Light Spirit Epic Chapter 240: Goodbye to fate (middle)


Chapter 240 Goodbye to fate (Part 2)

When Arthur woke up, it was already night in Elathan’s Pure Land. He got up with his body in severe pain, and checked the time on his phone.

It’s only been over two days since the time outside, but three days and two-thirds have passed for Elison. (The first day Arthur and the others came to Elaison was at night, which is roughly counted as one day)

Elaison’s [day] is only eighteen hours, and every nine hours alternates day and night.

This pure land not only has less gravity than Earth, but also has less time in a day than the earth.

Why? The elves created such a warp and made it an immortal world. Is it necessary to make so many modifications? With such a dramatic change in the law of causality, wouldn’t it take a lot of photons to maintain this subspace?

Or, is there something fundamental that Arthur has been ignoring?

He crawled out of bed enduring the severe pain in his body. The bones seemed to be disintegrating and the pain was excruciating. Although the wounds on his body had already healed, the pain still remained deep in Arthur’s body.

He looked at the dying red fire dragon evil star beside him. The guy seems to need more time to regenerate the severed limb, and is now lying unconscious on the soft cushion. The hoarfrost dragon Xianvia was watching quietly.

Arthur walked outside, and upon seeing the White Frost Dragon, he suddenly said, “Aren’t you going to say something?”

“No.” Arthur said. Leave the trouble alone, he thought.

“Heartless guy.” Xianwei said. Although Arthur said no matter, the dragon still said to himself: “Do you know why dragons like to fight with close relatives so much? Even though they are relatives, they always fight to the death.”

“…because you’re all self-conscious idiots,” Arthur accused.

“No.” The hoarfrost dragon Xianvia lay prone, covering half of his body with his wings, as if covering a quilt, “because we can’t stand each other’s breath. Probably to prevent the dragons from interbreeding, The closer the bloodline is, the more able to feel each other’s [smelly] smell. If it is parents, it is fine, but if it is siblings, the smell of each other will become unbearable.

It’s not that Shaxing and I don’t want to live in harmony, it’s just that we can’t stand each other’s breath, and we can’t stand each other’s [stink] odor. When we were together, we couldn’t help but want to fight. “

“…Oh, yes?” Arthur pretended to be disapproving.

“You have the same distasteful aura, Arthur.” Baishuang Long said, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Arthur, as if planning to see everything in this knight’s blood, “Father is right, you really With the blood of the father. Although the blood is very thin, the annoying breath is still lingering. This is why I hate you so much.”

Sure enough, this guy overheard the conversation between Arthur and the Dragon Emperor Titans.

Arthur shrugged: “I hate me so much, and it’s really hard for you to work with me.”

“The evil star must also hate you the same.” Xianvia continued, “He must also feel that you have some similarities with him in your bloodline.”

Arthur is silent.

“The evil star is not a wild species, that’s for sure.” Rime Dragon said paranoidly, “Even if the king said he was a wild species, I would never believe it. Because——“

“I am convinced that my mother will never be unfaithful to my father. Even if she is alienated by my father, she has never given up on loving him in the past.”


“It may be a bit cliché to say this now.” Xianvia lowered her voice, “but, just like my beloved mother, no matter how arrogant, arrogant, stupid, rude, clumsy, vulgar this guy is, Smells disgusting [stink]…but I’ve never given up on this…brother.

So, Arthur, don’t do anything to hurt the evil star. If you hurt him – I won’t let you go. “

No matter how much they hate each other, they are still brothers.

Arthur once thought dragons were ruthless lizards, he thought these beasts were selfish, greedy and violent. But recently, his thoughts on dragons have begun to change.

Dragons are not much better than humans, and they are not much worse than humans. Humans just understand alien creatures with various prejudices, and apply [pronouns] to these creatures one by one.

Humans never really understand the world.

At the same time, the arsenal of the elven capital.

About 100,000 weapons are housed in this huge arsenal. These weapons are handcrafted piece by piece by the elves, each piece is a combination of elegance, beauty and usability, and each piece is ingenious.

They’re made of amazing materials that are light, stiff, and incredibly flexible. Although they are all physical weapons, compared with the lightsabers used by modern humans, they are a bit outdated, but they are exquisitely enchanted, and each weapon is powerful.

However, Bedivere was not satisfied.

“Well, how’s it going?” Tristan asked.

“No.” Bedivere swung a silver sword in the trial room beside him. The elf’s sword draws a beautiful silver arc in the empty space, and the sound is crisp and sweet anyway. This finely crafted magic weapon could have made Bedivere extremely excited. However, this is not what he is after now.

Merlin said that to deal with the dark son infected creatures, you need to use high-frequency vibration or high-heat weapons. The werewolf boy is looking for magic weapons of these two properties, or weapons with this kind of enchantment.

The murloc prince always judges the power of a weapon by its appearance. He sends one finely crafted weapon to Bedivere, letting the werewolf boy test the weapon. After trying about 300 weapons, Bedivere finally couldn’t bear it any longer: “Tristan, don’t pick it, let me pick it myself.”

Tristan said displeasedly: “Hey…Beddy, don’t you believe my vision? This sword, this sword must be what you want, try it!”

“The weapons you brought are indeed good weapons, and each of them is the work of the elves. But what we are looking for now is a weapon that can deal with dark son creatures! It’s just a sharp sword. , is far from enough.”

“Tsk, even if you say so.” Tristan frowned and pursed his lips in grievance, “Just from the outside, how can you see any enchantment on the weapon?”

It’s not that Bedivere doesn’t know what Tristan is going to rant about. They don’t have the ability to predict, and they have absolutely no way of knowing the capabilities of these weapons unless they try each weapon in their hands.

But he wasn’t convinced. He felt that instead of letting Tristan choose, it would be better to pick and see and try his luck.

“Let me pick one and see.” Bedivere walked out of the trial room and into the vast space of the arsenal.

The elf’s arsenal of elegant lights illuminates every weapon here. Tens of thousands of divine soldiers were neatly arranged on their respective shelves, glowing coldly under the lights.

Carefully carved, dazzling, mysterious, and dazzling. Picking one of these tens of thousands of weapons is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Bedivere could only trust his gut.

He paced through the arsenal, slowly coming to an ancient weapon.

An ancient bow.

In contrast to the finely carved weapons of the elves, this bow has a rough black surface and not much carving. It was like a wooden bow carved out of ancient ebony, but Bedivere knew it was made of something else entirely.

It wasn’t carved, not because the elves didn’t bother to deal with such crude weapons. But because it is so hard, the elves have no way to process this bow.

This bow existed long before the elves existed. It is a divine weapon left over from the age of mythology.

Bedivere felt a vague sense of familiarity!

——This used to be his thing…? !

How is that possible, stop kidding.

“Do you want such an ugly bow?” Tristan came over and looked at the weapon that Bedivere was watching. For something so unremarkable, any weapon in this arsenal was chosen by Tristan, and he would definitely choose this weapon at the end. This bow is too far from the aesthetic of the Murloc Prince.

“Why don’t you try it.” Bedivere walked over and took off the bow. As his hand touched the bow, a sense of familiarity came over him. He concentrated, put the thought aside, and walked to the trial room with the bow.

The weapon test room of the elves has been strengthened by a lot of magic, and various powerful weapons are used here without affecting the building. Bedivere raised his bow, intending to shoot an arrow.

Bows do not have strings. It is held up by the user, and when the user’s intention to attack is sensed, a string of photons appears between Bedivere’s fingers.

Bows have no arrows. When it is pulled away by the user, it gathers a large number of photons in the environment, and then gathers them in an enchantment, forming the shape of a light arrow.

This is similar to Bedivere’s transformation of a lightsaber, using the reflector of the lightsaber to make a light arrow, and then using the string to hit the reflector to generate a photon explosion, and finally shooting a light arrow wrapped in an enchantment.

When the light arrow is fired, the enchantment will decay in a short time, which determines the poor range of the light arrow. The light arrows that Bedivere had previously transformed had an effective range of only about twelve yards.

This bow, though similar in principle, made Bedivere feel a little different.

The bow is very tight! And when the werewolf boy kept pulling the bow, the bow became tighter and tighter! It’s like, it’s like sucking all of Bedivere’s physical strength!

This bow is full of weirdness! It devours the user’s stamina? !

Bediver, who was startled, let go of the bow and arrow as soon as he released his hand.

The light arrow did not fly out, but disappeared within a yard in front of the werewolf boy, and instantly transformed into a huge shock wave, hitting the ground and hitting the ground!

Boom! ! The shock wave hit the weapons testing room with a low, muffled sound. The testing room, protected by a lot of magic, was so easily blown up with a big hole! !

“Ugh…” Bedivere got up from the rubble, looking at the cracked walls around him in disbelief.

“Damn!” Tristan walked in tremblingly and helped the werewolf boy, but he kept cursing, “I told you to [try the bow], not to [dismantle the testing room] Are you crazy?! Aren’t you afraid of hurting little idiot?!”

“Sorry, I didn’t think of that…” Bedivere looked at the worried look on his friend’s face, he swallowed and felt exhausted.

“This **** bow absorbs photons from me.” He understood the principle of the bow, “I didn’t expect it to be able to produce such a destructive force.”

“Is this the weapon you want?” Tristan asked. “I won’t let you try any more weapons. You should lie down and wait for your body to recover.”

“Um…” Bedivere murmured, “This bow is good, I want it.”

The shock wave emitted by the magic bow is very similar to the wind pressure projectile of Jade Wind Dragon, but the impact is very concentrated, so it is dozens of times stronger than the wind pressure projectile. This is a powerful physical shock that hits the creature’s body, enough to make a huge high-frequency shock. In fact, such a powerful shock wave can directly shatter the target in one blow.

Attack power is unquestionable. The only problem is that the bow **** stamina (photons) from the user, so…there is a limit to the number of shots that can be fired at a time. An orc with a strong physique like Bedivere would quickly lose his strength and faint if he wanted to continuously fire the vacuum wave of the magic bow in a short period of time.

Bedivere doesn’t know why he knows so much about the bow, but he does. As soon as he got the bow, Karma (Fate) told him everything.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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