Light Spirit Epic Chapter 246: Preparation for war in the dark (true)

Chapter 246 Preparations for the Darkness (True)

An hour later, the elf capital, the battle meeting room.

“So,” Dragon Emperor Titans pointed on the huge map, “this, and this point, is a weak point in the geological structure of the Pure Land. We use the two ancient weapons of broken stars left by the elves [ The Sword of Damocles], attacking these two [Broken Star Points] can completely destroy the Pure Land of Elysian.”

“Wait a minute, destruction?!” Arthur was frightened by this crazy plan, “You mean, destroy this pure land?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?” Dragon Emperor said in disapproval, he tapped the table impatiently with his silver-scaled index finger.

“…If the Pure Land is destroyed, will it have no effect on the world?!” Arthur quickly asked, “Isn’t the Pure Land built on the warp of the world?”

If such a large piece of pure land is destroyed, the energy that erupts from this subspace will be devastating!

“What are you talking about, [World Changer]?” The Dragon Emperor was even more disdainful, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, “How could the Pure Land of Elyson be a warp? This is an independent [world]. ].”

A separate…world?

All the clues line up in Arthur’s mind. The wise knight understood in an instant.

The elves are really smart, too smart! Warping reality to create warps requires a lot of photons to sustain, which is not a long-term solution at all. The elves who advocate integration with nature will not do such things that go against the laws of nature!

They go further and do it more thoroughly! Using warp technology, they found another habitable planet in the infinite universe that is similar to the earthly environment, and then collectively immigrated to this new planet! !

The Elysian Land is not a warp at all, it’s another planet outside the earth (Earth)! —— Planet Elison! !

The technology of modern humans has not even been able to rush out of the earth, but the elves actually succeeded in interstellar immigration more than 5,000 years ago! !

This discovery shocked Arthur and others. They looked at each other and were speechless!

The elves could have indulged in this new planet without any competition. But they were unfortunate and brought [Anzi] to this planet. Anzi infected most of the creatures on this planet and turned this beautiful pure land into a dark hell! What a creation!

Now, the only way that Dragon Emperor Titans has come up with is to use the ancient weapons of the elves to destroy the planet, and use the heat of the planet’s explosion to destroy all the dark sons here, lest they continue to spread in the universe. ! !

——The planet Elaison must be destroyed!

Arthur’s mind was spinning fast, “Two questions, Your Majesty,” he asked uneasily, “One, is there a way to ensure that the Anon will be cleaned up when the planet is destroyed? What I fear is , Anon will be scattered into the universe along with the debris from the explosion of the planet.”

“No.” The Dragon Emperor replied coldly, “The elves have wrapped this world (planet) with a strong shield to prevent [the boundless darkness] from flying out of the world. This world will be destroyed by Complete incineration until the darkness is completely removed.”

“…well,” Arthur continued, “and one more question: how do we escape when the planet is destroyed?”

“It’s very simple, leave from the portal that came from the beginning. It will take a while for [Sword of Damocles] to actually start, enough for us to escape.”

Dragon Emperor hasn’t talked about this battle plan these days. He didn’t say it until the fourth day because it took five days for the portal to recharge.

There is only one chance, blowing up the planet and escaping from the portal will be considered as completing the mission. Although I am very sorry for this beautiful planet, but……. I can only bite the bullet and go dry!

“…One more question, Your Majesty.” Evan couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t you do this early in the morning, and you have to wait until we come?”

“That’s because of the prophecies of the elves…” Dragon Emperor Titans glanced at Elison, the elf girl, and seemed to want her to speak.

The elf girl smiled and said calmly: “According to the prophecy of the last elf elder a thousand years ago, once the [World Changer], [Maintainer of Order] and [Star Singer] are gathered together, they will make a difference for this one. The Pure Land of Elaison brings eternal peace.”

[Eternal Tranquility]? Arthur thought. Death is really easy for elves…

Yiwen frowned: “But, it’s really necessary for such a prophecy to ——“

“It is because of such a prophecy, [Maintainer of Order].” Dragon Emperor said, “[Sword of Damocles] can only be used once, even if it is to increase the chance of success, we all Have to wait.”

In order to successfully complete this plan, just for a prophecy, the Dragon Emperor has waited here for a thousand years.

This is absurd for humans, but for the Dragon Emperor Titans, who have a long life, the thousand-year wait is just a blink of an eye. He didn’t even know that his two children on earth (earth) had grown up over the years.

“But, Your Majesty, are you sure we are the people in the prophecy? ……” Arthur asked suspiciously. If you get it wrong, the plan may be in vain, and the world may be destroyed——

“[Order Keeper] came on the green dragon, his eyes saw the world,

[World Changer] came on a red dragon, with stars twinkling in his sword,

[The Morning Star Singer] greets the other two with Tianlong, and she sings the end of the world.

Elison used an aria similar to a song to tell Arthur and others the last part of the prophecy half-talking and half-singing,

“Our destinies meet here to change the world.

Then, our destinies will eventually separate and go our separate ways. “

Arthur frowned unpleasantly. This was not the news he wanted to hear. The elves actually saw everyone’s fate so thoroughly, he felt like he was being led by the nose.

Evan frowned nervously, this was not the news he wanted to hear. He must never be separated from Elaison. He wanted to keep looking at her beauty.

A snow butterfly flew in from the window, landed on Tristan’s shoulder, and disappeared.

Tristan was shocked: “Hey guys, two hundred kilometers to the west, there’s a large group of troops heading our way!”

“Number?” Arthur said calmly.

“Over 300 dragons, 10,000 infantry,” Tristan said timidly.

“You, are you kidding?!” Bedivere couldn’t help exclaiming.

The only people who can fight here are six men and four dragons. No matter how powerful it is, there is no way to compete with more than 300 dragons and an army of 1,000 people! ?

“They also know the arrival of [World Changer] and [Maintainer of Order],” the Dragon Emperor Titans remained calm, as if nothing had happened, “Although the elves who were infected by [the boundless darkness] lost [heart] , but still retain their memories. They knew of your arrival, and they knew it was time to launch a general attack on the capital.”

“How long can the barrier of the royal capital last?” Arthur asked.

Dragon Emperor grinned: “If you are attacked by so many dragons at the same time, the barrier will be damaged within an hour.”

“Your Majesty?!” Arthur couldn’t help worrying when he saw that the Dragon Emperor was still absent-minded. Not to mention taking the [Sword of Damocles] to destroy this planet like this, their group will be destroyed by the enemy soon! ?

“Hehehe…No way, let’s activate the [Sword of Damocles] now!” Dragon Emperor said.

He sat down on the rostrum of the battle conference room and touched some kind of hidden mechanism next to rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble ——! !

The entire elven palace begins to vibrate!

Arthur felt a moment of weightlessness. The palace rises from the ground and floats in the air!

Then, separate!

The original tower was separated into two giant swords. The original gorgeous palace was instantly transformed into a powerful air fortress with a huge anti-gravity engine and countless forts!

The base of the tower shattered countless building walls, finally revealing its long, sharp blade. The part of the blade moved, turned ninety degrees, and moved to the front of the tower, turning into a huge deck. Both ends of this silver deck are covered with densely packed turrets, just like the blade on the blade.

The battle meeting room where everyone was in also moved with the deformation of the tower, turned 90 degrees, moved to the top of the tower, and finally became the bridge! The golden bridge protrudes between the blade and the rest of the tower, like the jaws of the sword!

——This turns out to be two anti-gravity battleships! !

The two battleships now look like two giant swords placed horizontally, one gold and one black, representing Yin and Yang, Sun and Moon, and Heaven and Earth.

—— Arthur and the others have been living in this splendid elf palace these days, it turned out to be the [Sword of Damocles]! !

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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