Light Spirit Epic Chapter 285: Extinction in the polar night (middle)

Chapter 285: Extinction in the Polar Night (Part 2)

Arthur was led by Greenville to the depths of the earth.

This is a huge hole in the ground. The igneous rock formation under London is a large cavity that is naturally formed by the movement of the earth’s crust, and it is a thousand square feet deep. The deeper into the ground, the colder and drier the granite formation caves are. It’s really good for keeping treasures here.

The Treasure Hall was originally pitch-dark, and there were probably not many guards. However, when Greenville’s flashlight swept across this large dark void, the countless treasures neatly placed on the shelves in the cave began to reflect the light of the flashlight! The faint light emitted by a small flashlight actually illuminated the entire treasure cave, illuminating it, making the dark cave full of treasure!

Is this magic? perhaps. But Arthur has also heard that the real rare treasures in the world generally emit such amazing treasures. Whether that is the brilliance of the treasure itself, or some kind of spiritual light on the treasure, no one knows.

Arthur only knew that there was such an amazing beauty in this world. Even Arthur, who had lost his feelings and could not feel joy, and the world in his eyes was originally dark, was also illuminated by this brilliance and could not look directly.

“…Turn off the flashlight, Greenville! Do you want to reveal our whereabouts?” Arthur urged quickly.

“Just a while longer, I have to find the magic mirror Rael Sefeldt.” Greenville said.

“How did you find a magic mirror among these thousands of treasures?” Arthur wondered. It’s the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack!

“Are you an idiot?” Greenville pointed to the words on the treasure shelf: “Letter number*.”

(*Note: Alphabet (Alphabet): That is, books or collectibles are classified by their initials, numbered on the shelves, and sorted from A to Z to facilitate future search.)

Arthur and Greenville split up, one starts from the R column, and the other searches at the end of the R column, and soon finds the magic mirror of recall, Raeltherfield.

It was a small hand mirror framed in gold and inlaid with precious stones. The mirror surface extending from the handle was a diamond the size of a palm.

At least a thousand carats.

This terrifyingly large diamond alone is enough to make the magic mirror a national treasure among national treasures. Is there really no problem in stealing such a precious treasure? !

“Don’t look into the diamond.” Greenville put on gloves, carefully opened the storage shelf, and took out the magic mirror. “If you see it directly, your consciousness will be sucked into the world of memory by the magic stone. You sleep here. I don’t have time to take care of you.”

“Understood.” Arthur agreed in a low voice. Although the beautiful diamond kept attracting his attention, he looked away and carefully put the magic mirror into the black bag prepared in advance.

“Okay, okay, the mission is complete, let’s run away.” Arthur said timidly.

“Shh!” Greenville turned off the flashlight instantly, “Be quiet, someone is coming.”

“What?! Isn’t that bad?!” Arthur couldn’t help but be shocked. He was found in such a hole, and he was like a turtle in the middle of nowhere. He couldn’t escape even if he wanted to!

“Come out!” The voice of the Grand Duke of Palinlore echoed outside, “Little thief! I know you are here! I can smell your stench from ten miles away!”

“It’s rude to stink or something…” Greenville, who was hiding behind the showcase, whispered.

“He was talking about me.” Arthur stopped Greenville.

That’s right, since Pasiva said Uther was his uncle, then the Palinlor family should be a collateral line of the Pantoracken royal family.

Dragon Emperor Titans once said that his blood was kept in the royal family of Pantoracken. In other words, the blood of the dragon family also flows in Palinlor’s body.

Dragons with a sense of photon smell can discern the [disgusting] smell of their kin. Palinlore said that Arthur had a [stink] smell, which was probably the reason. After so many generations, the bloodline is obviously very thin, but I did not expect Palinlor to have such a sharp sense of photon smell. This has to be said to be a misstep by Arthur!

However, it seems that it is only Palinlor who has come. This old guy seems to have drunk a little bit of wine and is a little less sober. Even when he noticed that there were thieves infiltrating the city, he didn’t know how to call a few guards to contain it.

Perhaps there is still a chance to escape. Arthur’s heart flashed, and he muttered a few words to Greenville.

“Is this really okay?!” Greenville looked terrified, but she had to lower her voice.

“That’s right. Have you put away the magic mirror? When the time is right, you’ll rush out!” Arthur picked up his dragon martial dagger. As long as the dagger was gripped tightly, the enchantment on it would burst into flames.

But that wasn’t meant to kill Palinlor. Arthur had other ideas.

If Palinlor, the idiot, had been guarding the exit and summoning the guards, Arthur and the others would have never escaped.

However, Palinlor, who only knew fighting, was stupid and rambunctious, actually came over to search for Arthur and the others hidden in the cabinet.

Palinlor was so stupid that he walked around shouting: “Come out! Come out, little thieves! You can’t even run if you want to run!”

Following the words of the grand duke, a strong smell of alcohol began to waft in the cave, and Arthur knew that Palinlor really drank too much.

No wonder it was screaming like crazy there.

When Palinlor was about to approach, Arthur gestured to Greenville. The moment he saw the girl closed her eyes, he also closed his eyes and raised the flaming dagger for a while!

The enchantment on the dagger absorbs photons from the surrounding environment, instantly bursting into flames! The fire lit up the whole cave, and along with the treasures that filled the cave, it became even more dazzling!

“Wow!” Palinlor couldn’t help feeling dizzy when his eyes stinged from the sudden strong light.

“Run!” Arthur yelled, slamming into the shelf at the same time! The shelves collapsed, layer by layer like dominoes! To the Grand Duke of Palinlor!

“Wow ah ah!” Palinlor, who had not recovered from the dizziness, was crushed to the ground by the oncoming shelf! Countless gold and silver jewels were spilled on the ground, and those priceless national treasures buried Palinlor!

“Ooh.” Arthur also ran outside the cave!

“Yi, Iglin?” Palinlor crawled out of the treasure pile, looked at Arthur’s back, and exclaimed, “You’re still alive, Iglin?!”

Arthur’s heart trembled, and he looked back at Palinlor.

In the half-drunk eyes of the Celestial Knight, what he saw was a woman. A maid he once secretly had a crush on. He cried, “Don’t run, Iglyn! Why!?—Would you rather be Uther’s mistress than my wife?!”

Arthur frowned. The Palinlore he saw in his eyes was no longer a majestic Heavenly Knight, but a down and lonely man.

Arthur doesn’t know how many grudges he and Arthur’s parents had when they were young, and he doesn’t have time to worry about it. But when he saw Palinlor like this, he couldn’t help but feel bitter in his heart.

“Love has no reason.” Arthur whispered, “You can never control whether it comes to you or not. Farewell, Palinlor.”

He could have chosen to be silent. But he felt obligated to say it on behalf of his mother.

“Ig…” Drunk Palinlor fell asleep in the treasure pile. The hand he stretched out from the treasure pile seemed to want to grab something he would never be able to.

Arthur did not take care of the Celestial Knight, but ran away with Greenville.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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