Light Spirit Epic Chapter 380: Escape to the Black Prison (3)


Chapter 380: Escape to the Black Prison (3)

Unless a miracle occurs, otherwise——

“Shaxing, do you know how to manipulate that wolf golem?” Bedi asked.

“How could I possibly…”

“I will…” Albert said in a low voice, his face was ashen, and he almost used up all his strength, “It’s still possible if you just manipulate it to move.”

“But, you—”

“I’m fine…” Al resisted the pain and fear of his body and climbed up the wolf golem, “Come on, the guards are coming soon!”

Fiend and Bedivere jump on the wolf golem. The fifteen-foot-long golem was more than enough to carry three teenagers.

There is a sound outside the door, and the guards are about to rush in at any time.

“It’s really underground, right?” Bedi confirmed again.


Before the evil star could answer, Bedivere had already drawn his magic bow, the Fire of Nare. An astonishing number of photons gathered on the bow, and Bedi instantly activated the maddening technique, allowing more photons to flow into the magic bow from his body.

After charging for about ten seconds, the door was breached by the guards. The moment the guard rushed in, he was shocked when he saw the huge light arrow in Bedivere’s hand.

At the same time as the guards were surprised, Brady had raised his bow slightly upwards, released his hand, and shot a bow and arrow!

It has been charged for a long time, and the huge shock wave produces unparalleled destructive power! The impact instantly swept away all the guards who rushed into the door, and along with this impact, they swept into the infinite distance!

Next to the Foxman’s research institute, a giant light appeared out of thin air! The giant light penetrated from the ground, shot to the sky, and finally disappeared into the infinite sky!

Albert and Shaxing looked at Bedi at the same time, startled by the powerful blow of the werewolf boy.

The werewolf boy was almost completely collapsed. He lay on the seat of the wolf golem: “What are you waiting for? Run away!”

Albert turned his head to look at the deep passage that was penetrated by the shock wave. The long tunnel extends all the way to the ground.

He didn’t think much about it, and drove the wolf golem with all his strength and ran away.

The wolf golem was carrying three people and had just escaped from the “tunnel” opened by Bedivere, followed by a dozen other people who were also driving the wolf golem like a fox!

The evil star didn’t think much about it, and cast a fireball magic into the tunnel. The fireball exploded instantly when it hit the ground, collapsing the entire tunnel.

“You can still use magic?” Bedivere whispered.

“There’s no problem with this little magic.” Sha Xing gasped and grabbed two fireballs in his palm. “What do humans say? A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.”

Beddie smiled bitterly. After resting for a while, he felt that his body was not so weak, so he drew the bow: “Al, pay attention to the operation. Me and Shaxing are responsible for the attack.”

“Yes, yes. But where are we going?” Albert asked.

“…in that swamp!” Bedivere shouted, pointing to the east.

The swamp is full of dense forests and miasma, and monsters are rampant day and night, hiding here, and it is difficult for the pursuers to catch up.

Dozens of foxmen chased after the wolf golem. They are equipped with light cannons, and the artillery fire is very violent!

However, the evil star keeps throwing fireballs, and Brady also shoots wildly with his bow! The cooperation of the two suppressed the wolf golems who were chasing after them!

Pounds! A fireball hit the ground, blowing a wolf golem flying! The flying wolf golem collided with another wolf golem, and the two golems exploded together!

The other golems were distracted to avoid the two exploding wolf golems, and immediately ate the other fireballs thrown by the evil star, one by one flying away in the explosion.

Bedivere swept his bow and blocked a luminous bullet that was shot in the face. He immediately responded with an arrow, and the shock wave shot by the magic bow exploded the head of the enemy wolf golem driver.

More wolf golems followed. Of course, this guy Shaxing has six key fragments from the Wall of the World, how could such an important goal allow him to simply escape!

“Sorcerer, cover me!” cried Bedivere, and he drew another bow.

“Tsk, don’t order me!” The evil star threw several flaming fireballs, forming a wall of fire, temporarily blocking the chasing troops.

Bedivere has already used the maddening technique. After turning into a giant beast, he instantly filled the magic bow. Before the magic bow exhausted his physical strength, he released his hand and shot a huge shock wave!

——Whoosh! !

The shock wave howled, hitting the group of pursuers behind!

The shock wave has a huge damage area, sweeping everything like a tsunami! Hundreds of wolf golems that followed Bedi and the others were swept away by this huge impact, blown away, and chopped into pieces by the storm of photons in mid-air!

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! ! ! The shock wave hit the research institute in the distance, and the tower of the research institute was blown off in the middle, and it began to fall continuously, hitting other facilities of the research institute, raising a huge dust storm!

At the cost of the life force of the werewolf boy, this shock wave attack is close to the ultimate magic, and the power is also devastating!

“Ha, ha, ha.” Bedi panted heavily, lying on the seat limply, knowing that he couldn’t **** any more today. The magic bow drained his stamina.

“Well done!” Shi Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there were no more chasing troops.

“All firm! Going into the moor!” Albert shouted.

The black figure of the wolf golem, carrying three teenagers, entered the swamp.

The next day.

Bediver wakes up and sees himself in a treehouse dug out of tree trunks. The Everglades is filled with towering ancient trees that have been growing desperately since ancient times, doing their best to get that little bit of sunlight each day. In the years of drought, many such ancient trees have withered away, leaving behind huge and towering trunks.

Elephant people hollowed out tree trunks as shelters, firstly for convenience, secondly to escape the moisture of the swamp, and thirdly to defend against attacks by monsters.

He turned his head to look at the evil star beside him. The evil star was still sleeping, the **** upper body was covered with herbs, and the situation should gradually improve.

He looked at Albert on the other side again. El’s abdomen was also covered with medicine, so there should be no danger to his life.

The werewolf boy got up and looked at Tut, the patriarch of the elephant in front of him. The Elephant Man sat cross-legged on the floor in a meditative posture, with a long pipe in his hand, and the dark room was filled with the special aroma of burning herbs.

“Are you awake?” The Elephant Man’s voice was low and powerful, and he slightly flapped his two elephant ears as he spoke, “You guys are crazy enough to destroy the research institute of the foxes.”

“…Sorry. Also, thank you for your help.” Bedi recalled what happened last night. The wolf golem ran wild in the unfamiliar environment, and finally fell into the quagmire of the swamp, sinking slowly.

Beddy and the others were also trapped in the swamp, and nearly died there. At that critical moment, the elephants came to their aid.

“Ugh…” Shaxing curled up in pain and rolled on the bed on the ground. This action interrupted the conversation between Bedi and the patriarch.

“Shaxing? What’s wrong with you?” Bedi went over to check Jin Shining’s situation, only to see the dragon clutching his chest, sweating profusely, and having a painful nightmare.

“It’s the [key].” Tutan said plainly, “To actually use the captured dragon as the master key, the foxes have a wonderful idea.”

That’s right, it’s the key shards of the World Wall that absorb the life force of the evil star.

“It’s also very inhumane.” Bedivere turned his head and refuted, “It’s fine for them to lock up the evil star. I can understand why they put the key fragments on him. But why should they remove the evil star’s scales? Is it possible to do such dehumanizing things for the sake of profit?”

Patriarch Tut put down his pipe and laughed loudly: “Hahahahaha, you don’t understand, boy! Foxes have no humanity at all! They are a bunch of lunatics!”

Bediveville heard a dissonance in the tone of the Elephant Patriarch: “Master Don’t you also…hate those foxmen?”

“As you said earlier. The foxes can do whatever they can to win the war. I just don’t like what they do.” Tut looked at Albert, “That’s Roble’s youngest son. He Was it also sold by his father?”

The werewolf boy’s face was gloomy for a while, he reached out and wiped the cold sweat on the tiger boy’s forehead, “Even if it’s a real son, can a useless person discard it so mercilessly. I can’t understand the thoughts of Patriarch Roble. “

“Hmph, okay.” The Elephant Man sneered, “I can’t let them go, but I’ll guarantee their personal safety.

I’ll still imprison the dangerous dragon, but it’s better to keep him here than in the fox’s institute. “

Bedivere has no choice. Even if he wanted to escape, it would be too long to escape from the far southeastern part of the Underdark to the human world. That’s basically half the distance of Europe!

“Aren’t you afraid of the foxes coming to trouble you?” Bedivere asked.

“Let them come.” Tut didn’t change his face, “It’s not a matter of a day or two for us to fight with the foxes. If it wasn’t for our covenant, the foxes would dare to build it on our land. A kind of research institute? We have torn it down long ago.”

Is that so? It’s great that the elephant people and the fox people don’t get along.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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