Light Spirit Epic Chapter 302: Being trapped in the mess


Chapter 302: Trapped in Chaos (Part 2)

When Arthur woke up, he found himself on the soft bed.

The pink, silk sheets are embroidered with gold and silver threads, extremely luxurious.

Arthur panicked. He must have been caught by some unknown gang and imprisoned in this cell.

He gets up, his head still aching. It seems that he was hit by that unknown hidden weapon, and his skull was shaken, and he is still dizzy after wave after wave. It could also be the effect of poison.

Are you sweating medicine? His throat was indescribably dry, similar to the sweat medicine he knew.

It is rampant that these unknown attackers dared to kidnap Arthur in broad daylight.

A parliament? That is the only possibility.

Arthur fought back the pain and dizziness in his head and reached out to find a weapon that could be used, but couldn’t find anything – as expected.

More than without weapons.

Only then did Arthur realize that he was naked and wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.

And, the pink, heart-patterned, fancy **** aren’t his. He must have been stripped naked by someone and put on this thing.

Incomprehensible. What is Parliament doing? If you want to kill Arthur, you should have done it a long time ago, but you are doing these inexplicable tricks? To humiliate him before killing him?

Arthur’s head spins and stops in excruciating pain, and his mind doesn’t run smoothly. The door also opened at this time.

A woman in black leather with a leather whip and a pink feathered ball mask enters. The metal clasps on her body rubbed against each other, screeching harshly, which exacerbated Arthur’s headache.

Arthur was nervous and hurried to find a weapon. There was no weapon in the room – he had to grab a pink lamp with one hand and shouted threateningly: “Who are you? What do you want to do? Parliament sent you?!”

“Oh yes, bad boy, the council wants me to take care of you!” The woman sneered and walked in, wriggling her ass, as if the catwalk came from an authentic fashion show.

She raised the leather whip in her hand and made a snapping sound, and her high heels clacked with her pretentious pacing.

That leather whip is just an ordinary leather whip, and it doesn’t look like it has any enchantments. It doesn’t look like a weapon with killing significance? And with such a slow attack, Arthur can easily avoid it. ——Wait, is the whip poisoned?

No. Oops! Arthur only remembered that he was dizzy now, and the poison on his body had not subsided, and it was indeed difficult to avoid such an attack. The parliament sent this woman to kill him, and tortured him to death with such tepid means?

Sure enough, it was to humiliate him to death. The council’s heart is vicious enough!

——Arthur couldn’t help but panic. Being humiliated is not a big problem, Arthur has been used to being humiliated since he was a child. However, wearing only one pair of pants and dying under the whip of a strange woman is too unbearable!

What to do? Are you going to bite your tongue? It might even be possible to die with dignity.

How the corpse will be arranged, how it will be shamefully displayed in front of the world, that is another matter, anyway, Arthur has no control.

Arthur is ready to die, and the woman has come to Arthur, her whip is about to fall.

Just as the woman’s whip was about to hit Arthur, the door was knocked open by a man, and Jaglowy exclaimed, “You got the wrong room, Catherine! This is the right way– –“

“Oh, really? But he looks like a bad guy—-” The whip girl called Katherine turned to look at Jaglowe, and Arthur couldn’t help but look at the flower. son. I saw Jaglowe also wearing pink panties, and otherwise naked.

Arthur wonders what’s going on. He was so frightened by the whip girl that he sweated, and his mind began to clear up a little.

He ignored the whip girl and charged at Jaglow with anger: “You! Explain to me what’s going on! You colluded with the council and kidnapped me?!”

His cousin looked blank: “What are you talking about?!”

“Don’t deny it! This woman is a killer sent by the council!” Arthur pointed to the whip girl in black leather.

“Hmmm, Cousin Arthur, your imagination is so rich.” Jaglowe smiled slyly, “Do you know where this place is?”

“A confinement facility in Parliament?”

“No, here it is—” Jaglowe whispered in Arthur’s ear, and Arthur’s face immediately turned red!

“What the hell?! You actually brought me here?! What’s your purpose! Do you want to kill me here?!” Arthur looked angry.

“Hahahahaha…. You’re crazy!? Why is it that killing and being killed are the only things you can talk about? How can there be so many conspiracies in this world!” Drank Pasiva’s liqueur, and your amazing amount of alcohol made you immediately drunk. We wanted to move you back, but your kid threw up on us, and the three of us were all dirty. We only got here as a last resort. A place to rest.”

“Oh, [last resort]?” Arthur looked distrustful. If your clothes are dirty, won’t you go back to Fort Elsenburg to replace them?

“Ahahahaha. Listen, Arthur.” Jaglowe put his hand on Arthur’s arm again, pretending to be familiar:

“The next step is the [adult entertainment time] for the cousins. I see that you are still a pure baby, and I have no [surprise] for you. If you are afraid, hide in your own room by yourself. Don’t come out, we’ll see you tomorrow, understand?”

“Then how do you explain this——” Arthur pointed to the whip girl beside him.

“Ahahahaha, Catherine just entered the wrong room. I promise, she will never bother you again.” Jaglow said, “lock the door of your room and sleep well tonight.”

“Is the whip girl looking for you?” Arthur’s face was already purple-black: “Your interest is really strange (you pervert).”

“Hey, hey, don’t worry about the adults, children!” Jaglowy led his whip queen out of the room.

Before leaving he also probed in and said to Arthur: “Yes, cousin Arthur.—You are so scary.”

“What’s scary?”

“Hey, I took off the clothes for you, and Pasiva took the bath for you. We all saw it.” His eyes swept down: “What a terrible monster. You dragged Don’t you feel tired with such a heavy burden?”

“Noisy, pervert!” Arthur was furious and slammed the door with one hand, almost missing Jaglow’s face.

Yaglowe’s wretched laughter came from outside the door, his laughter mixed with the laughter of the Queen of the Whip, and gradually moved away.

Arthur sighed deeply after checking the door lock three times in a row and making sure it was locked. He is really tired.

He wanted to go to bed and sleep, but he saw the luxurious bed sheets on the high-end bed, but he didn’t have the slightest intention to sleep on them: I don’t know how many people have slept on them, and I don’t know how many people have slept on them. people polluted. It feels disgusting to think about.

He reluctantly took out a blanket that looked fairly clean, rolled up his body, and slumped down on the sofa beside him.

Arthur, who was in poor clothes and spent the night in such a complicated place, would have been laughed at for a long time if he was known by Bedivere and the others.


Difficulty struck, completely grasping Arthur’s mind. He lost consciousness in a haze.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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