Light Spirit Epic Chapter 202: Explore to Suspicion (Part 2)

Chapter 202: Exploring the Mysterious Clouds (Part 2)

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu seemed to return to normal, “No…don’t…!”

“Are you begging me for mercy now?” Arthur stepped forward with his sword, ready to remove Ryder’s head.

“No!” Ryder was not speaking to Arthur at all. As if he saw something and wanted to grab it, he raised his remaining left hand and grabbed the air.

“Don’t kill them! No! Dad! Mom!!” he cried.

“See the vision?” Arthur hesitated.

“No!!!!!!” With the hoarse scream of the rabbit, he put down his hands in despair and lay motionless in the pool of blood.

“Ry, Ryder?” Bedivere came over and asked in a low voice.

“It’s too late. They’ve been killed. I can’t do anything… I’m a useless bum.” Ryder said lifelessly.

“Arthur——” Bedivere turned to Arthur.

“I know what you’re trying to say, but no,” Arthur said coldly, his tone had never been so cold, “This kid must die. I can’t stand him betraying us again.”

“He must have his reasons for doing this!” Bedivere retorted, “he already knew he was wrong, you must—”

“What’s the matter?” Grand Duke Hall arrived with the other knights, and he asked as soon as he came up.

“…The spies have already rectified the law on the spot.” Arthur retracted the sword of the king and said.

“No! Brother Ryder!” Constantine rushed up and looked at the bunny who was cut in half and dying in a pool of blood.

“How cruel! What have you done to him! You devil!” the boy cursed.

Arthur is silent.

“…Sorry, Arthur.” Tristan suddenly ran over, “I won’t just watch Xiaoxue die like this.”

He performed a freezing magic that immediately froze the dying Ryder.

“…Tristan, thank you,” Bedivere said.

“You can sew him together, right?” Bedivere looked at Constantine almost begging.

“Come on, leave it to me.” Constantine swallowed.

Arthur quietly reached out to draw his sword. If he uses his sword at this time, he will definitely be able to chop Ryder frozen in ice into pieces, a piece of meat that can never be repaired.

Then the world is at peace.

However, Grand Duke Hall grabbed Arthur’s hand, shook his head and said, “Be spared and spare.”

Arthur looked at Hall, then at Bedivere, Tristan, and Constantine with pleading looks. In the end, he still failed.

Ten minutes later, the knights were busy transporting the frozen Ryder on stretchers.

Bedivere had time to look at the dragon man golem standing still.

“Sir, you are——“

“I’m the No. 1 Dragonman Golem created by Archmage Merlin. My name is Bols.” The Dragonman Golem said, “This is the first time we meet, please give me more advice.”

“Then, Mr. Bolles—” Bedivere looked at the golem with a silver glow all over his body, and he had a feeling of familiar nostalgia.

“I’m sorry, and…thank you.” After Bedivere finished, two lines of tears poured out of his eyes for no apparent reason.

“Ah? Strange, I don’t know why, I cried for no reason… It’s really rude…” He wiped his tears and said, “It’s the first time we met, please advise.”

The dragon man golem looked at Bedivere with no expression on his face. I don’t know if it was because the golem couldn’t make expressions, or because the golem had no emotions. He said: “Your Excellency is crying for no reason. I am afraid there is a problem with the lacrimal gland. It is recommended that medical supervision be carried out as soon as possible. Then, I will leave first.”

The dragon man golem fluttered its wings and flew away.

“Let’s go back, Bedivere,” Arthur said.

“Yeah.” The werewolf boy agreed and followed Arthur.

The next morning. There are still three days left before the duel between Arthur and Grand Duke Hall.

“What? Another surgery?” Greenville said, “Who is it this time?”

“Well, it’s Brother Ryder.” Constantine said.

“…that rabbit?” Greenville sighed, “Does Arthur know what mercy is?”

Two hours later, Greenville stared at Ryder in the infirmary.

The rabbit man had a broken hand and was chopped off in the waist, and his internal organs were already messed up. What a serious injury.

Nevertheless, by virtue of Constantine being the hand of God, he could still be saved. However, what worries Greenville the most is Ryder’s X-ray photos.

His brain X-ray shows an eerie shadow.

That thing, like a giant spider, clasped Ryder’s brain tightly.

Is it possible to live like this? With such a foreign body in the brain, it must be suffering from severe pain all the time. Is that a tumor? Or, some kind of implant?

“What the **** is that? Does it have something to do with the blackening of the rabbit?” Arthur asked.

“…I don’t know if I don’t take it out.” Greenville said, “But I don’t think the rabbit’s physical strength can support both wound healing and craniotomy.”

“How long is the fastest?” Arthur asked.

“Judging by the orc’s resilience…a month,” Greenville deduced.

“We can’t wait that long. If that thing is the reason for his blackening, the sooner you take it off, the safer it will be — for us, and for him.”

“There is still a way.” Greenville took out a bottle of injection from her own medicine cabinet: “Remember this? The serum of succubus poison. It is also a powerful medicine to enhance metabolism.”

“Is that kind of thing okay to use on Ryder?!” Bedivere couldn’t help interjecting.

“…I’m afraid that he will struggle and the wound will open when he first uses it.” Greenville said, “But once the effect is miraculous, the metabolism of the whole body has been enhanced hundreds of times, which will make his body The wounds healed instantly. Including visceral injuries.”

“Then there is enough physical strength to perform a craniotomy. Well, that’s it.” Arthur said.

“Arthur! Such a messed up method is completely disregarding Ryder’s life and death!” Bedivere protested.

“There is one more problem,” Greenville said, ignoring the protest of the werewolf boy: “Craniotomy is different from other surgeries. The human brain has too many unknown structures, and many things are still unknown even in today’s medicine. I don’t know. No matter how powerful Constantine is the hand of God, there is no guarantee that he will not damage the brain of the rabbit. There is a high chance that he will become an idiot.”

“You’re kidding me!!” Bedivere protested loudly.

“Boy,” Arthur said to Bedivere with a scowl, but rarely calmly, “he has no choice. That **** has done enough damage, and he has no right to say no to what we do with him. If you are still dissatisfied, I will break him with a sword now.”

Seeing Arthur’s angry face, Bedivere reluctantly gave in.

Two hours later, the rabbit was stitched up and finally restored to a human form. Constantine was so tired that he had already lost consciousness, and Greenville, who was instructing him, was also very tired, but she knew that she couldn’t just fall asleep like this.

“Go ahead.” Arthur said.

“I don’t care what it will be like?” Greenville said.

“What will happen is the fate of this rabbit. He has done so many good things, even if he died, he deserves it.” Arthur said coldly.

“What a ruthless person. Okay.”

Greenville secures Ryder the Rabbit to the hospital bed to prevent him from moving and tearing the wound.

She injected the rabbit with a series of medicines, including nutrients, antibiotics and hormones.

Then she took out the vial of succubus poison and injected it into Ryder’s arm.

A violent reaction began, and Rabbit Ryder trembled throughout his body. Since he was strapped to the hospital bed by dozens of straps, his movements were very slight, and it seemed that there were barely any lacerations.

The rabbit looked very distressed, sweating profusely.

From his pale face, it can be seen that he is still very weak, and his body has not been able to regenerate smoothly.

“No way, I’ll give him another healing magic.” Greenville said.

“No! There’s no need to use magic for such a bunny to reduce your life*.” Arthur said.

(*Note: Human beings will be punished by petrification if they use any magic. Even if they are not petrified immediately, they will accelerate human aging.)

“It’s just a little magic, no big deal.” Greenville said.

After coming out of the operating room, Greenville was so tired that she fell asleep. Arthur settled her and Constantine in the lounge, looking at the woman and child sleeping on the sofa with a feeling of suffocation.

(Why? They can do this for a stranger?)

(This stranger also betrayed Arthur and the others time and time again, putting them in a dangerous situation. Is such a bunny still worth saving?)

(Does it make any sense to repay grievances with virtue like this?)

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!


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