Light Spirit Epic Chapter 242: Goodbye to fate (true)

Chapter 242 Goodbye to fate (true)

In the middle of the night, Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.

Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gugu————

In a stone room, there was a continuous sound, like a giant beast screaming.


The hunger in Kai’s stomach bored him. He lay on the crystal bed, half asleep, feebly.

Damn, Frey is really ruthless and doesn’t bring food? !

……If it goes on like this, I will starve to death. Not to mention waiting for a chance to escape after the body recovers, and now I am so hungry that it is impossible to even get up and take a step.

Did you just die here? Meaningless, honorless, unknown to the world, dying miserably?

“Gululululu——” The stomach is still screaming, no matter how philosophical Kai’s thoughts are, the stomach will not take into account Kai’s feelings. No matter how bored he was, hunger would always haunt him. until——

“Ow?” Kai heard a voice beside him. He turned his head and saw that it was the thirty-foot long lizard again.

“Ow, ooh!” The salamander jumped up and down, making a cheerful sound.

“…You kid is always so optimistic, which is really enviable.” Kai said weakly, he was so hungry that he had the illusion that he was in front of a puppy.


The puppy wagged its happy little tail in front of the boy and asked the red-haired boy to take him out to play.

I’m so hungry…I wonder what dog meat tastes like? The young man took a sip.

At that time, he was just a little boy living in a slum. He was ragged and often beaten to the point where his mouth was swollen and his nose bruised, and there was not a day when he didn’t wince in the cold wind, and he didn’t have a full meal. The mother, who was already poor, never regarded the young man as a human being, and all he threw him to eat was leftovers, which only made him barely starve to death.

——I’m so hungry. What’s up with this puppy who didn’t know where it came from?

A scruffy, scruffy little wild dog without a collar.

Since it is a wild dog, since it is an ownerless thing, it is probably no problem to eat it…

The teenager swallowed, his hunger prevailing over his guilt. He walked over slowly and picked up the puppy. He pretended to hold the puppy tenderly, in order to avoid the puppy’s suspicion. Then, he reached for the puppy’s neck.

—— strangle him!

——After strangling, remove the fur and internal organs, boil it in a pot, and eat it. The boy swallowed. Although it is a thin little wild dog, it can at least give the teenager a full meal.

——Kill him. eat him. So you can live.

In order to live, this is a matter of course!

Quickly kill him!

Let’s do it! ?

“Woo.” The puppy licked the boy’s face, and the warm little tongue left a moist feeling on the boy’s face. The furry little guy moved happily in the arms of the red-haired boy, his little paws clawing at him playfully. It was obviously a skinny puppy who was already hungry, but he was so happy. He was about to be eaten, but he was so happy.

“…You are so optimistic, I’m envious.” The red-haired boy whispered.

“Wang Wang?” The puppy seemed to understand the boy’s words, and he barked twice in agreement.

The puppy’s heart was beating thumping, and there was a throbbing in the boy’s arms. The puppy’s body is like a small blanket, smooth and soft, bringing a little warmth to the ragged boy.

This throbbing, hot, little form. …that’s life.

Such a small life, so humble, yet so heavy.

The red-haired boy couldn’t hold back his tears.

——How can I eat such a small life? !

The boy picked up the half loaf of bread in front of his bed and divided the pitifully small loaf into two halves.

He ate half of it in one bite, and threw the other half to the puppy.

The puppy eats happily, looking at his skinny appearance, he may have been hungry for quite some time.

“Are you the same as me?” the red-haired boy whispered.

The puppy just circled merrily, chasing its tail. They are not the same, he is much better than him. In the hunger, cold and despair, he still did not forget the joy. The teenager couldn’t help feeling that he was inferior to this puppy.

“…Well, Luke, you can be my servant. I won’t leave you anywhere I go. Although there are not many things to eat, I will never let you You starved to death.”

You are my friend.

In the rest of his life, the puppy accompanied the red-haired boy, played together, starved together, played tricks together, and was punished together.

Until the moment of parting.

Kay comes to his senses, remembering memories he shouldn’t have.

His belly is still thundering, and his condition has not improved at all. The big lizard licked Kai’s face and bit its own tail.

(——what are you doing?!)

The salamander tugs at its tail!


The lizard tore off its own tail. The five-foot-long tail was as thick as a human thigh.

He endured the severe pain, bit his tail, and threw the big tail with tender flesh in front of Kai.


(Eat, become energetic, and play with me.)

(——This is to repay your kindness for feeding me bread.)

Tears welled up from the corners of Kai’s eyes.

The salamander in front of him is Luke. no doubt!

At that time, in front of [Kama’s Seat], it was not Kai who defeated [God], but the puppy named [Luke].

At the cost of saving Kai, the puppy disappeared forever in Kai’s life.

However, a life cannot disappear out of thin air. Life just disappears from one time and space, transforms into another posture, and appears in another time and space. ——Life is the gears that exist as part of Karma’s reincarnation, constantly turning.

How the puppy traveled through countless time and space, turned into a salamander, and came to Kai again – Kai has no way of knowing.

All he knew was that he had met again, the friend he had forgotten.

“Luke….” The red-haired boy who was crying sobbing endured the pain in his back and climbed out of bed. He hugged the salamander and cried.

“——You’re always so optimistic…that’s enviable!” he cried.

The fire giant Frey watched quietly from a distance. She clenched a red fruit in her hand. She originally wanted to give this food to the knight, after all, he couldn’t really starve to death. However, what happened just now shocked her and she couldn’t go any further.

A sacred salamander cut off its tail just to feed a lowly human?

She couldn’t understand why the salamander loved a mere human so much.

There is no hate for no reason in this world, and there is no love for no reason.

The behavior of the holy beast transcends logic, transcends common sense, and can only be explained by Kama (destiny).

But now, even Frey, the last descendant of the giant clan, who believes in Karma (astrology), doesn’t know how to explain it!

She watched the red-haired knight burst into tears while eating the ruby ​​red tender meat of the lizard’s tail; she then looked at the salamander jumping up and down with joy despite its own severed tail;

—— Frey lost her mind.

In front of this strange human boy who was doted on by Karma (Fate), what should she do with him?

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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