Light Spirit Epic Chapter 298: Reinventing the Holy Spirit


Chapter 298 Remodeling to the Holy Blade (Part II)

At the same time, in a room in a research institute.

Bedivere opened his eyes to find someone stroking his genitals. Although it was separated by a quilt, it was also a very powerful tease. When he just opened his eyes, who was in his ear——

“Hu!”—— Gently, blowing.

Hit the Werewolf boy’s dead end.

“Wow!?” He couldn’t hold it any longer and jumped up: “What!? Don’t touch me!”

Then he found himself completely naked, so scared that he immediately hid under the quilt again, covering his body with a thin quilt. After he completed this series of actions, he turned his head to look.

Sure enough, it was Mogos.

A coquettish woman in a tight red dress is sitting in front of Bedivere’s bed and sneering. The woman’s face was covered with light makeup, but her red lips were smeared with a blood-like crimson. The crimson cherry lips were upturned, forming an unintentional sneer.

Her smile was so flattering, yet so cunning, that Bedivere shuddered.

Bediver was horrified by the pungent and seductive fragrance of poison.

“You, what are you trying to do, Mogoose?” The werewolf boy tightly protected his quilt with both hands, preventing Mogosi from pulling it away, and scolded, “You want to take it from me. The key fragment of the World Wall?!”

“Key fragment? What is that?” Mogos looked disapproving. Seeing that she couldn’t pull off Bedi’s fig leaf, she stopped, took out the manicure knife she didn’t know where it came from, and slammed it down. Fingertips: “The slave family doesn’t particularly care about your key fragments. The slave family cares about your [possibility].”

“Yes, possible?”

The sorceress doesn’t know where to take out a display board that replays a scene that happened two weeks ago. Even Bedivere didn’t know it existed.

The werewolf boy on the screen threw the milky white stone pendant in his hand to Arthur.

The stone with white light was then conveyed to Arthur’s hand, on the sword, turning the sword of the king of knights into a blade of white light anyway.

The knight stabs the three-headed beast with his sword: the three Palamides. Then, the giant light engulfed everything. When the giant light passed, the fate of the three Leopards and their sons was changed.

Those who should have died survived and continued to have an impact on the world.

That [Fourth Miracle], strictly speaking, was not initiated by Arthur.

The person who initiated the [Fourth Miracle—Kama (Fate) Creation] was Bedivere. Arthur just activated the [Third Miracle—Photon Creation] again, and used the burst of photons to increase the effect of the Fourth Miracle.

Bediver, the boy chosen by [Fate], is the one who truly possesses the power to change fate.

That’s why Morgoth is so interested in him.

Bedivere watched the replay of the scene on the display board, but did not understand the meaning of it. Merlin didn’t even explain all this to the werewolf boy. Arthur and Merlin kept the matter strictly private. The person who recorded all this is: Lian Yin.

The Patimo girl was the [spy] Morgos had been sending to monitor the movements of Arthur’s group.

—— Even the insane Bedivere vaguely understood this.

“…Is that what I did?” Bedivere whispered, curled up under the quilt. His tone was as if he had done something bad and was afraid of being punished by adults.

“You did it. You saved the three big cats.” Morgos said, “Forget about the other details, you are really interesting to be able to activate the Fourth Miracle. The slave family wants your people. .”

“What, what?!”

“Give it to the slave family, kid.” Mogos smiled and leaned over, holding Bedivere’s face, “The slave family needs your genetic material for research.”

“What?! No——” Before he could finish, he was kissed by Mogos.

Something like hypnotism begins to affect Bedivere’s mind. He felt hot in his head, and his body was hot and restless. Morgoth kept stroking Bedivere’s body through the quilt, no matter how the boy resisted——

No way! If this is the case, it will really be——

“Ugh!” Bedivere used Beastization in the nick of time. Turning into a silver wolf, he broke free from Mogos’s kiss and ran away.

The door. The door is right in front of you. Bedivere took the road and fled, in short, escape from this room first.

Smack! Instead he slammed his head into some invisible wall. A very powerful barrier completely sealed the room.

“Humph, you can’t escape! Just do it!” Morgos said.

“No! You can’t even think about it!” Bedivere was running around in a hurry, his smaller body was very useful for escape, and even Morgoth couldn’t catch it.

“Ha, ha, ha.” Mogos, who had been catching wolves for hundreds of rounds, panted and said, “Okay, you are cruel enough. The slaves don’t play anymore.”

“I, I don’t know what the **** you’re up to, Morgos.” Bedivere was also out of breath, “But, but what you’re going to do, it must not be a good thing! I I won’t let you do it!”

There was a look of anger on the witch’s face. This was the first time in a long time that she had replaced the fake smiling face with such an expression.

“Originally, if you obey obediently, you will be able to live a happy life like a fairy in the following days.” Mogosi’s tone was cold, “but you don’t eat or drink for Do you have to resist? ?——Then you should resist. Live your life in a cage and show your resistance to the slave family?”

Bedivere still didn’t understand what that meant, Morgos had already moved out of the room in an instant and activated some mechanism.

The furniture disappears and the room shrinks. Bedivere felt bad, and when he moved to the center of the room, the room had shrunk to a very small size, turning into an iron cage. Brady couldn’t even turn around. All he saw was a completely dark world outside the room. This may be a special subspace.

Poke. Mogos raised the cage with one hand and poked Bedivere’s nose with the other, “How is it? Let the slaves escape and have a look?”

“Damn…” Brady couldn’t even move, let alone escape.

“You know, if the slave family wants you to submit, there are countless ways. You can be stimulated by physical methods, or you can be given medicine.” The smile on Mogosi’s face has never been so evil, “However, the slave family wants you to submit to the slave family’s feet from body to heart, and wants you to voluntarily sacrifice morality for the slave family. This is the most fun thing.”

This witch is planning to use the worst script, humiliating him, playing with him, and draining him of everything in the way that can hurt Bedivere the most.

Silver Wolf Bedivere looked at Morgoth in horror. Why? ! Both Arthur’s sister, Morgos and Vivian are so different?

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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