Light Spirit Epic Chapter 218: Death to the Southern Emperor


Chapter 218: The Battle of the Southern Emperor (Part 2)

“No more? What do you mean?” Hall asked with a frown.

“I’ve seen a lot in your Southern Knights this week.” Arthur said, grabbing the bee golem next to him and crushing it, obviously he didn’t want to let the people in the audience know about his relationship with Hall. Conversation.

“I recognize your strength, your wisdom, your long-term vision, and your generosity and kindness to people.” Arthur sighed, “I have nothing compared to you in these respects.”

“Our ‘battle’ has been decided for seven days. Now this battle is unnecessary, because you are the most suitable person to be King of Pantoracken. And I– —-I can’t be the stumbling block that prevents you from becoming king!”

Hall was stunned for a long time. It was a completely different scene from the one he had begun to envision, and he miscalculated.

“Come on, take the King’s Sword. As long as you don’t touch it directly, you can take it with gloves on. Even if it’s not usable, you can use it as a symbol of kingship and bring the council to its knees.” Se said, “You will become a king, you will disintegrate that corrupt and incompetent parliament, and your people will be happy.”

Hall shook his head, sighed, sneered disdainfully, then put the cat in his hand on the ground, “Go on, Wallace.”

The cat transforms into a huge beast in an instant.

It wasn’t a Persian cat. A 20-foot-tall beautiful male lion with golden hair all over his body appeared in front of Arthur!

“A Chaos Troll (Behemoth)?” Arthur asked.

“Yes, the Chaos Troll,” Hall said.

That is, a monster born from the egg of chaos, which directly reflects the mood of its owner. The noble and powerful golden lion is the true portrayal of Grand Duke Hall’s strong and honest heart.

Arthur knew why he hated Wallace so much. The essence of this cat is such a majestic and arrogant beast, Arthur is afraid of him, just as Arthur is afraid of the unfathomable great power lurking in the body of Duke Hall.

“What do you…want to do?” Arthur asked timidly.

“That’s it.” Hall pointed not far away.

The golden lion immediately shot a golden mane at the location indicated by Hall. The golden mane has a strong penetrating power, it broke through the protective barrier of Wang Li Arena and shot towards the audience!

Bediver, who kept yelling at Arthur, was punched through the chest!

“This is…?” Before he could react, he immediately went dark and fell to the ground.

“Beddy!” Arthur exclaimed, “…Grand Duke! What have you done?!!!!”

“It’s nothing, just killed him.” Hall said indifferently, “Although it’s a pity, it’s not a bad thing for him to die like this.”


“As for me, Arthur,” Hall Road, “at best, I’m just a guardian of human beings. I can protect human beings and Pantoracken, but I will never protect the Hungarians.

Orcs are the enemies of humans. Always has been, always will be. If I take the throne, I will kill them all without hesitation. Because I know that humans and orcs can never coexist peacefully! “

“What nonsense!” Arthur said angrily.

“This is true.” Hall said calmly, his statement stemmed from his careful analysis, “Each individual of the Hungarians has ten times the fighting power of humans. If they are left alone, In the end, they will only exterminate us human beings. In order to compete for the living space on the earth, human beings and the Hungarians must fight to the death. This is the fate between us.”

“The so-called survival is the oppression of the weak by the strong. If the strong do not exploit the weak while they are still strong, it will be too late when the opponent becomes stronger!”

“It’s not like that!” Arthur retorted. “There must be a way for everyone to live together in peace! There must be—”

“You’re so naive, Arthur!” Hall said, “I knew you were so naive when you kept helping the enemy! But, it’s okay! I’ll bring you back to those Hungarians soon. Add people, and kill them all without leaving a single one.——When I study their bodies from the inside out!”

The golden lion shoots another mane! This time, the mane shot straight to the side of Saifel!

However, one hand instantly caught the attack!

Arthur threw down his arrow-like mane, and his face became extremely terrifying: “Old man, do you want to die?”

“Hmph, are you finally willing to fight me seriously?” Duke Hall sneered.

“I can’t ask for it!” Arthur pulled the sword of the king on the ground, “I take back what I said before! A guy like you is not worthy of being the king of Pantoracken! Even if you die, I will stop you! “

“Come on if you can stop it!” Hall also drew his sword.

Arthur knew he couldn’t win without going all out from the start. When he called out the red fire dragon evil star and was about to attack together, but——

Touch! ! !

A tens of thousands of pressures were placed on Arthur, and Arthur couldn’t help but kneel on the ground.

He looked around, the surrounding scenery began to distort, and the ground began to sink and collapse!

The Golden Lion and the Grand Duke of Hall just stood there as if nothing had happened, but the ground under their feet was not crushed.

What happened? ! Where does the pressure come from?

I haven’t seen Hall use any magic (the Battle of the Five Kings originally prohibited the use of magic by the Celestial Knights), so…is this the ability of the Golden Lion Wallace? !

However, they were motionless and unhurried. What the **** did they do? !

The body is unusually heavy, but this heavy weight is not just an external blow, it feels like being pressed down from the inside.

Arthur understood instantly. The ability of the golden lion Wallace is [control of gravity].

This is a virtual gravity effect that interferes with the photons in the surrounding space and makes them flow in a directional flow!

Within the range of interference, any object containing photons will be overwhelmed by the [heavy pressure] caused by the flow of countless photons, unable to move!

“Beddie! Wake up!” Tristan had already dragged Bedivere back to the box of the Bao Nantian Knights, and asked Greenville to give first aid.

The golden lion’s mane is inserted into Bedivere’s chest, and it can’t be pulled out, and it can’t be cut. It seems to be fused with Bedivere!

As for Bedivere, he lost consciousness the moment he was stabbed. His face was ashen, and there was only a faint breath left.

“It’s not good to continue like this!” Greenville said, “I don’t know what this mane is, but I’m sure it’s eroding the puppy’s body. If Arthur doesn’t beat the golden lion quickly , the puppy may—”

“Arthur!” Tristan looked worriedly at the battlefield outside the box. All he could count on now was Arthur.

“Ugh—body—can’t move?!” Arthur struggled, but gravity pressed him to the ground, unable to move at all. The red fire dragon evil star on the side is not much better, and it is also suppressed by gravity.

“How? Can’t move? Are you going to surrender?” Hall sneered, “You only have ten minutes. If you can’t deal with Wallace within ten minutes, the one Wallace shot just now. A single mane would completely erode that werewolf. He would become a heartless puppet, food for the Chaos trolls.——He would literally die!”

“If you surrender, kill him immediately. If the time comes, kill him too.” Hall threatened, “The only way to save him is to defeat me!”

“Come on, Arthur, show what you can do!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” Arthur moved his body to move his body. The gravity space is very powerful, and Arthur knows that even if he can move a little, it is definitely not enough to defeat Hall. He used the only method he could use!

“Shaxing, plan No. 110!” Arthur reached out and grabbed the miniature red fire dragon and put it on his back.

“It can only last for five minutes, you really——“

“Do it quickly!” Arthur urged. The weight of the evil star on him almost crushed Arthur. If he didn’t implement this desperate plan, he would never have a chance!

“Fusion!” Shaxing knew that it was useless to talk too much, and he instantly merged with Arthur’s black dragon armor.

It fused the dragon armor with more than 100 fumaroles and spewed out flames. With the thrust of the flames, Arthur stood up.

“Die!” After Arthur said, he rushed over at high speed, raising his sword and slashing at Grand Duke Hall!


Hall simply raised his sword to block, and at the same time jumped onto the golden lion’s back with the momentum!

“Don’t run!” Arthur galloped away against the huge gravitational field, chasing Hall on the lion’s back.

The swords of the two of them slammed in an instant, sending up a storm in the air!

The golden lion runs freely in the gravitational field it has created, as if gravity has no effect on it.

Hall is also free to fight Arthur’s swordsmanship in this gravitational field, as if gravity has no effect on him!

Arthur knew in his heart that it wasn’t without impact. Hall’s strong body has undergone thousands of trials, and has become accustomed to this kind of supergravity, so he can move freely in the gravitational field!

Arthur, on the other hand, can only move his body with the propulsion of the fusion armor!

It’s all too far! There is no chance of winning any further!

Arthur took out the photon dagger, and continued to fight with Grand Duke Hall with the sword of kings in one hand. He raised the dagger and turned into a crossbow, and shot the golden lion indiscriminately!

Wallace was attacked and irritated, and he also shot back countless lion manes, one by one like golden arrows, shot at Arthur! However, Arthur relied on the air superiority of the fusion dragon armor, and kept turning over to dodge!

That’s not enough! You can’t win Hall without continuing to place more bets!

Arthur uses a last resort. He controlled the air vents on the armor by brain waves, making it spray more than three times more propulsion than the original! The fusion dragon armor became red due to the high Arthur’s whole body was burned, but Arthur had more than three times the usual speed!

Swipe, swipe, swipe! ! ! ! The attack that has approached the speed of sound began to make Hall unable to resist!

Whistling, Whistling! ! ! ! Like a red meteor scurrying beside the golden lion, the golden lion had to stop running, and used all his strengths to deal with the hundreds of arrows shot from different angles!

“Ha!” Arthur raised his sword and slashed, driving Hall off the golden lion’s back! !

“Die!!!!” Arthur punched the golden lion on the head, knocking Wallace flying!

“Roar!!!” The golden lion flew far away, and it seemed that he was seriously injured!

“Humph!” Hall also flew far away. He stuck his sword on the ground to stop himself from flying out!

“Ugh!” Arthur’s whole body was scalded by the high heat, and he knew that he was severely burned, even though he was protected by the blood of dragons.

“No, no way!” Shi Xing released the fusion, and he was also severely burned, and it seemed that his strength was almost exhausted.

“Ugh… Who can stand this kind of battle?! I’m sorry, I don’t want to die yet! ——I’m leaving!” Sha Xing said angrily, he opened the space portal and prepared to escape.

“Shaxing?! No!——-” Arthur looked desperately at the red fire dragon who was about to jump into the portal.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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