Light Spirit Epic Chapter 355: Coming to the Pure Land (2)


Chapter 355: Coming to the Pure Land (2)

Arthur and Greenville looked at each other in shock.

The man in front of them who calls himself Osser Pantolaken, if he is telling the truth, then——

He is the legendary King Orser, the last king of Pantoracken in [Lost Millennium]. The protagonist of “Secret of the Holy Sword War”.

If he really is King Orser, he must know all the secrets of the King’s Sword, and the secret of the Holy Grail. He is the key to solving all mysteries!

Oser looked at the two surprised boys and girls in front of him, and laughed again, “(The following is Greenwell’s translation) Hahaha, don’t be surprised, I am not dead, I am Oser left over from a thousand years ago spirituality.”

[divinity]? Arthur looked at Greenville, thinking her translation was wrong. What is spirituality?

“I didn’t mistranslate,” Greenville pouted against Arthur’s questioning, “he was speaking of the ancient Keltonian [spiritual], to the effect of [a manifestation of consciousness].”

Arthur looked dazed. At this time, the sky has begun to fall flakes of snow, and the cold wind has begun to blow.

King Oser reached out and touched his goatee. “Winter is here, and it’s going to get cold soon. Come with me, let’s find a place to shelter from the wind and snow.”

King Oser stretched out his hand, and the fog in the woods gradually dissipated, and a small path appeared. The road leads deeper into the forest, a dark place.

Magic? Still…

Arthur was not used to seeing the strange phenomena of the Pure Land. He suppressed the doubts in his heart and followed King Oser.

As they made their way through the darkness of the woods, the temperature was getting colder. The blizzard encompassed by the cold winter has a coldness that penetrates into the bone marrow.

They crossed the apple grove and immediately saw a small cabin. The wind and snow had turned the roof white.

“Come in quickly.” King Oser pushed open the wooden door.

After entering the cabin, Arthur felt a little warm.

King Oser raised his hand, and the fireplace of the log house was immediately blazing. Arthur hurriedly leaned against the fireplace to keep warm. He had just recovered from his cold and didn’t want to get sick again.

“Boy, show me the sword.” King Oser said to Arthur.

Arthur was puzzled. But since (if) this man is the legendary King Orser, he must know a lot about the Sword of Kings. Arthur finally pulled out the Sword of the Holy King from its scabbard and handed it to Orser.

King Orser takes the sword empty-handed. Like Arthur, the Sword of the Holy King glowed with golden light in Arthur’s hand, and its original silver blade reflected the golden light throughout the room.

King Oser swings his sword twice. Sure enough, he could swing the sword. When he first saw the sword, his brows were already deeply furrowed, and his face was puzzled. After he swung the sword twice, the frown deepened.

“What is this? A replica of the King’s Sword?” King Oser asked, “Where is the original King’s Sword?”

Arthur is silent. He was still thinking about whether he should tell King Oser of such an important matter.

“Tell me quickly!” King Oser pointed his sword at Arthur, and the warning meaning in this sentence did not need to be translated at all.

Greenville was as silent as Arthur, and she was quietly reaching for the dagger in her arms.

Arthur looked at King Oser, then turned to look at Greenville, telling her not to interfere.

He picked up the scabbard around his waist and touched a blue gem on the scabbard.

The silver scabbard, full of tiny grooves, began to glow. The sapphire light slowly flowed from the pits in the scabbard until it filled the entire scabbard.

It opens a subspace. Arthur reached in and took out an object from it—the sword of the king, which was broken in two and shiny black.

“Oh my God! The world is over!” King Other exclaimed, his goatee rising unnaturally along the shape of his twisting face. A generation of kings actually panicked like this.

“Oh, is that an exaggeration?” Arthur smiled wryly.

———– A few hours ago, in Archmage Merlin’s lab.

“I’m [not a human]? What do you mean?!” Arthur was surprised and angry.

Merlin took a serious look. His words were not a joke: “Actually, Arthur, you are now farther and farther away from [human] form.”

“Really?” Arthur insisted on retorting, “I feel more and more like a [human].”

With the joys and sorrows of Arthur, he is no longer the heartless puppet he used to be. He was happy for this, but he didn’t expect to be poured cold water like this.

“You don’t understand.” Merlin looked apprehensive, “Didn’t I say before, that you have something similar to an enchantment on your body? — That incomplete enchantment has always been around your body. The photons are repelled, creating a [photon thinning area] around your body.”

“I remember.” Arthur said. He knew that this enchantment-like thing was the culprit of his own inability to become strong. Without photons, the body becomes weak.

“The enchantment on your body is getting more and more complete.” Merlin looked worried, “I don’t know if it has something to do with your emotional awakening, but now, I can clearly see the photons around your body. Thin to an almost vacuum state. There is a [photonic vacuum region] around your body.”

“ shouldn’t that be a good thing?” Arthur was confused.

“Indeed, the [photon vacuum area] can deflect a part of the attack, and it can also speed up your movement.” Merlin frowned, “but there is one most fatal problem: your body has not been able to escape from this world. If you get photons, you will continue to weaken.”

“What?!” Arthur almost jumped from his chair: “I, am I going to die?”

“No, calm down.” Merlin stopped him. He reached out and took the scabbard of the Sword of the Holy King, activated the mechanism, and took the Sword of the King, which was broken in half, out of the warp.

“The [King’s Sheath] I gave you is a method of restraint. The scabbard holds the King’s Sword. As long as the sword is there, the scabbard will continuously absorb the photons overflowing from the other world from the King’s Sword. re-entered into your body. This will temporarily prevent you from becoming weak and dying.”

“…for now?”

“You have to remember, never let [the scabbard of kings] leave you. Without the scabbard, your body can only continue to weaken and die within a month.”

“Got it.” Arthur whispered.

Merlin told Arthur at the outset that “the sheath is more important than the sword”, which turned out to be the case. Arthur’s life is maintained by the [King’s Sheath].

The scabbard has become as precious as his life to him.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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