Light Spirit Epic Chapter 210: Subversion of fate (table)


Chapter 210: Subversion in Destiny (List)

Facing the dark child monster that gradually became huge and terrifying in front of him, Coves took a step back.

It is false not to be afraid, and it is false not to hate. This thing is exactly the same as the monster that killed his wife and more than 100 names in the whole village!

The sins that have not changed, the sins of Coves himself, came to him once again!

Karma’s reincarnation, how cruel and ruthless!

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” monster yelled, everyone present was shocked by the monster’s roar, all of which were blown down by shock waves, all stunned.

“The first-level biological pollution was found, and the concentration of dark particles is 90%. [Dark Annihilator], activate.” Arthur was surrounded by white light, and said mechanically there.

“No!!” Bedivere rushed over and hugged Arthur, “Don’t use that kind of thing! Do you want to kill Tol’vir?!”

“…Beddie?” Arthur seemed to return to normal, he looked at the roaring black monster, “Dark creature?! Don’t stop him quickly—– -“

He looked at the King’s Sword in his hand. The holy sword seemed to emit a stronger golden radiance. He had a way to stop Tol’vir, but that also meant he had to kill Tol’vir.

“Sacrificing one person to save a hundred people.” Arthur recalled Hall’s words in the chess room yesterday, “You must make a measurement and make a choice. No matter what the choice is, you must bear the corresponding sin for the choice you make. .”

That is the most basic condition to become a king!

Arthur lifts his sword and decides to kill the tol’vir. If you don’t kill the leopard boy who was infected by Anko immediately, everyone here will die.

At the same time, Lavis, who was originally in the medical room, struggled to get up.

“Lavis…” He sensed his brother’s abnormality and decided to let go.

“Roar!!!” The monster attacked Corvis beside him, the Leopard Man was so shudder, he didn’t dodge at all!

“Idiot!” Arthur rushed over and knocked off Corvez, the monster’s claws hit Arthur’s sword, knocking him off!

“Wow!” He supported himself and got up, “Surround him! Don’t let him escape!”

Dark Child Creatures Must Be Destroyed Here! If it infects the entire Southern Sky Knights, or escapes into the town, things will become irreversible!

“Hoo!” The monster roared as a threat to the surrounding knights!

“…Arthur, that’s enough.” Coves whispered, “He’ll let me stop it. You…you find the opportunity to stab him and me together.”


“That’s my child,” Coves whispered, “if he has to die… the only thing my useless father can do is… . to die with him.”

When Coves first saw the monster in front of him, he had already made up his mind.

(I created such a monster.)

(It was all my fault.)

(So… since I can’t save you, at least let me die with you.)

(I will apologize to you again on the Yellow Spring Road, Tovir.)

The leopard man endured severe pain and used madness. The giant beast he turned into grabbed the black monster at once and stopped him from moving.

The monster’s claws scratched on the giant beast, tearing out bloodstains. However, that didn’t stop Coves. He has already acted with the determination to die, so what is this pain?

The King’s Sword violently sprays golden light, transforming into a huge photon blade. Arthur was still hesitating.

“Come on! What are you waiting for?!” Coves yelled.

“No!!!!” shouted Ravis (Tolville), who turned into a giant beast and ran, “Don’t hurt Ravis!!!!!”

“What?!” Coves felt the unnaturalness in it, he hesitated for a while!

Just as he hesitated, the monster was about to break free!

Another giant beast rushed over and used his remaining strength to stubbornly restrain the black monster.

“Dad, I’m so sorry!” cried Lavis (Towell), “I just, just wanted to go home and see…I didn’t mean to kill Mommy!”

The leopard warrior is stunned. Then there was a burst of lamentation: “So, this is——“

“Lavis just wanted to save me, he switched our minds.”

Coves understood everything in an instant. It was precisely because of this understanding that he couldn’t help but feel sad, “So that’s what it is… So I didn’t just hurt Tol’vir… I hurt you all at the same time…”

“My dad, I have failed!” he cried.

“Arthur, kill us.” Coves urged again, “Now is the only time! Hurry up!”

“No!” Arthur yelled. A sword stabbed, is three lives. He can’t.

Thinking of Tolville’s (Lavis) smiling face that he managed to recreate, he couldn’t do it.

What nonsense about killing one person to save a hundred people is all bullshit!

Human life is simply immeasurable! The lives of 100 people are not necessarily more important than the lives of one person.

If you can’t do it, you can’t do it!

At this moment, the necklace on Bedivere’s chest emitted an unprecedented white light!

“Arthur!” the werewolf boy hurriedly shouted, he took out the necklace and threw the small stone emitting a strong white light to Arthur!

As soon as Arthur held the stone, the King’s Sword resonated with the stone, and the golden light of the King’s Sword immediately turned into a dazzling white light!

Intuition told Arthur that this stone was the key. This stone is the variable, it can bring about change and break the current stalemate!

Only bet once!

“Colvis!!!!” Arthur raised a huge sword of light, rushed over, and pierced the chests of the three Leopard father and son with one sword!

The sword light keeps growing, escaping, and surrounding the whole world!

Pop! The white stone cracked in Arthur’s hand and shattered into ashes!

“Wow!” Arthur was blown away by the powerful white light, flying dozens of meters away!

The dragon man golem caught Arthur in the air with one hand, and the other hand was still catching the rushing Archmage Merlin.

“My God, I have experienced 600,000 reincarnations, and this is the first time I have seen the [Fourth Miracle].” Merlin said with sincerity and fear.


“The first miracle [space-time creation], the second miracle [mass energy creation], and the third miracle [photon creation].” Merlin and Arthur landed on the ground together. The commentator said, “These three miracles are all methods of creating something out of nothing.”

“So they will be corrected by the world right away, and the things created will only exist for a while.”

The archmage ran to the front of the three fathers and sons of Corvez: “The fourth miracle, that is completely different from the first three miracles, and can distort the existence of the world.”

“The fourth miracle [created by Karma (destiny)] can change a person’s destiny forever.”

He looked at the three father and son lying on the ground, safe and sound.

“That’s something that turns the world upside down.”

On the ground, the Covis father and son have completely escaped the threat of Anko. That huge terrifying black monster, as if it never existed.

The fact that Tolville (Ravis) became a dark child monster was rewritten by the [Fourth Miracle] unleashed by Arthur.

Arthur didn’t just rewrite the fate of Tol’vir, he actually rewrote the fate of Lavis and even Corvez!

These three people who should have died like this, and who have retired forever from history, are now alive.

Every time these three people do something in the future, even taking a breath, it will have an unpredictable impact on the original history of the world. As long as they continue to exist, the history of the world will continue to be distorted.

This distortion is good or bad, even God can’t predict it!

The Fourth Miracle [created by Karma] is something so powerful, yet so uncontrollable, so terrifying!

“A… Arthur?” The leopard warrior grabbed his painful abdomen and slowly got up, “What happened?”

“I don’t know very well.” Arthur was still at a loss, “But, it seems that you are saved, Coves.”

“…Korvis?” The leopard warrior said dissatisfiedly, “Arthur, can you call my name wrong one less time? This time it was too wrong.”


“I’m Palamidis of the Syracuse family, and this is my sons Zephyr and Seglade. It’s not the first day you met us, so it’s time to remember our names. ?” said the leopard warrior.

Arthur’s eyes widened, overwhelmed The Fourth Miracle changed their fates themselves, you’re so surprised just by changing their name? “Merlin muttered in Arthur’s ear.

“Arthur!” Bedivere also came over, “What happened to the explosion just now? I only remember that there was a dying knight in black armor who wanted to attack Zephyr——“

No one in the room remembered anything about the Dark Son monster, except Arthur and Merlin.

No one present would call the [wrong] Leopard three father and son by name, except Arthur and Merlin.

“Merlin, let’s talk about this later.” Arthur lowered his voice.

“Definitely.” Merlin lowered his voice.

“Dad—” Saifer cried while hugging his father, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”

“…It doesn’t matter anymore,” Palamidis comforted his eldest son, “It’s me who should say sorry—”

“Dad!” Seglade also cried with his brother and father in his arms. The three father and son immediately burst into tears.

“Please, please don’t act out such a disgusting plot in front of so many people.” Tristan said as he walked to Bedivere.

“Then why are you crying?” Bedi asked.

“It’s just that sand blew into his eyes,” Tristan said while wiping his red and swollen eyes.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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