sweat. The scenery in front of him also changed at the same time, and he immediately returned to the cemetery in Avalon Pure Land.

“Woohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all

“Wow, what’s the situation?!” Greenville saw that Arthur’s right arm was eroded by the Holy Spirit, and the white light spiraled around Arthur’s arm. The girl was stunned.

“Greenville?!” Arthur urged, if the pain continued, he felt like he was going to die from the pain that filled his body*!

(*Note: Stimulated by severe pain, people may indeed experience cerebral hemorrhage, rupture of blood vessels, etc.)

The girl took out the potion and quickly injected it into the knight’s arms.

“Ugh…” As the drug entered the body, the pain eased a little, and Arthur breathed a sigh of relief: “Then…”

He fainted in Greenville’s arms.

At night, the territory of the Turks (Elephant People).

Bediver looked at the berries in the pot.

Elephant Patriarch Tut also said that these swampberries require prolonged heating to fully decompose the toxin. But the werewolf boy didn’t know that it was so troublesome to cook these things thoroughly.

He looked at the constant ups and downs in the pot, the berries with red foam, and he couldn’t help but lose his appetite. This is not good food by any means. It’s a hellish life for people to live by this. It’s a million times worse than the tasteless scones that the tiger people eat.

“Since this thing needs to be heated in the pot for a long time…” Albert on the side couldn’t help but ask, “So, what if there is no water or firewood?”

“Hehe,” Tut sneered, “Yeah, why half? Fortunately, this thing won’t rot for a long time, so I can only store it in the air, and eat it when there is water and fire. “

That is to say, even if there is food, there is no way to cook it, and you have to go hungry.

“Of course, some villains really can’t stand it. If they eat it directly——” the elephant man smiled wryly, “The big deal is death.”

Of course, there are some people who don’t want to suffer in life and prefer to die.

Bediveville has seen a lot of **** lately. The **** that is happening, the **** that can be seen, and the **** that has happened and can only be imagined. There are countless such hells in the Underdark, each of which is dark, and the souls in it are tortured.

He mused, almost knocking over the bowl of berry porridge that Tut handed him. In shock, he moved his hands together steadily, held it carefully, and took a sip.

Sure enough, this thing is sour and unpalatable, like drinking a potion.

Albert, who was beside him, ate it very appetizingly, and gulped the bowl of something like water into his stomach. Bedivere couldn’t help but wonder if the little tiger had no sense of taste.

“Go to sleep when you’re full. You’re going to collect herbs tomorrow, so you must rest and refresh yourself.” Tut advised.

Seeing that the other party was so serious, Brady knew it was no joke, and quickly poured the potion-like berry porridge into his stomach. The terrible sour taste almost knocked him out.

Late at night. In a small room dug out of a tree hole, the two teenagers slept on the floor, sharing the only broken blanket in the cold winter night.

Berry porridge tastes terrible, but it has the effect of strengthening the body. Bedivere felt so energized that he couldn’t sleep at all. He and Al were back to back and could feel the warmth coming from each other.

“Al? Asleep?” he asked softly.

Tigerman boy didn’t Bedi didn’t know if the other party was really asleep, or was angry with himself, and deliberately didn’t answer.

“El, what happened today…I’m sorry. But, you know, your wounds haven’t healed yet, and Patriarch Tut said that the Everglades is a very dangerous place—– -“

“As a result, you still don’t believe me.” Albert said, “Everyone treats me as a scumbag, as garbage, as a piece of meat that will be sent to be fed to monsters—— “

“I don’t have-“

“Stop talking. I can’t help you, it’s a fact.” Albert whispered, “At least, don’t let me interfere with your rest, go to sleep quickly.”

Bedivere wanted to say something else, but Albert had already huddled up and buried his head in a pillow made of wood bran. He wasn’t going to listen to Bedivere any more.

Beddie sighed. He just wanted to protect Al and wait for the opportunity to get everyone out of danger. I didn’t expect this to hurt Albert’s feelings.

Albert has a very fragile mind right now. When he knew that he was abandoned by his father, his heart began to slowly collapse.

Bediver wants to repair his friend’s heart, but is too clumsy to start, for fear that if he makes a mistake, it will completely break Albert’s heart.

He forced himself to sleep with annoyance and unease.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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