Light Spirit Epic Chapter 276: Disclosure to True Knowledge (Part 1)


Chapter 276 Disclosure to True Knowledge (Part 1)

Two hours later, after a comfortable aromatherapy bath, a radiant Greenville arrived at Arthur’s farmhouse.

“Who’s sick?” she asked as soon as she came up.

“Huh?” Bedivere, who was still cleaning, didn’t know what to say.

“Here.” Arthur said, at least Greenville followed him.

They circled outside the house and came to the stables.

“This guy is sick.” Arthur pointed to the evil star sitting in front of the haystack.

“Uh… Who is this?” The evil star in front of Greenville was still a young man with blonde hair and golden eyes, and the golden armor on his body irritated the young lady’s eyes.

“It’s me, Shaxing.” Xinghui Long Shaxing said.

“What?” Greenville walked over to inspect the boy, “Amazing, you are really a red dragon? How did you suddenly change from a red dragon to a golden spark?”

“Gold, gold glitter?”

“Hehe, your whole body is golden, isn’t it just golden?” Greenville laughed wickedly, “Tell me quickly, what has happened since you disappeared for the past few days?”

“It’s a long story—” Shaxing said.

“Shaxing?” Arthur said worriedly, these few days can be described as the most painful days in Shaxing’s life, and it was cruel to ask him to look back suddenly.

However, Jin Twinkle said calmly: “It doesn’t matter, let me tell you.”

The dragon told Greenville about the experience since entering Elaison’s Pure Land, and the girl nodded frequently as she listened.

After listening, she held her chin and thought: “Really, it all makes sense.”

“Anyway,” she took out a stethoscope, “Take off my shirt and armor, and let me check your physical condition first.”

“That—” Shaxing smiled impatiently, “This [armor] is actually a part of my body, I can’t take it off…”

“Oh, interesting shape-shifting magic. It really is a combination of illusion magic and plastic magic.” She tapped the male star’s breastplate with her fist, “Why is it a teenager. You are a living creature. Shouldn’t a dragon for more than 10,000 years be an uncle?”

“…” The evil star was stunned for a while: “Probably, this is the shape of my heart. I have always been naive, I only know how to live in my own lair and live in my own world.”

“The dragons are a group of squatting at home. Hmm.” Greenville turned to Arthur and said, “Help me move the equipment.”

“Let Bedivere do that kind of thing.” Arthur dodged, he was still full of muscle soreness, and really didn’t want to work for Greenville anymore.

The girl is angry. She reached out and tugged at the knight’s ear: “What nonsense! Just follow me!”

“Ouch! It hurts!” Arthur was pulled out by Greenville’s ear.

When she walked out of the stable, Greenville said to Arthur, “You know what? That Jin Shining may never turn into a dragon for a lifetime.”

“What, what?! How can this be possible! You have to help him!” Arthur said hurriedly.

“Well, I’ll help anyone I can, but I don’t think medical or magical treatments will work.” Greenville frowned and said, “The biggest problem with Glitter isn’t that she uses the wrong shape-shifting magic. It’s as simple as not coming back. I’m afraid it’s the trauma in his heart that really made him like this.”

Arthur suddenly thought of what the Frost Dragon had said before. They had already eaten a lot of supplements and were able to recover to a length of more than ten feet, but they always maintained the appearance of a little dragon of that one foot, which was related to the psychological trauma caused by their previous defeat to Arthur.

Today’s evil star may be suffering from deeper wounds. Although he didn’t want to admit it, the death of his parents and younger brother in one day must have hit him hard.

As a result, even the dragon was reluctant to do it, and turned into a human figure to escape reality.

Or rather, punishing yourself.

“What an idiot. It’s okay not to.” Arthur sighed in a low voice.

“Don’t mention those things first, let’s talk about how to [heal] him.” Greenville said, “The way to cure him, it is better to cure him first than to give him medicine or eliminate magic. His [heart]. Once the knot in his heart is unraveled, other problems will be solved. This is the fastest and most effective method at present.”

Indeed, Arthur still needs the power of the evil star to deal with the fourth duel, and he can’t be cured quickly. The matter is urgent.

“Is there anything you can do, Greenville?” Arthur asked in confusion. He had a bad premonition, especially when he saw the sly smile on the corner of Greenville’s mouth, his ominous premonition came more violently.

“There is a good way, the only one.” Greenville sneered, “The [mirror of recollection] that can remind people of the past – Rael Sefeldt.”

Arthur sweats on his forehead: “That kind of important treasure is not stored in—“

“Pantolaken Royal Museum, yes.” Greenville looked absently into the sky: “It is also the base of the Knights of the East, Elsenburg in London.”

“Are you kidding me!?” Arthur almost jumped up, “Are you going to sneak into such a heavily guarded castle to steal a national treasure hidden in a museum? If it is found, even if you are The daughter of the Celestial Knight, it’s impossible to just forget it!?”

“Hey, it’s okay to not be discovered.” Greenville smiled mischievously, “Also, I already have a plan.”

“What plan?”

“What day is tomorrow, do you remember?” the girl asked with a smile.

“Of course I remember…um…what day…” Arthur faltered, turning his head quickly, trying to remember it here. But he had completely lost his sense of time in the past few days in Elison’s Pure Land, and he didn’t even know what month it was today.

“Idiot.” Greenville sighed: “Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve.”

“Oh, oh! That’s right! I was about to say that!” Arthur replied casually to save his dignity.

“Pfft.” Greenville laughed, “Okay, I won’t make fun of you.——Every year on Christmas Eve, there will be a masquerade ball in Elsenburg, and tens of millions of dignitaries will be there. would be there, where they would dance and feast until the next day. It was a party that evolved from the Keltons [Meet the Sun].—In short, this evening, The defense of the castle will be concentrated around the ball, and the defense of other places will become relatively weak, which is a good time for us to start.”

Arthur looked at Greenville suspiciously. From the girl’s account, it seems that this was not an impromptu idea, but it was planned.

This kitten thief had long planned to steal the [Magic Mirror of Recall] Rael Sefeldt, but now he is only pulling Arthur and the others into the water to increase the chance of his plan being successful.

What the **** is she thinking?

“…Okay.” Arthur knew that it was a waste of time to ask, and he had no other choice, so he had to compromise, “I hope your plan really succeeds.”

“It won’t fail.” Greenville smiled, “I happened to be one of the invited ones, and there are still three places with me. Dad was stabbed by Richard and can’t go out for the time being. All three places are available. I’ll arrange it for you.”

“Uh… what?!” Arthur was suddenly stunned again, “What did you say?! What happened to the Grand Duke of Leon Dickens?!”

“I was stabbed by my brother Richard. Don’t let me repeat it a third time.” Greenville said displeasedly,

“Uh, but, Viscount Richard? He stabbed the Grand Duke of Leondis?… He stabbed his own father?! Leon Digens, the dignified celestial knight, avoided even this knife. But?!—Speaking of which, didn’t Richard ruin his future by doing this? Is he an idiot?!”

Facing Arthur’s barrage of questioning, Greenville couldn’t help but regret her eloquence. She put on an expression of “It’s so troublesome to explain” and replied helplessly: “Unfortunately, my family is not as harmonious as you think. My father does not have a son, but he must have a male to inherit a certain member of the family. It was a mission, so such a [son] was adopted from the family of a collateral relative. That was Richard. Richard was a worthless dude, he only knew how to eat, drink, and have fun, and he didn’t practice his knightly fighting skills well. The day before yesterday, he failed the golden knight’s promotion test for the 162nd time. He should also know very well in his heart that with his strength, he will not be able to pass the golden knight’s promotion test in his entire life.”

“Yu… so he stabbed his father?! This is unreasonable!?” Yasser couldn’t help asking.

“Hehe, he wants his father to die more than anyone else. The [mission] that the Leon Dickens family bears is very important, so important that even a useless waste like him can enjoy prosperity and wealth. You Do you understand? Originally, even if Dad died, Richard would at most inherit the status of a Golden Knight; but because of that [mission], he could even climb to the position of a Heavenly Knight.”

Arthur is speechless. He remembered what Leon Dickens had said to him in the ruins of the First Empire. If protecting that is the mission of the Leon Dickens family… Then, how much power has this family been given? !

What kind of amazing thing is that hidden under Camelot? !

“Dad must have been shocked at the time. He didn’t expect his son to betray him. Even if he was an adoptive son, Dad had been caring for Richard since he was six years old… .” Greenville whispered, with resentment in her voice, “One more thing, Arthur. Richard stabbed Dad and ran away. Although he didn’t leave any murder weapon, the knife was on it. With the poison of succubus.”

“Succubus?!” Arthur was startled again, “Did Richard actually collude with the succubus?!”

“Well, God knows.” Greenville looked at the sky thoughtfully. “He probably thought that even if a knife couldn’t kill Dad, the poison of the succubus could kill Dad. However, he didn’t know. I already have the antidote for the succubus poison in my hands—Thank you Arthur—so, Dad is now out of the danger period and is resting in the base.”

“…It’s hard work for the Grand Duke of Leon Dickens.” Arthur whispered.

“Listen, Arthur. Only you and I know about Richard’s use of succubus poison. If you dare to tell anyone—” The girl suddenly gave a vicious look: ” I’ll kill you!”

Arthur can’t help but take a step These two father and daughter are the same thing, it’s really hard to mess with.

“Huhu. I’ll go back and prepare for tomorrow’s dance. Arthur, what color do you like for the evening dress for the banquet? Blue, black, or white?”

“Uh…you want to help me prepare?” Arthur asked suspiciously, “I’m obviously——“

“No way! How can you be a country bumpkin with such an elegant vision! It’s a dance party for tens of millions of dignitaries, do you really want to make a fool of yourself?”

“We just went to steal…”

“Then it shouldn’t cause a riot!” Greenville sneered, “Keep me low-key, understand?”

“…Okay. I’ll leave it to you.” Arthur replied helplessly. His uneasy feeling is getting heavier and heavier——

“Hmmm…” Greenville covered her mouth and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll be able to prepare the best evening dress for you. I promise, you’ll look beautiful… …is handsome.”

Arthur looked at Greenville suspiciously.

“Ahahahaha, then, I’ll go first. See you tomorrow night.” The girl ran away with a smirk.

She must be planning something. This little devil. Although Arthur was full of unease, he had no choice but to rely on Greenville’s plan.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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